Chapter 138 The Parchment Foundation

The man in the house was just bored, no matter who it was, it was extremely impolite to knock on the door at night.

As soon as he got out of bed, he smelled a musty smell around him.


The chandelier in the hotel began to flicker inexplicably.

The man glanced at the top of his head speechlessly.

What kind of inferior chandeliers are used in this broken hotel!
It doesn't matter, his pupils shrank.

Above him, the roof, which was as white as new just now, started to become old at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mold is all over the roof.

He even saw the wall begin to age, as if it had gone through decades in an instant.

The aging walls are starting to fall off.


The woman in the house also saw the change in the surrounding environment.

Couldn't help but screamed.

"Dong dong dong..."

The dull knock on the door sounded again, this time the knock on the door seemed so terrifying to the white man.

The weird tone seemed to have strangled his soul.

Suddenly, the two people in the room were like a pool of rotten meat.

Lie straight on the bed, on the ground.

Their faces were livid, only a piece of ashes, and there was no expression in their eyes.

In a blink of an eye, the body began to emit a foul smell.

And outside the door, the weird old man who knocked on the door has disappeared at the door.

Shortly thereafter, there were several screams in the hotel.

Soon the police came.

"How can this place age so badly? James, do you know what it is?"

"Ward, don't you see that everyone is frowning? If you ask me this question, you might as well ask God."

"Go get those two surveillance videos and bring them back to the police station."

In the corridor, two young police officers were talking, and one of them pointed to the two cameras in the corridor.

This may be their only clue so far.

The bodies in the house have been removed.

But there are still many detectives and experts staying in the room.

Some people are trying to find the secret of the aging of this house, while others are just purely curious.

Soon, Ward found the monitoring room of the hotel and called up the video.

In the monitoring, it was quite normal at the beginning.

Shortly thereafter, the monitoring screen disappeared, and there was only darkness in the monitoring screen.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a strange knock on the door.


Ward frowned, what's going on?
He called up the video from another surveillance camera.

"Dong dong dong... dong dong dong..."

Still only the knock on the door.

Damn, why is there only a knock on the door, what about the picture?

"Dong dong dong..."

Ward turned off the video without thinking twice.

But he suddenly discovered that he had subconsciously paused the recording just now.

The knock on the door came from behind him!

Ward only felt the hairs stand on his back, and the knock on the door at the scene of the crime rang behind him.

And exactly the same!
He didn't even think about it, he drew his gun and turned around in one go.

Behind him, the door of the monitoring room was open, and an old man with corpse spots stood at the door. He did not come in at the door, and was staring at Ward with ashen eyes.

He put his dry hand on the door and knocked.

Knocking on the door has not gone far, but was attracted back again.

The interior of the room is rapidly aging and becoming mottled.

"Dong dong dong..."

Before Ward could say anything in the future, he fell to the ground with only gray eyes.

he died.


In the corridor, several chandeliers began to flicker.

After a while, it went out.

James just heard a few strange knocks on the hotel door.

Although it seemed a little far away from him, he heard it faintly.

Although the lamp above his head was off, he didn't think much about it.

There are currently a lot of police officers here. No matter where you are, having a lot of people is a sense of security.

He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight.

The dazzling lights illuminated the darkness.

James broke out in a cold sweat suddenly, his eyes stared like copper bells.

In front of him, stood an old man covered in corpse spots, looking at him face to face.

The two were less than a meter apart.

Even though he was used to seeing all kinds of horrific murder scenes, his heart was in his throat at this moment.

He could even smell a corpse.

Who can understand the creepy feeling of staring at the dead without any defense.

Just as James was about to make a move, he was dragged into the darkness, accompanied by the sound of the phone falling.

When people are in extreme fear, their brains will go blank.

Even the reaction will be slowed down.

Half an hour later, except for a rookie who had just entered the police station, there was no one alive in the entire hotel.

Many people were lucky not to hear the knock on the door the first time, but this time they were not so lucky.

Many people's expressions before dying are extremely terrified.


The rookie curled up in a corner in the isolation room of the police station, nagging non-stop.

The body trembled, and some yellow liquid could be vaguely seen on the ground.

Natasha stood outside the isolation room, watching the rookie's every move.

The rookie's name is Cole.

Natasha was originally here to perform other tasks, but because of an emergency, she was transferred here.

Nearly 40 people died at once, and there were more than a dozen state policemen, and it was suspected to be a supernatural event.

The situation has seriously exceeded the purview of the ordinary police.

"Dong dong dong..."

Natasha tapped lightly on the glass.

The youth in the room curled up even tighter.

Don't dare to look at the outside world at all.

Soon there was another pool of yellow liquid on the ground.

After repeated tests by them, the police officer who survived by chance was extremely sensitive to the knocking sound.

Look at this rookie's reaction.

As long as they kept tapping, they might have a complete mental breakdown.

Although it has collapsed now, at least there is still hope of healing, and it has not completely collapsed.

According to their observations, this guy can still understand people sometimes.

But there was no coherent answer at all.


Natasha's phone vibrated.


Natasha's expression changed.

There is a haze between the brows.

She couldn't believe everything she said on the phone.

Natasha has sent all the items on the scene to the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch here for testing.

The headquarters just called to say that when the branch detected the surveillance video, it heard a knock on the door.

Shortly thereafter, dozens of S.H.I.E.L.D. employees in the branch all died.

And death is horrible.

The reason why they know such details is that S.H.I.E.L.D. has strict procedures when detecting suspected supernatural items, and uploads logs to the intranet cloud at every step.

Natasha stared sharply at the trembling figure in the isolation room.

She knew why this man was so scared.

The problem isn't the knocking.

It's the knock on the door, as long as you hear it, you may encounter something terrifying.

