Famous scenes in comics: the opening inventory of the legend of Milong!

Chapter 169 It turns out that Captain, did you already know that Dijia is Dagu's business?

Chapter 169 It turns out that Captain, did you already know that Dijia is Dagu's business?

The tentacles of an octopus, the two palms are the head of a furry and disgusting feline and the head of a snake, the two terrifying heads form the palms of Bakgond, and its back is covered with rough and rough White exoskeleton, these things grow densely and randomly on its back and head.

At the end of its tail are two separate hard horns, and the lowermost thigh is an ocean octopus-like tentacles wrapped around his legs.On the other leg is the scale armor of an unknown creature. Its two ugly big feet have a disgusting mouth, and those crazy sharp teeth seem to tear anything pitifully.

Ba Kegong, whose eyes were bright and understanding, walked slowly towards his goal.

"It's a nightmare!"

Among the many people running for their lives in a panic, the psychiatrist looked at this monster, but he didn't know that it was the monster that Ikuta had drawn.

He covered his face and told the truth loudly, but no one cared about his words at this moment.

"Ah! God! Run!"

The psychiatrist followed the crowd and fled directly.

On the corridor above.

Tao Si took Tomoko's hand and ran out.

"Where are we going to flee to?"

Tomoko asked her boyfriend in doubt.

Momoji stopped instantly when he heard Tomoko's words.

"Where are you going? That's right! Go to Spain!"

Tao Si thought of a place in his mind and hurriedly said to Tomoko.

In the alley, the three members of the victory team stopped their running pace when they saw Bakgong in the distance.

"This time in color!"

Xincheng looked at the monster that appeared in the distance because of the dream and shouted loudly.

"Just like a dream"

Xincheng looked up at Bakgong constantly destroying everything on the street.

At this time, Dagu was driving a car and came quickly from a distance. Digging a well above the sky took Lina, who was also driving Feiyan No. [-], and fired a green laser at Bakgong.

The laser of the Feiyan directly passed through Bakgong's head.

Bakgon looked at this annoying and disgusting bug.

Dagu on the ground also fired the weapon shells on the vehicle.

Dagu looked at the attack that had no effect at all, although he had expected it, he raised his head in surprise.

"No! It's useless to shoot again!"

"This monster is a phantom created by someone!"

"There is no way to fight him!"

Digging said in the communication.


Lina wanted to say something at this time, but now she couldn't do anything.

"It would be great if Ultraman appeared!"

Digging said at this time.

"Then what shall we do?"

Lina asked to dig a well.

"If it's a dream, I really hope the dreamer wakes up quickly!"

The words of digging the well reached Dagu's ears.


Dagu already had an idea when he heard the words of digging a well.

"That's right, I have a solution!"

Thinking of this, Dagu drove the vehicle back.

"Hey! Dagu, where are you going!"

"You can't get cold feet!"

Digging the well saw Dagu driving the vehicle back and shouting loudly.


Victory team command room.

When Ju Jianhui heard the words of digging the well, she frowned and muttered to herself. At this moment, she wanted to understand what was going on.
The heavens are all over the world.

Li Xingyun, the world of bad people: "I see, Jujianhui has long been suspicious of Dagu, and now this sentence of Digging is the last straw for Jujianhui's suspicion of Dagu's identity!"

Detective World Conan: "Think, every time a monster appears, Dagu doesn't appear. How many times, no one in the winning team suspects him except Captain Ju Jianhui? Tsk tsk, how stupid."

Model Moon World Da Vinci: "It's not an accident. After all, every time Dagu appears, it's either an accident or an accident. These people think it's a miracle that Dagu is alive. How dare they go in the direction of Ultraman?" What do you think?"

Ultraman Mengbius Ultraman in the Ultra World: "After all, the fact that people are only light is too nonsense. Who would believe that my teammate is usually Ultraman! Although it is a bit benzene. This is the truth!"

Super God Armed Ge Xiaolun: "But to be honest, Captain Ju Jianhui has doubted Dagu's identity for a long time, she just sees it through and doesn't say it!"
At this time, Dagu drove the vehicle to an unoccupied place.

"Golden sleep, the privilege of youth!"

"To deal with dreams, use dreams!"

At this time, the voice of the narration above the inventory sounded.

"good night!"

After Dagu muttered something, he slowly entered the dreamland.

"After Dagu has seen everything."

"Step into the world of Pokémon!"

"Get ready to deal with that dream monster!"

Accompanied by the narration, the Dagu in the dream directly took out the magic light stick on his body and stretched out his hand to the sky. In an instant, the black and white Tijia came to reality from the dream!
Bakgong looked at Di Jia who suddenly appeared, and yelled at him provocatively.

When Di Jia went up, he punched Ba Kegong in the head, and then kicked him sideways, blinding Ba Kegong instantly.

Last time, it wasn't like this last time, was it?
Di Jia grabbed Bakgong's head and beat him fiercely.

But under the huge strength of Bakgong, Bakgong directly threw Dijia out.

This time Dijia went around behind Bakgong and attacked him. The thick-skinned Bakgong let Dijia attack him, and then broke free from Dijia's shackles!The moment it saw Tiga fell on the ground, it hurried over to beat Dijia the dog in the water!

Before Tiga stood up, Bakgong strangled Tiga's neck and threw him to the ground.

Tiga fired a light bullet at Bakgon.

The next moment Bakgong roared in pain.
Zongman of the Heavens - Tiga World.

"It turns out that Captain, you already knew that Dijia is Dagu's business?"

Digging the truth suddenly asked Junjian Hui. After all, the barrage said they were idiots, and they had no way to refute it. After all, this situation is only personal or suspicious.

"Maybe, but you are not stupid, after all, this is trust in your teammates."

The two in the middle, Hui Moling, had to answer the question of digging a well.

How would she know the future?
"Okay, let's put this matter aside first."

Director Sawai also rubbed his temples at this time.

"I will find the best detectives in the world to help you cultivate your professionalism. Although you are all leaders in all walks of life! But I hope you can become the best of the best!"

Sawai said in a somewhat helpless tone.

"Ah no!"

Lina said helplessly at this moment.

Why do they have to study!

First Dagu and then them, they are really miserable!
"Well, I agree with Director Sawai's words!"

Ju Jianhui nodded and sold all his subordinates directly.


There was a wailing in the command room of the victory team.

(End of this chapter)

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