Chapter 91 Ceremony
Zhang Lingyu blocked Xia He behind him intentionally or unintentionally.

Although he was also afraid, but at this moment, he looked like a man.

Xia He hid half of her body behind Zhang Lingyu.

Noticing Zhang Lingyu's subtle movements, his heart warmed.

But she still pushed Zhang Lingyu away.

After all, Xia He is no ordinary weak woman.

None of them are simple things that can gain a firm foothold in the whole nature.

"Seniors, please forgive Xia He for coming to visit rashly. This junior came here to discuss important matters."

"Also... I seduced him, please don't accuse him, seniors."

When Xia He said the second sentence, his face was a little pale.

Although this is true, it still takes courage to say it from Xia He's mouth.

She couldn't be sure what the two people in front of her would think of her and how they would treat her.

She's just slutty in appearance, and that's a side effect of her abilities.

Zhang Lingyu's expression changed.

"Master! I..."

Zhang Lingyu didn't expect Xia He to say that.

Seeing his woman say this, his heart seemed to be stabbed severely.

He has love and hate for Xia He.

This is his first time with a woman, and he still has feelings for Xia He.

Hate because he couldn't practice Yang Lei in this life.

"Okay, don't talk anymore, Xia He, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it."

Tian Jinzhong waved his hand.

He didn't want to see these two people getting tired and crooked, looking annoying.

Maybe he would punish Zhang Lingyu before, but now the patriarch has come.

The speaker of Tianshi Mansion is the Patriarch.

Presumably the patriarch would not put integrity in his eyes, so what is he worrying about.

When the sky fell, there was a tall man holding it up.

"It's like this. I have a friend who seems to have foreseen what will happen in advance, leaving three solutions. I came to Tianshi Mansion to find Zhang Lingyu because of his entrustment."

When it comes to this business, Xia He is extremely serious.

After speaking, she took out the letter from her bosom and handed it to Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu took the letter and read it several times.

Then bit the bullet and walked to Tian Jinzhong and the kind old Tianshi, and handed over the letter.

I don't know if it was his delusion.

He felt that master and uncle's eyes were so hot.

The kind old heavenly master took the letter, read it, and then handed the letter to Tian Jinzhong.

"Who is your friend?..."

After reading the letter, Tian Jinzhong raised his head and asked tentatively.

"Sorry senior, I can't say, but I think he is trustworthy. I can temporarily stay in Tianshi Mansion as a hostage until you settle the matter."

There was a bit of cunning deep in Xia He's eyes, she thought for a while and said.

She didn't want to confess to painting poison outside the domain.

In this way, you can stay with Zhang Lingyu and ensure your own safety. At the same time, it can further convince the Tianshi Mansion what the letter said.

Three birds with one stone.

Anyway, she can teleport away at any time.

But Tian Jinzhong and the kind old heavenly master are not fools either.

Living up to their age, I have never seen any tricks.

They took a deep look at Xia He and finally agreed.

It's a big matter, it's about Zhang Chulan, they have to take it seriously.

They all heard the sound transmission from the patriarch, and the boundless darkness before was caused by a guy no less than the patriarch.

The patriarch is casting a spell to calculate the opponent's position.

The reason why the Patriarch did not succeed for a long time was because that guy was fighting with the Patriarch in the air.

In the battle between the big bosses, these little characters naturally couldn't intervene.

If what the letter says is true, they can help the Patriarch.

The first method mentioned in the letter can actually be ruled out, because without Zhang Chulan, even with the help of the patriarch, they would not be able to collect all the spells.

The second method has been warned that it is extremely dangerous, and they will definitely not try it.

So there seem to be three options.But in fact only the last method is feasible.

So even if it is really done, Tianshi Mansion can only try the last method.

"I want to tell the Patriarch, if the Patriarch doesn't agree, we can try."

After thinking for a while, Tian Jinzhong looked at Xia He again and said.


As soon as Tian Jinzhong finished speaking, he heard a voice from above.

echoed in their ears.

Xia He smiled happily, as long as the person above made the decision, it would be fine.

No, if you put it this way, everything that happened just now was seen by that person? ...

Shame to death!

She kissed Zhang Lingyu forcefully because she saw that there was no one around!

Now Xia He can't wait to find a crack in the ground and drill down.

She thought that as long as she didn't do anything excessive, that guy wouldn't pay attention to her...

After all, she could only be regarded as a little shrimp to that person.

For her, being seen forcibly kissing others is far more embarrassing than being caught kissing.

Damn Zhang Lingyu, everything is done on my own initiative!

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Tian Jinzhong responded respectfully.

Zhang Daoling looked down. With his strength, he could vaguely foresee the dangers in the future.

It is also extremely sensitive to malice.

Zhang Daoling didn't feel any malice on that piece of paper.

Maliciousness had also been felt in this little girl.

He was worried about Zhang Chulan's safety. The guy who called himself the Shadow Queen was too cunning.

Whenever he is about to catch the opponent's trace, the opponent will run away.

Then disturb him with endless darkness.

He had to recalculate.

In that woman, he saw a darkness that could consume the world.

As expected of the guy who opposed him, he was really strong.

Got Zhang Daoling's nod.

Tian Jinzhong began to prepare the props mentioned in the letter.

The props in this letter are really weird. Fortunately, the Tianshi Mansion has a strong foundation, otherwise it might not be possible to find all these strange items.

What is the tooth of a Komodo dragon, the saliva of an eel, the foam of goat milk, and the left eye of a newt.

Are you sure this isn't a cult ritual?
Tian Jinzhong was running around in various warehouses of Tianshi Mansion.

I couldn't help muttering.

It took a long time for Tian Jinzhong to find all the items needed for the formation.

Arrange each item according to the orientation stated in the letter.

This forms a matrix.

There is another important ceremony, only this ceremony can activate this formation.

This ceremony is indescribable. It needs to hold a dry lizard, sing and dance, and say something in its mouth, "The demons and ghosts leave quickly..."

Looking at the villains painted on the letter, they look a bit like dancing masters.

Because Tian Jinzhong made too much noise.

It has already attracted many people to watch from the sidelines.

Zhuge Qing, Wang Ye, Lu Linglong and Lu Jin all came.

When Zhang Daoling was preaching before, they all moved to the middle of the mountain to avoid suspicion. On the entire Longhu Mountain, not only the top of the mountain has the house of Tianshi Mansion.

On the huge Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion can build many houses.

"Lingyu, I've done everything I need to do, and I'll leave the rest to you! The last ceremony is roll call, so you are here!"

Tian Jinzhong looked at Zhang Lingyu and said with a smile.

Zhang Lingyu looked at the letter in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Zhuge Qing was covering his mouth and snickering, he had already read the letter and knew what Zhang Lingyu was going to do.

He just imagined Zhang Lingyu dancing and muttering words in the mouth of the master.

I'm so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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