Under one person, cross the heavens and enter the group chat

Chapter 201 5 Copeland Chapter Immortal Lord!

Chapter 201 The Immortal Lord of Grain Reincarnation!

Demon Slayer-Murata: So, you mean you’re going to kill Quirrell today?You're a pretty cool kid. [Husky points to people]

Hogwarts - Harry: There is no way. According to the information I have learned, there is a counter-curse for Apparition around Gringotts, so it is one of the best places to start.

Cyber-David: That's true, but Quirrell wouldn't be easy to deal with even without Apparition. After all, he is also a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor possessed by Voldemort.

Hogwarts - Harry: So I plan to discuss with you how to start to increase my success rate. If everyone thinks it is very risky, then I will have to wait until I get to Hogwarts. Take action. 【sigh】

But to be honest, it would be best for Harry if he could really take action today.

After all, it would be difficult for Voldemort to sneak into Hogwarts again in one month, and he would also be able to gain an extra month to practice other skills, allowing his strength to improve more quickly.

Fortunately, after he made his intentions clear, the group of friends quickly supported his idea.

One person - Jiang Chen: If there is a counter-spell of Apparition, as long as you can contact the opponent, you will win more than half. The advantage is indeed huge. I don’t think it is a big problem.

Genshin Impact - Arataki Yidou: Hahahahaha, you are worthy of being from our group. Don’t worry. When it comes to Yin Man Jiang Chen, he has a lot of experience. His title as the Shit King of the Medicine Immortal Society is no joke. 【Give you a thumbs up】

One person - Jiang Chen: Why are you talking like shit when you open your mouth? And how can you describe scholars as sinners? I'm going to sue you for libel. I really want to sue you for libel! 【Green Corpse Cold Warning】

Suddenly, the past glorious achievements of the group members were mentioned one after another, followed by a series of "Shit King", "vine-attacking mountain-headed monster", "cyber self-destruction brother", "O God, start it!" and so on. Obscure language.

It caused everyone to laugh and cheer, and the group was filled with a happy atmosphere.

And everyone's rich experience couldn't help but make Harry's eyes shine with yearning.

Compared with his ordinary childhood life, the adventurous life of his friends was what he yearned for.

You must not fall behind.

One person - Jiang Chen: Ahem, let's get down to business. If you want to take action, you have to sort out the intelligence first.

One person - Jiang Chen: It is known that Quirrell's movement trajectory should be from the Leaky Cauldron to Gringotts, and finally left the scene without knowing where to go.If that's the case, then these are the only two places that can be arranged in advance, right?

Hogwarts - Harry: That's right, and because I have gold coins in Gringotts, I should be able to return to Gringotts alone after Hagrid leaves, so if I want to arrange it in advance, the Leaky Cauldron and Gringotts Ling Pavilion is the best place to start.

And whether it was the seat at the Leaky Cauldron, the way to enter Diagon Alley or the direction to Gringotts, Harry had already memorized it in his mind.

If you need to return later, that won't be a problem.

Cyber-David: Why don't I put some cyber weapons in the group space, the kind that are about the size of a small insect and can enter the body along the mouth, nose and ear passages and explode themselves, then it will naturally blow Quirrell half to death. Things will be settled.

Demon Slayer-Murata: This is really a plan that makes me explode just by reading the words.
Hogwarts - Harry: The method should be feasible, but the exchange price of those magic weapons is too high for me. I can't afford to exchange them even if I save for several months.

Cyber-David: Well, the exchange price is indeed a big issue.

Although it is not very clear about the specific changes in the exchange prices of items in the group space, the exchange prices of many powerful magic weapons introduced by Jiang Chen and David into the group are even higher than those for the entry-level Eight Magic Skills. Even Harry couldn't figure out the specific pattern.

But there is no doubt that with only 8 points, he obviously cannot get too much supermodel props from his friends.

Hogwarts - Harry: Actually, I have an idea. If Quirrell hasn't arrived yet when I go back, I can poison him in advance in the Leaky Cauldron.

Demon Slayer-Murata: Poison?It is indeed a good method, and it is best to use a drug with a delaying effect, otherwise he may not go to Gringotts if he is aware of it in advance.

One person - Jiang Chen: Well, it has a certain delay and can have a huge impact on combat effectiveness. Isn't that just a laxative? 【I am familiar with this! 】

One person - Jiang Chen: I happened to use my ability to control beasts to cultivate a powerful laxative that is colorless and odorless. The exchange price for this thing is not expensive at all. You can definitely afford it.

