Chapter 150 Bakugan Boy!

Under the extreme speed of Panan, the gathering place of the red ocher tribe finally appeared in everyone's sight.

Hot winds blew over lonely rocks and dead grass, and the afterglow of dusk fell on this biotech-torn tribe.

On this vast wilderness, there is a newly built homeless camp and the dusty trail.

As with most tribes in the Badlands, the location of the homeless settlements generally does not change.

After all, in the barren and changeable wilderness of Badlands, too much change can easily bring many unpredictable difficulties.

But for the red ochre tribe, which was already in a desperate situation, the harm of relocation was obviously not that great in comparison.

But obviously.

Even if the location of the gathering place is changed.

The shadowy death still did not let them go.

The future of death and extinction has clearly appeared in the sight of all members of this tribe.

Accompanied by the roar of the Tingwei motor, it stopped in the open space in front of the gathering place.

Immediately afterwards, the client of the Red Ocher Tribe, who had been waiting for a long time, also appeared around everyone with hope in his eyes.

The leader is a white-haired old man, the wrinkles on his face are as deep as the roots of an old tree, and the pattern painted on the tawny face with inexplicable paint makes him look like the prophet in the story, full of majesty.

John Clare.

At the same time, he is also the recognized leader of the red ocher gathering place and the client of this mission.

But at the moment.

This tribal leader who has always been stable, his eyes are no longer calm but full of worries about the future.

Although the disease of unknown cause only took the lives of a dozen tribe members.

But the reasons for people's hearts and cohesion are definitely not something that can be judged by the number of deaths.

Under a series of fruitless investigations of their own.

Many members who feared that they too would be the next to die had already fled to other tribes.

no doubt.

If this situation cannot be suppressed.

John knew that their tribe was not far from the day when they would die out completely.


The reinforcements they had been looking for for a long time finally arrived.

"Hi, I'm John Clare and the leader of this tribe. On behalf of the Red Ocher tribe, I would like to sincerely thank your team and Mr. David for your assistance!"

Watching Mann and others get out of the off-road pickup, John also led a group of tribe members to express their gratitude.

Although Mann was a little sluggish due to Panan's turbulence all the way, he still showed professionalism when the client appeared in front of him.

"Mr. John is polite, this is our duty."

While politely replying to the other party, Mann wiped the vomit from the corner of his mouth calmly.

Then, under the guidance of a group of red ochre members, they formally entered the tribe.

Along the way, everyone also began to learn from John the whole process of the impact of this incident in the tribe.

The phenomenon of the first case probably occurred more than a month ago.

At that time, everyone thought it was just another ordinary cyber madman incident.

After all, cyberpsychosis is nothing new in this world, and even the Red Ocher tribe has one or two cases every few years.

In addition, the prosthetic body transformed by the sick tribe members at that time was not very powerful.

So under the suppression of the rest of the members, the commotion was quickly quelled.

But the weird thing is that within a short period of time after that member was subdued.

Died of convenience due to overstimulation.

In layman's terms, it is the overload of the brain prosthetic body that causes the brain to become overcooked.

Although this kind of phenomenon is rare among cyber lunatics, everyone obviously didn't take it to heart.

Until the next month, there will be one such cyber lunatic death every few days on average.

And all of them died from brain cooking caused by excessive electromagnetic stimulation.

At this moment, everyone in the tribe began to panic completely.

Even now among the red ocher tribe, there are still rumors that the tribe is entangled by cyber ghosts and swallows a life every few days.

The original John suspected that these members had offended someone, so he was roasted by the other party's hackers.

But after some investigation, it was found that the past of these dead people was a clean mess.

Not to mention offending people who shouldn't be offending, there are several of them squatting at home.

With the investigation stalled.

So much so that now he almost doubted whether it was caused by some kind of infectious disease.

For this reason, he also spent a lot of money, and invited testing personnel from the medical institution to test the blood of all the people in the tribe.

Even so, no problems were found.

It's almost like a real haunted scene.

And after listening to the supplementary descriptions of a group of members of the Red Ocher Tribe.

Mann and his party finally had a comprehensive understanding of the events of this mission.

