Chapter 198 The best birthday present
Wind and rain, lightning and thunder.

When lightning tore through the white sky, everyone in the room finally saw clearly the terrifying appearance of the intruder.

He wore a huge leather jacket made of unknown fabric, and had a messy and thick beard and long hair like tree roots.

But the most eye-catching thing is his huge body that is nearly three meters tall, which even makes the huge doorway look cramped without the wooden door.

Such a terrifying shape, coupled with the raging storm outside, makes it look like a wild man in a horror movie.

This immediately caused the already timid Dursley family to scream and wail in terror.

Compared with them, Harry, who finally showed a smile of surprise on his face, seemed like an outsider who had accidentally stumbled into a horror movie set, and was out of tune with the frightening atmosphere of the scene.

"Who are you!!!"

Fenon suppressed his fear and pointed the loaded double-barreled shotgun at Hagrid with trembling hands, while asking the other party questions in a broken voice.

However, Hagrid, who was a little angry at this moment, obviously did not take Fenon's question to heart. Instead, he immediately showed a surprise smile on his face after seeing the strong Harry at the door.

"Oh, it's been a long time, Harry. The last time I saw you, you were just such a little baby."

Hagrid smiled and gestured to Harry as he looked when he was a child, then dropped the door to the ground and gave him a heavy bear hug.

When he saw the giant at the door, he didn't seem to be a wild man in the forest. Fenon, holding a shotgun, finally regained a little bit of his courage.

"I want you to leave immediately! Sir, you are breaking into a private house!!!"

Seemingly disturbed by Fenon's roar, Hagrid slowly let go of Harry and turned his big face towards Fenon with a look of disgust.

"Shut up Dursley, you old scoundrel!"

Although Hagrid never disturbed Harry's life after sending him to the Dursleys, he had always been secretly paying attention to Harry.

It was precisely because of this that he felt so angry towards Fenon.

Hagrid simply couldn't imagine how vicious a child's uncle must be to train his nephew as a servant.

If Dumbledore hadn't allowed it, he would have really wanted to petrify the old scoundrel and then have his men drag him dozens of times around the Forbidden Forest.

And seeing Hagrid approaching him like a terrifying monster, Fenon's lips instantly turned pale with fear.

Even his finger that held the trigger began to tremble slightly.

"What are you going to do? If you come here again I will shoot!!!"

After hearing this, Harry, who had been quietly watching the development of the situation, finally started to take action.

The moment Fenon's line of sight was blocked by Hagrid, Harry's body instantly resembled a bolt of thunder piercing the night sky, and he leaned over and jumped directly in front of Fenon.

Under the dim yellow oil lamp, Fenon finally noticed with horror the terrifying figure of Harry that had rushed in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, an irresistible force was transmitted along the barrel of the gun into Fenon's hand, and the muzzle of the gun originally aimed at Hagrid was pointed straight at the ceiling.

The violent gunshot, accompanied by the burst of fire from the muzzle, made Petunia and Dudley, who had stopped crying, cover their ears and scream in terror again.

However, Harry's movements did not stop when the bullets were fired from the shotgun.

As Harry shouted, countless veins instantly swelled in his hands holding the shotgun.

Then the slender and strong barrel twisted and deformed like soft noodles with Harry's force.

The hot barrel instantly became like a pair of handcuffs, tightly wrapping around Fenon's hands, causing him to wail in pain due to the scorching temperature.

The severe pain caused Fenon to stare fiercely at Harry's face, which still hadn't changed much.

But before he could insult him, Harry's precise strike with his knife instantly put the obese middle-aged man into a baby-like sleep.

Arataki’s quick and easy way to fall asleep is something you deserve.

As for the reason why Harry chose to take action, it was precisely because he knew clearly who Fenon was.

At present, the plot has changed slightly because of him. If Fanon misfires and injures Hagrid out of fear, that is a situation he does not want to see.

In comparison, it would be easier to beat Fenon and then tie him up.

Of course, Harry admitted that he did have some thoughts of revenge in it.

