Chapter 37

"Look for it, we will definitely look for it, please rest assured, old heavenly master."

In the blink of an eye, Wang Ai disappeared?

It can be said that this speed of disappearance, except for the holders of the Rabbit Charm and the Snake Charm, I am afraid that no one can do it.

No wonder the old heavenly master asked so, so sure.

Excluding the Snake Charm, only the Rabbit Charm can do it.

The spell that can travel through time and space.

If the Rabbit Charm can really travel through time and space, according to calculations, the limit speed of the Rabbit Charm should exceed the speed of light.

Otherwise, it is impossible to break through the shackles of the physical world and travel through time and space.

Charms are things that vary from person to person, and how much power a talisman can exert depends entirely on the individual.

"Notify the headquarters, we have to call up all the surveillance cameras within a radius of [-] miles, and we found the rabbit spell!"

Xu San said in a deep voice to the assistant on the side.

For other spells, in order not to cause conflicts with the alien world, the company can turn a blind eye, but the rabbit spell cannot!

The company must be in its own hands.

According to the relevant theory of the butterfly effect, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can destroy the world.

As long as we go through the ape-man era and slaughter a few ape-man tribes that are closely related to modern humans, human beings may be over.

The evil old heavenly master looked around in displeasure, he didn't like being surrounded by so many people.

The evil old heavenly master stood up, pushed away the crowd, and wanted to leave.

"Master, where are you going?"

Xu San hurriedly asked.

"What, little third son, are you trying to punish Master Dao?"

"No, no, no, the kid just cares about the old heavenly master."

Xu San scratched his head, smiled and said hastily.

Now he misses the old heavenly master very much.

At least that old celestial master can still reason.

But this evil old heavenly master, who dares to try to reason with him.

The ruins under their feet are proof.

"No need, don't bother me if you have nothing to do, look for the Rabbit Talisman carefully, and tell me immediately if you find it, Zhang Lingyu, you all go back to the Tianshi Mansion, and let me see you wandering outside..."


A boulder was crushed by the foot of the evil old celestial master.


Zhang Lingyu and several other disciples of the old Tianshi stared wide-eyed, turned their heads and left, and walked back to the Tianshi's mansion quickly.

No one dared to say anything else, they could only watch this evil old celestial master drift away.

"Hey, old man, look at your figure, even a young guy can't compare to you, do you want to come in and have a look?"

In the red light district at night, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup covered her mouth and smiled at the evil old master.

His eyes were on the old Tianshi's strong figure.

She has seen countless men, but she has never seen such an old guy with such temperament and figure.

Look at this old guy's full head of silver hair, and his spirit, it's the best at first glance.

This sense of contrast is really eye-catching.

The evil old heavenly master turned his head to look at this woman, and unconsciously squinted his eyes.

If you have been a Taoist priest all your life, you should enjoy it.

Turn around and walk towards this woman.

"It's no good, something serious happened, that old celestial master went to the underground dance hall, and might want to prostitute *prostitution*!"

A surveillance camera happened to capture this scene.

A staff member of the company stood up suddenly in fright and shouted at Xu San.

This was originally a private monitoring site, but it has been invaded by the company's aliens with their abilities.

It was quiet all around.

There are nearly [-] computers in this large room, and the company's staff are checking and monitoring, trying to find some clues about the rabbit charm.

Xu San almost teleported to appear next to the staff member, and played the surveillance video backwards.

He has a weird look on his face.

"Sir, do you want to notify the anti-pornography department and let them go there?"

the staff member asked softly.

"No, let them know tomorrow."

Xu San glanced at it speechlessly. This clerk has no eyesight at all. No wonder he has been a clerk for several years.

If the old heavenly master whores *prostitutes* goes in, this news will immediately hit the headlines of the alien world.

He has to take into account the face of Tianshi Mansion.

However, he didn't see it, the old Tianshi was usually serious, but he thought his evil side was so wild.

It's so fun to play.

Xu San, after thinking for a moment, dialed the number of Tianshi Mansion.

"Hi, is this the Heavenly Master's Mansion? I'm Xu San. I'm looking for Senior Tian."

"Hey, Xu San, how is my senior brother?"

"Um, Senior Tian, ​​your senior brother is doing very well, and he is living comfortably now. Just now we found out that he has gone to the underground dance hall, and he may go to *prostitution*."


Tian Jinzhong was taken aback for a moment, wondering if he heard it wrong.

But when he thought that it was the evil side of the old celestial master, his face turned black instantly.

"The sect is unlucky, it's over now, it's really not guaranteed at the end of the festival..."

"Senior Tian, ​​why don't you think of a way to try my suggestion? Otherwise, I'm worried that this evil old heavenly master will do something outrageous..."

This is indeed a big problem.

This evil senior brother let himself go so free, maybe he could do eating, drinking, prostitution, and gambling.

Tian Jinzhong looked up at his master's spiritual seat. If the master knew that his senior brother was like this, he might crawl out of the grave and clean up the house, right?

But now, Ding Zhangan comes every night, and his kind senior brother has already gone to fight Ding Zhangan.

In addition, there are so many strangers around, staring at her like a tiger, it's difficult!
But the most important thing in Tianshi Mansion is the old Tianshi, not the spell.

You can't let go of the basics.

As long as the old celestial master is there, even if the spells are gone, there is still a chance to snatch them back.

But if this evil old celestial master accidentally killed himself, and he didn't even have a successor to the position of celestial master, what face would he have to meet the master.

"I will try to trouble the company to take care of my senior brother's evil body as soon as possible. When my senior brother returns, I will definitely thank you."

Tian Jinzhong said solemnly.

"You're welcome, senior, I will."

Xu San heaved a sigh of relief when he got a satisfactory answer.

Not only him, but also Xu San himself felt the pressure.

The evil old heavenly master is a powder keg that could explode at any time.

It is the best to use this to urge Tianshifu to take action as soon as possible.

Now that the Rabbit Charm is in the world, they don't have the energy to take care of the old heavenly master.

The explosive dance music echoed in the ballroom.

Colorful lights kept flickering.

The evil old heavenly master is particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

Most of them are young people, but he has white hair, an old face, a muscular body, and he is playing disco.

And the movements are wild, and the skills are extremely agile.

"Where did this old man come from? It's too wild."

exclaimed a young man.

Many beauties surrounded the evil old heavenly master and danced with the evil old heavenly master.

From time to time, use your hands to feel the muscles of the evil old master.

"Old man, it's amazing that you can still do this at your age."

"Sister, get out of the way and accompany your guests. The old man is mine today."


Lu Jin was sitting by the bar wearing sunglasses, watching this scene, the corners of her mouth twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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