Chapter 159 Is This the Angel the Citizens Say?

On the street, a journalist was interviewing a passerby on the side of the street.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

"Excuse me, do you know anything about angels?"

The reporter turned the microphone on a woman.

"I know."

"I heard that you can see angels here!"

The girl replied.

"Do you know about angels?"

The reporter pointed the microphone at another person.

"Yes, I know."

"I saw it from my school window last week!"

"There really are angels!"

The man answers the reporter.

"The section chief of our company said he saw it while playing golf, so I came here to take a look today."

Another white-collar worker was interviewed.

"I also heard from a friend that he saw it here!"

"So I'll try it too."

An old man said.

"Excuse me, lady, have you seen an angel?"

The reporter asked.

"I've seen that angel shining with light all over his body."

"I believe that angels must always be by our side to protect us!"

said the old woman.

At this time, in the command room of the victory team, Ju Jianhui's expression was very strange, and she watched the TV news.

"Captain, who is that person on the TV?"

Dagu asked at this time.

"You don't need to know who she is."

Ju Jianhui directly refused.

At this time, Ju Jian Hui returned to her room and looked at the photos on the desktop.

"There's a letter in your voicemail!"

At this time, the system suddenly spoke.

"Who sent it?"

Ju Jianhui asked directly.

"No known sender ID"

The metropolitan system replied.

Jianhui thought for a while and walked to the computer, only to see a cartoon animation appearing in the letter of the computer system.

"Save grandma, please save grandma!"

The cartoon little boy said in the voicemail of Junjianhui.

"Knowing Tree!"

Ju Jianhui heard directly that the person who sent the letter was her son.

She looked back at the photos on the desktop, not knowing what she was thinking for a moment.

The screen changes.

In the center of the city, a huge white image suddenly appeared in the city.

"Right in the center of the city, a huge white image appeared!"

"Is this what the townspeople call an angel?"

"Many citizens gathered here to watch!"

The reporter reported at this time.

"The shape is still changing, there is no final shape!"

In the command room of the victory team, Dagu and others looked at the report of the so-called angel again.

"It's so beautiful! But it always feels weird!"

Lina looked at the image on the TV and said.

"Ye Rui, can you project images into the sky through holography?"

Dig a well and ask Xiang Yerui.

"There should be no problem!"

"However, if you use so much light energy, it will definitely attract the attention of the Information Section Management Center!"

Ye Rui knew the idea of ​​digging the well, and directly pointed out the problem of digging the well.

"Call the captain!"

Zong Fang ordered after sitting in a chair and contemplating for a moment.


Ye Rui responded.

"The captain is not in her room!"

Ye Rui found that the captain was missing and said quickly.
The heavens are all over the world.

Model Moon World Gilgamesh: "Angel? What a ridiculous thing. If you tell me that there are angels in this world, the first thing I do is break off the so-called angel's wings to see what it tastes like."

Icarus: "? We don't eat well."

Detective World Conan: "My God! There are really angels in this world!"

Royal National Knights World Akado: "Angel, it really sounds like a group of holy creatures, so it must be very touching to kill, right?"

Guobao special attack world pineapple blowing snow: "Why do you have so much malice towards angels?"

Witch Hunter Robin World Robin: "Perhaps the so-called angel is another more terrifying creature!"
At this time, Xincheng was driving the Feiyan to patrol the sky above the city.

"I am Xincheng."

Xincheng received a communication.

"An abnormal situation has occurred near your current location!"

Zong Fang said in the communication.

Upon hearing these words, Xincheng directly flew the Feiyan towards the city below.

"There is no way to detect it from the air, but"

Before Xincheng finished speaking, he felt dizzy.

"what happened?"

Zong Fang asked worriedly at this time.

"Then you come back first!"

Zong Fang said to Xincheng.


Xincheng apologizes to Zongfang.

At this time, everyone in the victory team's command room looked at each other, and Zong Fang crossed his hands and began to think.

The screen turns.

Junjianhui drove the car to a villa.

As soon as she was about to enter the house, she saw the old lady on TV.

"Xiaohui, long time no see."

She walked over and looked at Ju Jianhui and said.


Ju Jianhui apologized.

"I understand, you are the captain of the winning team."

"It's been busy, but you can relax now!"

Ju Jianhui was taken aback by the old grandma's words.

"Someone will come to pick us up later!"

"They will descend to the ground soon, do you believe it?"

The old lady walked into the house with Ju Jianhui and said.

"You mean an angel?"

Jun Hui asked.

"Maybe Shengren will come back with them!"

Hearing her mother-in-law's words, Ju Jianhui looked sad.

"Shengren, she will never come back! He is dead!"

Junjian Hui told a fact.

"Don't say that if you meet an angel."

"I will understand."

The old lady looked at Ju Jianhui and said.

"I'm sorry, can I go and see Zhishu?"

Ju Jianhui didn't want to say more on this topic.

The mother-in-law didn't reply, she just turned around and left.
Ultra World.

"What do you think of this angel?"

Otto's father looked at Zhong Ao.

"Could it be some kind of alien technology? I think it's a strange phenomenon created by aliens rather than so-called angels."

Shikali said.

"I also agree with Hikari's words."

Eddie said at this time.

"This kind of pretentiousness reminds me of a civilization."

Shikali thought for a while and said.

"A Kirielod?"

Mebius followed Hikari's train of thought and asked in confusion.

"That's right, although I'm not sure, but the Kiriarods are indeed the most suspicious, because they are the only ones who like to play tricks like this, and so far I've seen only the Kiriarods using the excuse of protecting the earth." to invade."

After Hikari expressed his thoughts, Zhong Ao pondered for a while.

"I've decided! I'll use this so-called Kirielod to train Dagu!"

Leo hammered his fist hard.

"Leo, this is just a guess! Don't let the anger go to your head!"

Sophie said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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