Genshin Impact - Arataki Idou: Laxative! ? ! ?Good guy, you might as well change your name to the Immortal Lord of Grain Reincarnation from now on, who would be a serious person to develop this thing?

However, complaints are complaints, and Jiang Chen's suggestion was fully recognized by Harry.

Presumably everyone must have some personal experience with the painful process of holding in daddy.

If the poison could be administered with a guaranteed delay, the impact on Quirrell's combat effectiveness would be absolutely indescribable.

But what Harry didn't expect was that Jiang Chen's ultimate move was obviously far more than this one.

One person-Jiang Chen: @元神-黄泷一多, don’t talk nonsense. In addition to laxatives, I have also made a series of similar products.

One person-Jiang Chen: Beast-control version of love potion, tear gas, voiceless water, anesthetic
It has to be said that after Harry saw Jiang Chen's little inventions, he actually wanted to redeem them all.

No matter from any angle, these gadgets are highly adaptable, and you will never have to worry about them not being able to use them in the future.

The most important thing is that the exchange price is extremely pro-chief compared to those magical weapons.

Even his pitiful savings can buy a little something.

Cyber-David: Is this the margin of the alien director of the Social Security Bureau?So scary.

One person - Jiang Chen: After all, being alone in a different world is a bit insecure. Ahem, the topic has changed again. I strongly recommend Harry to exchange for love potions and laxatives.

Genshin Impact - Arataki Ito: Why?This silenced Chino directly. [Banned warning! 】

One person - Jiang Chen: Because as far as I know, powerful wizards can still cast spells without opening their mouths, and the voiceless water takes effect in real time and is easy to detect.

Hogwarts - Harry: I roughly understand laxatives, but how to use love potions?
To be honest, in Harry's eyes, if he wanted to deal with Quirrell, it would be obvious that anesthetics and tear gas would be more effective.

And what is a love potion?
Could it be that he wanted Quirrell to fall in love with him and wait for death?
Fortunately, Jiang Chen quickly gave his explanation.

One person - Jiang Chen: Oh, didn't you say there was an adult dragon in Gringotts?This love potion can also be given to him.

One person - Jiang Chen: The main purpose of my love potion is to run in both directions with one hand. It will not only have a huge physiological impact on the target, but also create a huge attraction for the creatures that also use the love potion.

Genshin Impact - Arataki Idou: Damn it!Newborn, you!

Cyber-David: I'm shocked. I remember that Richlo didn't seem to disturb the white dragon in the original novel. If he was addicted to a love potion, pfft, I don't know why I suddenly felt sorry for him. 【Knock on wooden fish】

One person - Jiang Chen: By the way, you probably don’t have any weapons yet. It just so happens that it’s more convenient to buy a weapon if you’re not shopping right now. @hogwarts-harry.

Hogwarts - Harry: Well, after Hagrid and I finished buying the textbooks, we set out to buy weapons. Since I don’t know how to spell now, I might as well choose based on the standards of melee weapons.

Cyber-David: Wait, didn’t you all have firearms in your day?Getting some guns is no more useful than a staff or some kind of sword, gun or stick.

Hogwarts - Harry: Well, that makes sense. Then I'll exchange some pounds later to buy some firearms.

One person - Jiang Chen: As long as you have good feelings and ideas, I won’t say much else. I just wish you success in your plan.

Hogwarts - Harry: Sure enough, it was the right decision to discuss it with the seniors before taking action. It was really beneficial!
After Jiang Chen's advice, Harry suddenly felt that his plan had reached a very high degree of completion.

Regardless of whether he could meet Quirrell in the Leaky Cauldron after finishing his shopping, he was confident enough to successfully achieve his goal.

Sure enough, the talents in the group were rich in experience. If he were alone, he would never be able to come up with the idea of ​​using the dragon in Gringotts.

At this moment, Hagrid's voice also appeared in Harry's ears.

"This is Ollivander's Wand Shop. Harry, please go in first and pick out a wand."

"Not together?"

Harry asked with some confusion after he came to his senses.

Hearing this, Hagrid smiled at Harry again. "After all, I haven't given you the birthday gift last night. You can't miss out on the things you should have, right?"

As he spoke, Hagrid waved to Harry carelessly and left his side.

Although this hybrid giant had not met Harry many times before, it was obvious that his love for Harry was definitely from the bottom of his heart.

As Hagrid left, Harry finally turned his attention from the chat group back to reality.