"First of all, this is absolutely impossible to be a contagious disease, let alone haunted."

Mann made this judgment immediately after listening to John's description.

If it is an infectious disease, it will not only infect such a small number of people.

And even he had never heard of an infectious disease capable of producing cyber lunatics.

In the final analysis, cyber psychosis is actually a mental illness caused by long-term pressure from the social environment and the sense of exclusivity after the prosthetic body transformation.

Contagion leads to the discourse of cyberpsychosis.

It's like catching a cold and causing schizophrenia, there is no possibility at all.

More importantly, David said that the mastermind behind this mission was biotechnology, so the other party killed one or two people every now and then to collect some kind of data.

So the most important thing right now is obviously to look at the victim's body to see if there are any additional clues.

"Corpse? We just buried the children who died last week just this morning. I'll take you to the scene after the storm subsides in the past two days."

In the traditions of the Red Ocher Tribe, there is no customary cremation custom in Night City, but to pay attention to burial.

Therefore, these tribe members who died inexplicably will also be buried in a fixed large area.

And this also made it much easier for Mann and others to check the clues.

But now a sandstorm is about to sweep towards the buried area, so it is obviously not safe to start rashly.

But Panan obviously has a different view on this.

"Hey, let me tell you, it's just a small storm, do you still have to wait? The big winds and waves experienced by my mother and Tingwei are much scarier than this storm!"

After all, it is a matter of life and death, and as a senior former tribal member, Panan knows that the current sandstorm is not large.

She and her revamped car are clearly enough to conquer the dust storm head-on.

Facing John's hesitant expression, Mann also smiled and said.

"Mr. John, don't worry, Miss Panan is a mercenary with rich experience in bad lands."

"Miss? What the hell are you miss! But he is right, I have experience in this matter."

While talking with his arms folded, Panan proudly pointed at Ting Wei in the distance and continued.

"My Tingwei is much stronger than you think!"

Regarding the point of starting now, the rest of Mann's team obviously agreed very much.

After all, if biotechnology wants to obtain information, there is a high probability that the victim's body will be recovered for research.

Then it is obviously a more reliable thing for them to arrive at the scene in advance for layout and arrangement.

What's more, even if the biotechnology only collects the daily data of these people, it will definitely be able to find some clues through the body test.

In this case, obviously the fresher the corpse, the better.

Under everyone's persuasion, John finally nodded in agreement with their plan.

"Then I'll take you there now, but the cars in our tribe should not be as capable as yours."

Perhaps for Panan's Tingwei, such a sandstorm can still handle it.

But for the old cars of the red ocher tribe, it is obviously impossible to achieve this.

But for this, Lucy handed a control tablet with a map marked on it to the other party.

"Just mark it on the map."

"Yes, yes, it's still Lucy who is thoughtful."

Thinking of Panan's wild posture of not letting go after stepping on the accelerator, Mann immediately realized how the opponent would behave once he got on Tingwei.

He didn't want his employer to fall asleep because of motion sickness before the task was completed.

He raised his mouth a few more times, and found that the Mann team insisted on letting him command remotely in the tribe.

John, who was aware of this, naturally no longer insisted, and instead waved gratefully to the people who were leaving in a hurry.

It can only be said that it is professional.

As far as the service attitude and other tasks are over, I must give Mr. David a five-star praise.

With the activation of Tingwei, everyone quickly rushed into the coverage of the sandstorm.

The wanton sand is like a yellow mist, covering everything around it.

The howling storm swept through endless dust, completely shielding everything in sight.

And this is only at the outermost edge of the sandstorm.

But at least luckily.

When Mann and his party hurried to the burial place that John said.

The terrifying dust hadn't completely covered the area yet.

If not, the only one who can get out of the car and move freely is Mann, who has the largest tonnage.

Looking at the two or three small pits with stone tablets in front of them, everyone's expressions finally became slightly refreshed.

If only some evidence of biotechnology leftovers could be examined from these corpses.

Then the task on their side can be regarded as successfully completed.

But well.

There is obviously a slight gap between reality and imagination.

