Famous scenes in comics: the opening inventory of the legend of Milong!

Chapter 85 The World Chess Game, Chess Players Li Xingyun and Zhang Zifan!

Chapter 85 The World Chess Game, Chess Players Li Xingyun and Zhang Zifan!

Guobao World Pineapple Chuuxue: "It looks like two funny comparisons."

Senior Brother You Pit the World Dongfang Xianyun: "This is the real Li Xingyun, isn't it?"

Guobao World Pineapple Chuuxue: "That's right."
Just when Li Xingyun was going outside to get some wine.

The wooden door in the courtyard was pushed open, and Zhang Zifan and the two looked at the person coming.

I saw Ji Ruxue leaning on the wooden door panting, "Jianguo sent an order today! It is said that the emperor has turned against his ministers and is a bad man.

Hearing the news from Ji Ruxue, Li Xingyun and Zhang Zifan turned their heads and smiled at each other.


Zhang Zifan opened the iron fan in his hand and fanned it slightly.

"It seems that you are also waiting for him to make a move?"

Li Xingyun sat down again, and he looked at Zhang Zifan who kept fanning the wind.

Hearing this, Zhang Zifan nodded, closed his iron fan and looked at Li Xingyun: "Well, do you want to play a game of chess?"

"Okay." Li Xingyun agreed with downcast eyes.

Outside the door, Ji Ruxue, who heard the two talking, turned and left.
"It's been a few years, you and I have known each other for a few years now."

Under the red clouds in the distance, Zhang Zifan's voice came slowly.

"Who remembers?"

Hearing Li Xingyun's words, Zhang Zifan put the chessboard on the table and agreed: "Yes, I don't remember too."

"I only remember that in Yuzhou City, my junior sister was almost bullied by you."

Li Xingyun put the wine on the stone table, and then sat down: "I'm so angry."


Hearing Li Xingyun's words, Zhang Zifan smiled, sat on the stone chair and listened to Li Xingyun continue to say: "To be honest, I didn't have a good impression of you at that time."

"Although you helped me detoxify the corpse poison of black and white impermanence."

"But I still feel that your purpose is impure."

Speaking of this, Li Xingyun pointed to Zhang Zifan with a very serious look in his eyes.

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Zifan quickly argued: "Lin Xuan and I, that's our destiny!"

"At that time, your goal was me!" Li Xingyun asked possessively.

"Aren't you and I also destined by destiny?" Zhang Zifan probed back.

Li Xingyun did not expect Zhang Zifan to say such nasty and disgusting words, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he quickly turned around to smooth the goosebumps under his clothes.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

Zhang Zifan looked at the distant sky.

"It's not easy to make it this far!" He said with emotion in his tone.

"Yeah, you don't look like you anymore." Li Xingyun responded.

"You're not the same."

There was a little melancholy in Zhang Zifan's tone.

Afterwards, Zhang Zifan's face was solemn, and there was no hint of ridicule in his tone: "The world is in chaos, and I don't know where to go? Why don't you walk the road ahead again and find a direction."

Seeing Zhang Zifan's state, Li Xingyun also became serious: "That's exactly what I mean, please."


Zhang Zifan stretched out his hand to signal.


Then Li Xingyun took out a chess piece in his hand, looked at the chessboard, and the sunspot fell to the ground.

Zhang Zifan also took out a piece, and the white piece: "The bad guy risked his life to start the game, we can only break the game if we enter the game."

Seeing Zhang Zifan's move, Li Xingyun said, "The shape of an overlord can be won by strategy, by soldiers, by terrain, and by action."

"This son respects Yuan Tiangang."

Li Xingyun dropped Heizi on the stone table,

Seeing Li Xingyun like this, Zhang Zifan said: "The way of heaven is permanent. If you want to know the future, you should look at the past. Those who win the sage rule, and those who lose the sage lose."

"This son, I respect Li Chunfeng."

Similarly, Zhang Zifan also dropped the white piece on the stone table, corresponding to Li Xingyun's black piece.

Black and white are clear.

Li Xingyun smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then said again: "Soldier gods and monsters, close to death."

"A conspiracy is easy to break, but a conspiracy is hard to prevent!"