In front of him was a small shop with a very period feel. On the black wooden door edge was the word "Ollivander" written in gold paint.

This is recognized as the best wand shop in the entire wizarding world.

After pushing open the creaking door, Harry saw a quaint room that was slightly dim and filled with various wand cabinets.

Under the dim light of the oil lamp, a white-haired old man was standing on the ladder, carefully inspecting the various small drawers that were as spectacular as the wall in front of him.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, the old man's eyes instantly shifted to Harry, and he showed a surprised look.

"I've been thinking about when I can see you, Mr. Potter. Oh, you look really strong now."

Ollivander climbed down from the ladder vigorously, then reached out and started picking from the drawer in front of him.

"It seems like just yesterday that your parents bought their first wand here. Come try this one."

Having said this, Ollivander took out a dark wand from the drawer and handed it to Harry's hand.

"All magic wands have spirituality. They will choose the master they like and wave it."

wave it?
Harry silently took the wand from the other party, and then subconsciously weighed it in his hand.

Tsk, it’s too light and I’m afraid I won’t be able to use it later.

The experienced Ollivander could see the slight change in Harry's expression at a glance, and then nodded thoughtfully.

"Oh? Are you not satisfied? Wait a moment."

With that said, he once again immersed himself in the "wand wall" behind him and began to select carefully.

This time the selection was obviously longer than Harry imagined.

Therefore, he began to look around the wand shop.

To be honest, he was not particularly interested in these wands that broke as soon as they were broken.

If possible, he would prefer that his wand be as strong and reliable as Gandalf's big wooden club.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly caught sight of something interesting.

"Mr. Ollivander, are all the wands sold in the store?"

Listening to Harry's question, Ollivander, who was carefully selecting his wand, raised his head and glanced at the long object in Harry's hand, then nodded and continued.

"Yes, including the cane in your hand, it is actually a type of wand. After all, not every wizard can move freely, right?"

"But, I don't really recommend this kind of wand. After all, these compact types can better bring out your amazing talents."

Then Ollivander turned back again, explaining to Harry while continuing to look for the wand.

Compared with conventional wands, this large and long-looking wand does not actually improve the transmission efficiency of magic power. On the contrary, it will increase the loss of magic power.

Generally, only wizards with special needs will choose to buy such a cane-shaped wand.

"Then may I ask Mr. Ollivander, are these special models of wands strong?"

"Don't worry, wands made of this type usually solidify the iron armor spell. Of course, this also means that if you want to use them to release spells, it will not be particularly efficient."

But what Ollivander didn't notice was that after he said these words of persuasion.

Harry's eyes immediately flashed with satisfaction.

Solidified iron armor curse?

Oh, that's just what he needs.

As for magic?

After redeeming the energy refining, Harry felt that he wouldn't need to worry about this problem at all.

What he needs is a wand that can knock out trolls with one stroke.

When Harry was satisfied with his discovery, Ollivander, who had chosen carefully, finally held a wand he had carefully selected in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Oh, this is the one Mr. Potter"

Before Rang Er could finish his words, his thoughts were interrupted by the constant sound of breaking through the air coming from behind him.

No, how could there be such strange commotion in a wand shop?

As Ollivander slowly turned around holding the wand, the scene before him made him widen his eyes in shock and even subconsciously let go of his hand holding the wand.

In the small store, Harry, who looked excited, had already picked up the special wand he had made specifically for giant hybrids.

The cane, which was close to 45 pounds (almost twenty kilograms), was tightly held by Harry's veiny hands, and then it was continuously pumped out into the air with a sound that made his scalp numb.

This cane, which even ordinary adult wizards struggled to pick up, was so easily thrown away in Harry's hands.

At this moment, he could finally understand why Harry asked him whether the wand was hard anymore.

If it wasn't hard, it would probably fall apart after only a few swings like this.

But what he bought in the store was a wand, not a stick, bastard! ! !

Such a ridiculous scene was simply something Ollivander had never seen in his life.

And most importantly.

Why did this wand choose a person to throw him as a stick? Where is your dignity as a wand?

How can I start criticizing you like this?

Looking at the cane that Harry waved so hard that it seemed to be shaking with joy, Ollivander stretched out a hand to cover his eyes in pain.

At this moment, Ollivander felt as if he had seen someone soaking fish and chips in yogurt and eating them as cereal.

His world view was shattered the moment he saw Harry and the dog-licking wand in his hand.

Ollivander was tired, and he suddenly wanted to retire.

(End of this chapter)

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