Chapter 173 Rogue
These people are all gentry families inside and outside Bianjing, different from the ordinary people at the beginning, the servants around him all raised different important gifts in their hands.

When Yin Ling's carriage and guard of honor returned to the gate of the palace, they waited in an orderly manner without any noise.

Wait until Yin Ling gets off the carriage.

"Caomin and others have met His Royal Highness Fanyang County King."

The old man who took the lead bowed and bowed, and many people behind him also paid respects to Yin Ling.

With quick hands and sharp eyes, Yin Ling stopped the old man from bowing down: "Old man, why is this?"

The old man looked at Yin Ling sincerely, and said: "Your Highness, I don't know that all the clans and I are all people of Yandi. After Shi Jingtang dedicated Yanyun to Liao Kingdom, we lost our status as Han people. In desperation, I had no choice but to move my family to the south, at that time the age was bad, relatives were separated on the way, and some died of starvation and freezing, now His Highness has regained Yanyun’s homeland, and he has treated us with kindness and rebuilding, so he deserves this obeisance.”

With that said, I want to bow down again.

Yin Lin stopped him, then raised his head, and said loudly to the crowd: "Folks, you don't need to thank me. I, Yin Lin, gained the power to be in the situation I am today. Thank you...for those who dedicated their lives to Yan Yun's return. sages and martyrs!"

"Your Highness, Gao Yi!" The old man's stooped body shook, and he immediately held Yin Lin's hand, showing sincerity.

"His Highness Gao Yi!"

Everyone shouted.

Yin Ling waved his hand and said: "The visitor is a guest, so it's not good to stay here. If you don't dislike it, why don't you come into the mansion with me. Let's take a look at this palace. What does it look like?"

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

They thought that Yin Ling was just being polite, so they didn't go in, and shied away a few times.

Unexpectedly, Yin Ling coaxed and invited the old man into the mansion. When the others saw it, they couldn't help but be surprised. Under Yin Ling's repeated invitation, they had no choice but to follow in.

In the afternoon of that day, Yin Ling held a big banquet for these distinguished gentry.

He chanted "Happy with the people", drank freely, and talked freely about Yanyun.

He even said to these gentry that they are welcome to return to their homeland at any time, they can settle down or do business. If they take root in Bianjing, they can also do business with Yanyun. This is an opportunity.

Everyone thanked again and again, and their hearts were even more joyful.

Unexpectedly, just by paying homage to King Fan Yang, he could get the honor of entering the palace, and even the commercial benefits promised by King Fan Yang.

No matter what, if you go out from here, at least you can brag for a lifetime.


"It's just too much!"

Zhao Zongquan was indignant.

"Okay, let's calm down, cough..." Zhao Zhen sighed and coughed several times.

Zhao Zongquan hurried forward to give Zhao Zhen a favor.

Zhao Zhen let out a long breath, and then said: "In life, even if you are an emperor, you have to be a little confused."

"But father..."

Zhao Zongquan didn't know how to go on when he said this, so he could only sigh heavily, "A minister, what does it mean to 'have fun with the people'? Isn't it arrogance?"

Zhao Zhen shook his head: "So what, you can still punish him?"

Zhao Zongquan's expression froze, the current him does not have this ability.

Don't talk about him, even Zhao Zhen can't do it.

"If it doesn't work, I will let Shilin reject him and make him a lonely man!" Zhao Zongquan said angrily.


Zhao Zhen said, "Will he still take this kind of thing seriously? Or...Jia Changchao and those Qingliu have never let him go since he echoed the emperor and ministers in front of the Daqing Palace. You see When did he care?"

Zhao Zongquan was silent.

Zhao Zhen continued: "Those who achieve great things must put the pattern first. Yin Ling's ability to accomplish such a great event at a young age has a lot to do with his talent and strength, but most importantly, his pattern determines His achievements are like the phrase 'joy with the people'."

Zhao Zongquan remained silent.

Zhao Zhen finally said: "Instead of caring about what presumptuous words he said, it is better to learn something from him."

"We really..."

Zhao Zongquan was still not reconciled, "Is there nothing we can do about him?"

Zhao Zhen shook his head: "I believe him. He said that he was a Song official all his life, and he was a Song official all his life. Even though he has done so much in Yanyun, he still can't escape the Five Elements Mountain, the official of the Song Dynasty."

"What about his son? What about his grandson?" Zhao Zongquan asked.

Zhao Zhen smiled: "Then I can't take care of it, and it's not something I should take care of. It's impossible for our Zhao family to sit on the throne for thousands of years."

With that said, Zhao Zhen patted Zhao Zongquan on the shoulder, then lay down on the couch, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Zhao Zongquan was left alone and messy.


It was the second day of Yin Ling's king ceremony.

Three guards of honor walked out from Prince Fanyang's mansion, and each guard of honor carried a carriage of money and gifts.

And in the palace, by the pool in the back mountain.

"Ming'er, you are moving too fast, right?" Yin Ling smiled wryly.

The eldest lady Minglan... Oh, she is now Princess Fan Yang, she gave Yin Ling a white look, and said: "My Highness Fan Yang, if you don't worry any more, my sisters and sisters can marry someone else, you Are you willing?"

"Of course I don't want to."

Yin Ling walked up to Ming Lan and embraced her from behind. The scent of flowers flowing through his nostrils made him fascinated, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Oh, it's broad daylight." Ming Lan was very shy and wanted to push Yin Bing away, but for some reason, when the jade hand was close to Yin Bing's chest, she just pushed gently, like the strength of a feather.

Didn't want to push it away at all.

"What happened in broad daylight?"

Yin Ling looked like a rascal, and joked, "I am in my own home, making out with my wife, who dares to say anything?"

"Hooligan." Minglan Yuxia was already red, and she gave Yin Ling another look with anger and shame. No one could hold back the mature charm of a married woman.

Yin Ling was so excited by her glance, he couldn't help leaning his head on her fragrant shoulder, and whispered in her delicate ear: "You don't like it? Then last night..."


Ming Lan only felt that Yin Ling's breath wrapped her little pink ears and touched her sensitive nerves, half of her body was crisp and numb, and there was a strange feeling in her body.

She escaped from Yin Ling's arms with a flushed face, and said, "You, you are not allowed to say."

When he said this, he wanted to refuse but greeted, with anger and shame, it was indeed a touch of delicate lotus in the spring pond, blooming just right.

"I prefer to say."

Yin Ling stepped forward, hugged her again, and then pretended to be enlightened, and said, "Oh~ yes, you didn't like it last night, but you asked for forgiveness. No wonder you called Yan'er in a hurry in the middle of the night. ……Well."

Before he could finish speaking, a burst of fragrance wafted into his nostrils, and immediately after, a soft jade hand pressed against his mouth.

"You, you, don't say it, okay?" Minglan's pretty face was so red that it was bleeding.

At this moment, her mind is full of the scene of last night's spring night. The more she thinks about it, the more embarrassing she becomes, but the happier she feels.

The man in front of him is really... very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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