Chapter 89 Feng Baobao's obsession
Only after experiencing the future can one understand how terrifying this woman is.

On the one hand, Yu Huadu wanted to prevent Zhang Chulan's tragedy, but on the other hand, he wanted to prevent his own tragedy.

After Zhang Chulan's death, the people who wanted to avenge Zhang Chulan the most were not Tianshi Mansion, Xu San Xu Si, Zhang Lingyu, Zhuge Qing and others.

It was Feng Baobao!
She almost watched Zhang Chulan grow up, and she already regarded Zhang Chulan as a relative.

Where she passed, there was no living person.

Coupled with Feng Baobao's natural control over the ghost mask, he quickly grew into an existence that everyone feared.

With her own strength, she wiped out [-]% to [-]% of the aliens.

Anyone who has dealt with Zhang Chulan is on her must-kill list.

If it weren't for a powerful existence that came into being.

Feng Baobao was stopped.

It's not yet known how many kills will be made.

"Little slave, long time no see."

A frivolous voice sounded from behind Yu Huadu.

Yu Huadu's body stopped moving, he felt a vast force imprisoning him.

"My... Her Lady Queen, you are welcome."

Yu painted poison quickly from the heart.

He really can't help it.

He was sure that this woman would hurt Zhang Chulan.

At most, it will make him suffer a little bit.

He was still playing small soldiers, but when he looked at the other side, he was all dressed up.

It's a fart.

He will not be short by Feng Baobao's side in the future.

Every time he sees this woman, he can smell a bloody smell, which has become his physiological reaction.

He didn't dare to bring up any resistance.

Fortunately, he still has a hole card, and things haven't reached the worst point yet.


"Zhang Chulan, long time no see, come to call Master."

In the darkness, a slender figure walked towards Zhang Chulan, and she said to Zhang Chulan with a smile on her face.

"Sister Bao'er?"

Seeing this figure, Zhang Chulan asked uncertainly.

This is Miss Baoer?
Except for the face, the whole body is too different from the baby. On this woman, he seems to see two words - "sick and delicate".

Bao'er, it will never be like this!

"Who are you! You are not a baby!"

Zhang Chulan shouted coldly.

Zhang Lingyu was also watching Feng Baobao. Although he was not familiar with Feng Baobao, this person really didn't look like that stupid woman.

Before Zhang Chulan could speak again, Feng Baobao hugged Zhang Chulan in his arms in the future.


Zhang Chulan's face was suppressed and he could not speak.

Zhang Lingyu watched with horror.

The hand that had just been raised stopped in the air, and his face was unpredictable.

So, should I continue this punch? !

After experiencing Xia He's incident, Zhang Lingyu is no longer a stunned young man who doesn't understand anything.

"I will not let anyone hurt you. You are my first slave. The master will treat you well and reward you well."


These two are having a great time.

Am I hearing things I shouldn't be hearing?

Zhang Lingyu used his limited emotional intelligence to make a judgment.

He put down his hand and dissipated the thunder from his hand.

"Let me go, you are definitely not a baby, that stupid woman may say something like this, but she won't be like you!"

Zhang Chulan struggled to break free from Future Feng Baobao's embrace.

"What do I have to say to make you believe me?"

"I remembered that when you called me master for the first time, I cut off all your clothes. So that's the problem!"

In the future, Feng Baobao waved his hand, and there were two black kitchen knives in his hands.

Looking at Zhang Chulan's clothes, she was eager to try.

That's right, only in this way can Zhang Chulan call her master again!
In the future, Feng Baobao nodded secretly, applauding his wit.

Zhang Chulan blushed. Apart from the baby, not many people should know this secret!
He looked at the woman opposite him suspiciously.

Zhang Lingyu lowered her head and patted Zhang Chulan on the shoulder.

Then sighed.

He underestimated Zhang Chulan, this guy is not only playful, but also perverted.

Do you like being cut off by a woman with a knife?Sure enough, it's exciting enough, role-playing, he understands.

Since Feng Baobao restrained all his breath in the future, neither of them realized the seriousness of the matter.

"You are talking nonsense! How could I recognize you as my master! You are talking nonsense! Zhang Lingyu, what are you doing, come back!"

Now the three are chatting across channels.

In the future, Feng Baobao will have a special feeling for Zhang Chulan, which is not love, but more like a family relationship between master and servant.

She became like this because she never forgot about Zhang Chulan, a slave.

"Crazy woman! How dare you pretend to be a baby, I will never end with you!"

Zhang Chulan was really angry.

If this goes on, he won't be able to tell!

Thunder and lightning spread across Zhang Chulan's body.

There was a blur in front of his eyes, and he felt a chill all over his body.

Zhang Chulan looked down and saw that all the clothes on her body were gone.

The Feng Baobao in front of him just now was too fast, so fast that he couldn't even react!
how can that be!

Even he himself didn't know how much stronger he was than before.

Facing the baby, how could he have no power to resist.

This is this...

"Can I call you master now?"

In the future, Feng Baobao looked at Zhang Chulan expectantly.

She really wanted to hear those two words from Zhang Chulan's mouth.

She was going crazy thinking about it.

She knew that after her slaves ran to the past, it took a lot of effort to get a crystal ball that could travel through time and space.

For that crystal ball, she was almost sealed by the devil.

Her group of slaves, in order to stop her, also set up spells in time and space.

It's really not easy for her to touch here.

With genuine slaves, she can abandon those pirated slaves.

From now on, she will only be Zhang Chulan's master!
right!That's it!

The lightning flashing on Zhang Chulan's body was forcibly suppressed back into his body by a force.

He looked at his hands in horror.

how can that be!

He had never encountered such a situation.

He felt like he couldn't move.

He opened his mouth to call Zhang Lingyu back, but found that he couldn't make a sound.

"The ability of the horse charm is good, but unfortunately it has a limit."


Future Feng Baobao glanced in a certain direction.

"It seems that the master has to take you away. That guy is coming back. Damn guy, he ruined my good business."

she said angrily.

She felt that Zhang Chulan was about to give in.

She should strike while the iron is hot.

But there is no time.

In the future, Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan disappeared out of thin air.

Zhang Daoling came in a hurry, and before he arrived at the Tianshi Mansion, he sensed that Zhang Chulan's aura had disappeared.

"Evil! Dare!"

Zhang Daoling scolded angrily.

No matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster, the future Feng Baobao who had ten ghost masks.

(End of this chapter)

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