Zhang Zifan saw the place where Li Xingyun dropped his son, thought for a while, then took out one and dropped it next to Heizi.

Li Xingyun said softly: "Li Siyuan's poisonous master agrees and cooperates, we can only go to Raodi far away."

"But I don't know that he is in the Central Plains! Take the jade seal and become a prison country!" Zhang Zifan said helplessly.

"His move is really brilliant!"

Li Xingyun looked at the situation on the chessboard and took a piece for a long time without falling, but soon, he took out a black piece and landed it resolutely: "Today's supervisory order, encircle and suppress bad people!"

Zhang Zifan took his son and said slowly: "The encirclement and suppression is one of them."

Then fall and surround.

"Attracting people to kill you is the second!"

After saying this, Zhang Zifan focused his eyes on Li Xingyun.

"Inducing people to kill you is the third!"

"Jianguo is powerful, and the princes from all walks of life are powerless to resist." Li Xingyun said: "The only option is to submit."

"Uncle Wu said."

Seeing this, Zhang Zifan thought for a while and said, "King Qi didn't!"

Hearing Zhang Zifan's words, Li Xingyun replied: "There is no best, but Jian Guo has hundreds of thousands of troops."

"If it's King Qi, how can we fight against it?"

Li Xingyun's black chess fell, and Zhang Zifan's white chess followed closely behind: "If you and I? How to fight?"

As soon as Zhang Zifan's words came out, Li Xingyun and Li Xingyun were struck like a bolt from the blue.

And this is also the main reason why the two of them have been thinking for a long time and have not yet come to a conclusion.

Li Xingyun clenched his hands tightly in the chess bucket, and soon he had an idea, and swayed the sunspots onto the ground.

"Use those scattered around the world—"

"Bad people!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Zifan sneered, "That's the one who wants to kill you."

"It's all about convincing!"

Zhang Zifan was not surprised that Li Xingyun said this, so he asked another question: "Where are the people who hate you?"

"Just attack the heart!"

Li Xingyun raised his eyes slightly, "So!"

With his internal strength, the black chess pieces on the ground bounced into his hands: "I will save them!"


Sunspots play chess.

"Will beat them too."

Zhang Zifan looked at the situation on the board and took out the white pieces: "You can save people faster than Jian Guo can kill people?"

After speaking, he took away the two sunspots surrounded.

Li Xingyun didn't care that Zhang Zifan won those two coins: "Then save as much as you can!"

"But in the current situation, bad people will regard you and Li Siyuan as sworn enemies! They are willing to kill you both!"

Zhang Zifan attached himself to check the situation on the chessboard: "But, do you want to save the world?"

Li Xingyun's expression froze when he heard Zhang Zifan's words, he was right!
"If it's not in a desperate situation."

I only heard Zhang Zifan continue to say: "Who would like to be caught in a war?"

"Will it or not, it's up to them!"

After thinking in Li Xingyun's mind for a moment, he stood up and the black bullet fell, while the white bullet flew into the air.

Zhang Zifan frowned slightly: "Even if you are extremely capable! If you can save all the bad people in the world, can you get rid of Li Siyuan?"

Chat group world Song Shuhang: "A little bit, I want to know about Li Xingyun's past, black and white impermanence, soldiers and ghosts, and Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, their past is so interesting."

The confused teacher in the pig world: "The world is a chessboard, and people are chess pieces. It seems that everything we saw before is every link in his two games."

Lingjian Mountain World Wang Lu: "It can be seen now that Li Xingyun is on the path of domineering, while Zhang Zifan is on the path of heaven."

"I really want to know what happened during the time period when the domineering Yuan Tiangang and the heavenly Daoist Li Chunfeng existed."

Dragon World Lu Mingfei: "No, don't you guys think it's awesome, the direction of things in a year's time has been decided a year ago, and Zhang Zifan has become emperor, it seems that they have succeeded!"

One-person world Zhang Chulan: "It's up to people to do it, and it's a cloze. As long as you have a direction, you can control the general scope."

One-person world Wang Zhenqiu: "Hey, I want to get to know you a little bit, Zhang Chulan."

One-man world Zhang Chulan: "."

(End of this chapter)

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