When everyone dug up several pits, except for the little blood left in the coffin, the corpse they were thinking about had obviously disappeared.

Even Mann and the others obviously did not expect such a scene.

"Fuck! Those bastards from the company are too quick to attack, right? Then what should I do now, I have nothing to do with this damn weather."

Looking at the empty coffin, even Panan, who was most familiar with the bad land, couldn't help frowning.

Although it shouldn't be too long before those who took the corpse away.

But this sandstorm has smoothed away all traces of the other party's departure.

The only good news is that the other party should have acted immediately after seeing the burial of the Red Ocher Tribe.

In other words, as long as they wait for the next time they are buried, they will naturally be able to catch the murderer behind the scenes.

Although doing so, the Red Ocher Tribe designated a few fewer people.

But this is the only countermeasure that Panan can think of at present.

After all, with this horrible weather, even if the dog's nose is coming, I'm afraid there is no way to detect the direction of the corpse thief.

Just when Panan thought that the entire group of Mann's team agreed with her idea and walked back into the carriage.

next moment.

A group of people with bottles and cans in their hands got out of the car again.

"Huh? What plane are you talking about?"

Panan watched as Mann took out a few "cockroaches" with a strong plastic texture from the bottle, and then threw them into the bloody water in the coffin board with a snap.

Seeing such a scene, Panan froze in place.

Are urbanites so particular about environmental protection?
Even if there is all this rotten meat left, I have to feed it to bugs? ?
As if feeling Panan's shock, Rebecca also walked to her side and explained.

"This is a small prop that David gave us. He said it can be used to track and detect the specific position of the target within one kilometer, but we haven't used it before. Come and try it."

Listening to Rebecca's explanation, the surprise in Panan's eyes increased instead of diminishing, and he spoke excitedly.

"Huh? When did that company invent such an awesome robot? This gadget is so exciting."

Just as the two of them were talking, the magic weapons of insects thrown into the blood by Mann finally started to move with red eyes.

have to say.

David is really a talent, considering the issue of battery life once he does not have his own energy as a supply.

He decisively adopted the structural method of Alcohol 2 and Qi as the driving energy.

In this way, it not only greatly improves the problem of battery life, but also makes the final self-destruction more powerful.

Don't look at these little bug-shaped artifacts exuding a strong sense of cheapness.

But once it climbs into the trouser pocket according to the default settings, it can definitely bring the enemy a wonderful experience that will never be forgotten.

Jiang Chen, who provided inspiration for this, also gave this little magic weapon an extremely affectionate name - Bakugan Boy!

Watching a few Bakugan boys get into the sand at an astonishing speed and then move forward quickly.

Mann and the others decisively put on the tracking glasses provided by David, and returned to Tingwei.

This glasses not only allows them to grasp the location where the magical artifact is released in real time, but also synchronizes the received images and sounds.

It can be said to be very humane.

Except for the fact that it will explode after the energy is used up, it perfectly hits Mann's excitement.


Wouldn't it be cool to have the perspective of a dark bug and use it to scout for intelligence?

And now the Bakugan boys are all dispatched, which means one thing.

That's because of the sandstorm, those corpse thieves obviously didn't leave here too far.

Now as long as they start tracking, they will definitely be able to catch up with each other's progress before the sandstorm ends.

Thinking of this, Mann directly greeted Panan who was still a little surprised.

"Let's go! By the way, I'll give you a pair of glasses too. Follow the direction of those little red dots and you'll be done!"

Putting on the glasses, and seeing the real-time information sent back from the glasses, Panan immediately let out another silenced word of surprise.

"Beep--! How awesome!"

The current scene is obviously an extremely novel experience for this bad soil girl.

It took another moment to get familiar with the field of vision transmitted from the glasses.

Ting Wei, who had been stagnant for a long time, once again let out a terrifying engine roar amidst the howling wind.

Then disappeared under the thick curtain of sand and dust.

 Pushing this friend's seedlings, the theme of similar chat group articles just started from the rusty iron chapter, ddddddddd, those who are interested can take a look at the things of that period.

  Book Title: Under One Person, Join the Chat Group from Tangmen Chapter

(End of this chapter)

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