But after all, not every day is his 11th birthday, right?
Seeing the shocking scene happening in front of them in the electric light and flint, Dudley and Petunia, who were still screaming uncontrollably, fell into a deep daze.

Even Hagrid, who originally wanted to teach Fenon a lesson in person, opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a while before speaking out.

"Ah hahahaha that Harry, it seems you have grown a little more over the years than I thought."

Are you kidding? This is more than just a little bit.

With the fighting prowess that little Harry just showed, he might not even lose in a fight with the violent men and horses in the Forbidden Forest.

Since when has the Muggle world been able to train children so much? Oops, why does it feel so scary?

Although he still had a sly smile on his face, Hagrid still handled Fenon's matter quickly.

After simply awakening Fenon with a restorative spell, Hagrid took off his smelly socks from under his feet and blocked the guy's cursing mouth. Then, with the horrified expressions of Dudley and Petunia, he finally continued to move toward Hagrid. Li Dao.

"Oh oh oh, I have a gift for you. Although it was accidentally crushed by me, I think the taste should still be the same delicious."

"The words inside and your name are all written by me myself."

As he spoke, Hagrid opened a somewhat squashed cake box in front of Harry with a smile.

Inside the cake box was a pink cake, with "Happy Birthday, Harry" written crookedly in green paint.

Although it was just a cake that didn't look very good, it still gave Harry an indescribable warm feeling.

No matter who you are, knowing that someone has been silently caring about you is obviously a very happy thing.

"Thank you, I like it very much."

Looking at Harry with a bright smile on his face, Hagrid also smiled and placed the cake on the table beside him.

"Oh, by the way, look at my brain, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?"

As he spoke, Hagrid took out an envelope stamped with fire paint and continued to Harry with a smile.

"My name is Rubeus Hagrid, the keykeeper and gamekeeper of Hogwarts. You may not know Hogwarts yet."

"Well, it's where your parents went to school. It's a magic academy that provides learning opportunities for wizards."

Having said this, Hagrid reached out and handed the envelope to Harry.

"And you, Harry, are a natural wizard. Of course, hahaha, you can also become a powerful warrior."

"This is your admission notice. Starting tomorrow, you will be a student of our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, hahahaha."

After taking the envelope with both hands, Harry finally formally saw the contents of the admission notice for the first time.

[Dear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.] But as soon as the letter was read, an angry-looking Petunia stepped forward and snatched it away. He picked up the envelope and tore it into pieces.

"No! He will never go to Hogwarts! From the day our family took him in, we have sworn not to let you garbage contaminate our lives!"

Staring at Hagrid's angry eyes, Penny actually suppressed her fear and continued to speak to Hagrid with a look of jealousy.

"Look at my perfect little sister. How proud my parents were the day she received the letter [We have a wizard in our family, great!]. Only I know who she really is."

At this point, Petunia's tone was filled with trembling cry as she continued to roar towards Hagrid and Harry.

"She is a freak! Later she met that Potter and gave birth to you."

"I knew you would be the same, a freak just like her, just as abnormal! Then they were killed by the bomb, and you, the little freak, were adopted by us!"

However, upon hearing this, before Hagrid could refute Petunia's harsh words, Harry spoke with a cold expression.

"So? Why can't I go to Hogwarts? Just because I've been staying at your house all these years?"

As he spoke, Harry touched his pocket and took out a huge gold nugget, then dropped it on Fenon's belly like a ball.

"In that case, this gold nugget can already repay your expenses over the years, right?"

The huge weight of the gold nugget even made Fenon vomit out the smelly socks in his mouth.

But even so, his first reaction was not anger but arching his body and biting the gold nugget hard with his mouth, and then let out an unknown laugh.

If this gold nugget is real, it will definitely be more than enough even if it is doubled, let alone Harry's expenses over the years.

When Penny saw this scene, she was stunned as if struck by lightning.

Perhaps the reason why she didn't want Harry to go to Hogwarts was because she didn't want Harry to meet the same tragic ending as his parents.

But Harry knew that this was at most the smallest reason.

