Chapter 100 She Is Your Daughter Too

He lowered his eyes to look at the palms of his hands that had been blackened by the impact of Nangong Qun's spiritual power. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Shen Tangluo who was kneeling beside him. disappear.

"I've met the Palace Master." No matter how reluctant he was, he had no choice but to suppress his dissatisfaction and stepped forward to salute.

After all, Nangong Qun's identity is there, he is the master of the entire Xuanling Palace.

With one hand behind her, Nangong Qun was wearing a black robe that exuded majesty and majesty. His face was gloomy, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

He was so silent, but he seemed to be questioning silently, which was more shocking than directly annoyed.

Although Nangong Qun's appearance looks gentle and jade-like, he is easy to get along with.

But those who know him will never think so, let alone dare to test his bottom line easily.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the fate of angering him is tragic.

Since he took charge of Xuanling Palace, he has always acted vigorously, resolutely and decisively, never caring about anyone's favor.

Yin Hong knew in his heart that from the moment his daughter was abolished and imprisoned, Nangong Qun would no longer care about his face as the Great Elder of Xuanling Palace.

In the silence, Nangong Qun's amber pupils showed a trace of coldness, "Elder Elder, who gave you the courage to secretly act as the daughter of my palace lord and the young lord of my Xuanling Palace?"

The tone was obviously plain, but it carried a shocking coercion.

Hearing this, Yin Hong frowned, and the injustice in his eyes became more and more intense. He suddenly lifted his robe and knelt down on one knee in front of Nangong Qun.

He questioned: "Palace Master, Fei'er is also your daughter, do you have the heart to let her be severely injured and kicked out of the palace?"

As both daughters, Nangong Qun's favoritism was too obvious, Yin Hong was not willing to obey.

What's more, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Nangong Fei at all. His granddaughter was supposed to be pampered, so how could anyone else touch her with a finger.

Not to mention Shen Qianyan's daughter!

"Shen Tangluo is too deceitful. The old man just taught her a lesson, so what's wrong? Could it be that because she is Shen Qianyan's daughter, the palace lord will be extra partial! If the old man doesn't take action, then who else can give Fei'er a favor?" justice!"

Nangong Qun narrowed his eyes, and said with a flick of his sleeves: "Nonsense! As the head of the elders, you violated the palace rules and violated the rules of the palace. Yin Hong, you have disappointed my palace master."

Nangong Qun looked disappointed, "Nangong Fei should take responsibility for what she did wrong, and there is no need to mention her matter in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Yin Hong raised his head suddenly, no matter how calm and sophisticated he was, the anger in his heart could not be dispelled at this moment.

He clenched his fists, and looked at the woman behind Nangong Qun with a murderous intent.

Nangong Qun also noticed that something was wrong with Shen Tangluo, he turned around, his expression changed, and he immediately squatted down to help.

At this moment, Shen Tangluo was completely holding on, and there was still a trace of sobriety in her mind, so she would not fall into a coma completely.

The small face that was originally porcelain white and shiny was completely devoid of blood, it was shockingly pale, and the hair was disheveled, wet from the sweat from his forehead, sticking to his face.

She half-kneeled on the ground, stretched out trembling hands, and hugged her head, the clarity in her eyes had long since disappeared, leaving scarlet.

The bone-piercing pain all broke out at this moment.

She can't be in a coma in Xuanling Palace, she has to hold on, here, the only one she can trust is herself.

However, every inch of pain in her body surged out at the same time, constantly devouring the consciousness she was desperately maintaining.

She couldn't hear what Nangongqun and Yin Hong said, but when Nangongqun's hand was about to touch her arm, Shen Tangluo suddenly noticed it.

She shook her lips and said coldly, "Don't touch me!"

As soon as her words fell, the sky that had just lit up suddenly darkened again, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and the sound was like a roar, which was thrilling.

In the confusion of consciousness, Shen Tangluo felt a familiar breath, her hands loosened slightly, and she fell into a coma completely...

 ps: A lot of little fairies want the hero to come out quickly, he is a bit slow, but hurry up, don't worry, don't worry~
(End of this chapter)

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