Suddenly, the lights above her head began to flicker.

Her eyes were fixed on the light above her head.

On the other end of the phone, there was only a busy tone.

Her mobile phone is specially made, even if she is in the wild mountains and forests, in the deep sea, or on Mount Everest, it is impossible for her to have no signal.

The agent's instinct made her smell a hint of danger.

She quickly flipped through the small backpack she carried with her.

From the bottom of the backpack, I found the special earplugs that I have never used.

This earplug is made of the latest nanomaterials.

But Natasha has always felt that this thing is tasteless.

She's a secret agent, not an elderly person with severe insomnia.

Now it comes in handy.

Plugging her ears, Natasha quickly opened the door, wanting to leave.

When she opened the door, she didn't dare to move, cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Just in the brand new corridor, now it is covered with mold, cobwebs, and there is a musty smell.

The walls are weathered, and some parts of the corridor have collapsed.

The photos of outstanding police officers hanging in the corridor are all yellowed and wrinkled.

At this moment she was sure that she had encountered something beyond her comprehension.

It was quiet outside the door, and the bustling police station in the past became empty.

It seemed to be just her and the frightened survivor inside.

Natasha turned around and kicked the isolation room away.

"Tell me how you survived!"

There was a foul smell everywhere in the isolation room, and there was a bad smell.

Natasha ignored all of this, grabbed the survivor by the collar, and asked with a glaring look.

Natasha's face is pale, and now there is no signal on the mobile phone, so she can only rely on herself.

And this guy, under such circumstances, survived, which means that there is actually a way to survive.

Although it may just be a temporary escape...

She was sure that no one here had heard the knock on the door, because the video was sent away directly, and such a weird thing happened here.

There is only one explanation for that, it was to find this guy who survived.

"'s coming! he's coming!...going to die...strange..."

Natasha had a gloomy face, listening to the nonsense of the guy in front of her.


"You mean you survived on gold?"

However, Cole rolled his eyes, muttered and drooled, and could no longer speak.

The flickering lights above his head destroyed his last trace of sanity.

"damn it!"

Natasha recalled that there was indeed a lot of gold in the hotel at that time.

According to their investigation, a group of people in the hotel at that time were drug dealers.

The gold that was being shipped was stolen money.

At this point, the dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

Natasha left here quickly.

Carefully walk outside.

Walking to a window, she froze.

It was pitch black outside, like ink, it was abnormally dark.

Not a single light could be seen.

She clearly remembered that this state police station was located in the east of the city. Although it was not the most prosperous area, at least there were street lights.

damn it.

Natasha realized that she might now be cut off from the outside world.

After an unknown amount of time, Natasha finally arrived at the police station lobby.

When she turned the last corner and looked at the scene in front of her, she was stunned.

Natasha couldn't hold back anymore, her face was full of horror, and her legs backed up uncontrollably.

Inside the hall of the state police station, there were corpses of state police officers everywhere.

So much so that she couldn't find a place where she could set her feet.

No wonder she couldn't see a living person!
The front is like a death penalty zone, intercepting Natasha.

what is that?
When Natasha was about to turn around and leave through a broken window elsewhere, she saw one of the corpses clutching a piece of parchment.

There seemed to be a strange magic about that parchment.

Natasha just glanced at it, and she remembered it very clearly, and there was a faint urge to have it.

Natasha gritted her teeth, she wanted to see what was on this weird parchment!
Natasha has been looking for gold just now, but she has never found it.

In her estimation, only the state trooper's loot room might have it.

The loot room is at the very back, opposite to the direction from the police station.

She hasn't had time to go yet.

Now encounter this situation.

When Natasha was wearing tactical gloves and pulled the parchment out of the dead body, she felt something was wrong.

Even through the gloves, she could tell that this thing was not made of paper based on the toughness of the parchment!
And she could feel a chill through the gloves.

What is this stuff?
Natasha regretted it a little.

She is already a senior agent, why should she touch such an unknown thing!
This is a big taboo!

"My name is Natasha. I am already dead when you read this letter. Don't be surprised. I belong to you ten years later. I am telling you the future information through a special method. You must keep the following content firmly in mind.”

"The world has become weird. It's not a joke. By the time you know the news, it's already very late. Of course, the weirdness is not the scariest thing..."

"Please find the (SCP) Foundation as soon as possible, full name: Special Containment Procedures Foundation, as long as they can handle all this, of course the Blue and White Society can also, the (SCP) Foundation is just a branch of the Blue and White Society, but you can find them The probability of that is extremely small, close to impossible, so it's best to look for the (SCP) Foundation."

"The (SCP) Foundation is dealing with a ton of crises every day, and just because you can't find them doesn't mean they don't exist."

"I also remind you that cunning cannot be killed. Each cunning has its own rules of killing, and only a cunning master can fight against them."

"You have to get out of S.H.I.E.L.D., because S.H.I.E.L.D. is Hydra, it's a big pit, you have to climb out in time, and you have to try your best to join the (SCP) Foundation, that's where you belong. "

"The (SCP) Foundation is an organization that you can't imagine, not only in this world, but also in many worlds. Joining them, you will see many landscapes that you have never seen before, and you will fight in the first stage of human beings' fight against abnormalities. Line..."

These words emerged profusely on the parchment.

Natasha couldn't look away.

There was too much information revealed in these texts, and the scope was too wide, she didn't know whether to believe it or not.

She has been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for a long time. If such a terrifying organization exists in the world, how could S.H.I.E.L.D. never see a single shadow.

On the parchment, the words flickered from time to time, as if the signal was unstable.

Natasha still has a fear of facing the unknown in her heart.

There are corpses not far away. If this parchment can really contact the future self and predict the future, then why, its previous owner died?
(End of this chapter)

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