The real reason was actually the other person's jealousy. She was jealous that she was rejected by Hogwarts but her sister became the pride of the whole family.

Now Petunia is married, but this happened to Harry again, so it brought back the unbearable memory of the other party.

If Petunia really cared about him enough, then his life at the Dursleys wouldn't be worse than the one in the street orphanage.

After all, even the children in the orphanage had new clothes to wear under sponsorship, but he could only wear old clothes that Dudley couldn't wear while working as a servant for the Dursleys.

Maybe some people will criticize good people for doing something wrong, while bad people will be grateful for doing good things.

But as a time traveler with a modern soul, Harry knew that he would never be such a person.

The clear distinction between grudges and grudges is his way of tolerance.

Hagrid understood the truth, but where did Harry find such a big gold nugget?
Thinking of this, Hagrid couldn't help but cautiously asked Harry with some worry.

"Harry, this nugget?"

"Don't worry, it was given to me by a magical friend of mine." Harry blurted out the reply, which immediately made Hagrid slightly stunned.

A magical friend?

Magical magical creatures!

Oh, it couldn't be Xiu Xiu, forget it. If that's the case, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

You must know that the Niffler is a magical creature shaped like a platypus. It especially likes shiny gold things, and gold nuggets are obviously within their hunting range.

But at least it would be enough to be sure that Harry didn't steal the gold nugget. Hehe~ It would be better if Harry could show him Sniffing in the future.

For Hagrid, a fan of magical animals, he has always had a flexible moral bottom line when it comes to magical animals.

After confirming the authenticity of the gold nugget, Fenon bit the gold nugget and replied quickly to Harry, fearing that Harry would regret it.

"That's enough, that's enough. In that case, get out of here with that freak!"

After hearing this, Harry finally nodded, and then no longer looked at the lost Petunia and the greedy Vernon, but instead turned his gaze to the man who quietly touched his birthday cake and was about to eat it. of Dudley.

"This is my birthday cake!"

After hearing this, Dudley immediately changed his cautious attitude like a bandit, and then he was ready to pounce on Harry's birthday cake and start feasting on it.

Your birthday cake?

Phew, what's yours is mine!Mine is still mine!
However, looking at the cake getting bigger and bigger in front of him, Dudley's mouth was pinched by Harry's strong hands before he could taste the sweet taste, and then he used the force to spin him in a circle like throwing a discus. Thrown out the window.

Looking like an angry bird, Dudley passed through the window in a graceful arc and fell into the mud, wailing like a piggy.

Fenon and Petunia immediately looked panicked. After saying a few cruel words to Harry, they ran out of the house to see if their precious son was injured.

Harry, on the other hand, ignored Dursley's noisy look and carefully put the cake into the box and looked at Hagrid.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

At this time, Hagrid was still a little shocked by Harry's graceful throwing action just now. After hearing Harry's question, he immediately came to his senses and answered with a smile.

"Of course it's time to leave here now. Do you still want to stay here and watch them perform farce?"

After saying this, Hagrid leaned down and smiled softly towards Harry.

"I'll tell you secretly that I changed your cousin's butt into a pig's tail. This matter must be kept secret at Hogwarts."

"After all, they won't let me secretly use magic outside."

As he spoke, Hagrid winked at Harry, then held up his umbrella and strode forward.

"Harry, believe me that the wizarding world will not let you down."

"At least it must be more interesting than your cousin's pig tail, hahahahaha."

Outside in the pouring rain, Hagrid was waiting for him with a smile while holding a huge red umbrella. On the muddy ground beside him, the Dursleys were looking at Dudley's pig that suddenly appeared. Tails let out a terrified scream.

Such a funny scene made Harry laugh out loud in relief.

I have to say that Pig Tail and Dudley are indeed a perfect match.

He was obviously very satisfied with the birthday gift Hagrid gave him.

Seeing Harry laughing heartily, Hagrid couldn't help but feel a look of relief in his eyes.

"Then let's go."

"Well, let's go."

In this magical world, he is here!

(End of this chapter)

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