Chapter 11 I Dreamed About You

Jun Yunsi frowned even deeper, and for a moment he didn't know where he got the patience to accompany this little girl.

Shen Tangluo's eyebrows were curved, and the tails of her peach blossom eyes were lightly raised, as if she had been caught in the misty rain of a lifetime. She suddenly remembered what he had said to her in the previous life, smiled charmingly, and added: "Shen Tangluo, Xiaoyu Begonia , gracefully."

Shen Tangluo, Tangluo...

Jun Yunsi frowned, and searched his mind for a long time, but couldn't find any memory about her.

But, how to explain why he is so familiar with this name?
Even just now when she was in danger, he subconsciously panicked and reflexively went to catch her.

Just like now, I don't feel disgusted by her closeness.

The soft and delicate touch of Jun Yunsi's palm made his heart tremble slightly.

The cold fingertips were slightly stiff, Jun Yunsi immediately stood up straight, let go of his hands, his voice was still cold as always, but his tone was much softer, "You are alone, where is your family?"

Generally, only cultivators can enter the Ghost Shadow Forest.

However, this little girl with no cultivation base appeared here alone with injuries all over her body.

Isn't she afraid of the dark night?
He frowned, and took a good look at her whole body. When he was healing her just now, he found something was wrong.

The little girl had internal and external injuries, unlike simple scratches, she had obviously been beaten by someone.

Thinking of this, Jun Yunsi frowned even harder.

When Jun Yunsi asked so earnestly, Shen Tangluo's beautiful eyes flickered, and only then did she think of the woman who had left her behind, and a stern look flashed across her eyes.

Resurrection, many things, with the current mind, she no longer has the helplessness and grief of being left behind.

Shen Tangluo was never a person who would complain, she had her own stubbornness and persistence, even if the person she was facing was Jun Yunsi, she would not expose her vulnerable side.

Shen Tangluo pursed her lower lip, her dimples slightly sunken, instead of answering Jun Yunsi's question, she changed the subject with a smile: "Do you know why I know your name is Jun Yunsi?"

Jun Yunsi's dark eyes deepened, staring at her star-like eyes, silent, waiting for her to speak.

From the moment Shen Tang shouted his name anxiously behind his back, he was extremely surprised.

"Brother, you squat down, it's too high." Shen Tangluo beckoned, motioning him to come closer.

"Brother" came out of Shen Tangluo's mouth unexpectedly, and Jun Yunsi's cold face instantly became subtle.

The slightly stiff look in his phoenix eyes fell into Shen Tangluo's eyes.

The corner of Shen Tangluo's mouth slightly twitched, and a playful thread was drawn, and said with a smile: "Brother, I have no cultivation base at all, so I can't do anything for you, what are you afraid of?"

After Shen Tangluo finished speaking, she felt that she was on the verge of death and was frantically probing.

The breath on Jun Yunsi's body became more and more cold, and he naturally knew that this little girl was no threat to him.

After hesitating for a while, Jun Yunsi didn't know why he was so obedient, but actually leaned closer and said coldly, "Have you seen me?"

How can you explain it if you haven't seen it?

Naturally, Shen Tangluo couldn't explain the matter of rebirth to him now, so she stretched out her small hand and pressed it on his strong shoulder, tilted her head against his ear, parted her delicate lips, and said very seriously: "Brother, my dream saw you."

ever dreamed?
Jun Yunsi saw through at a glance that she was lying, his jaw tightened, and he frowned.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly descended and saluted Jun Yunsi, "Master, uh..."

When Yan Buwen raised his eyes, his voice seemed to be choked instantly, and he lost his voice.

Who can tell him what he saw?
Could it be that he was wrong?

Yes, it must be the wrong way of opening his eyes.

Yan Buwen closed his eyes, counted silently three times in his heart, and opened them again.


He really is!real!That's right!

His ruthless master was actually bending over to talk to a little girl.

He was just a little late, a disheartened little girl who came out of nowhere.

This scene, no matter how you look at it, makes people doubt life.

Shen Tangluo's hand on Jun Yunsi's shoulder froze, and his little face in the dark was also stained with an imperceptible blush.

Damn it!Why did she forget that Wei Yan, a close figure of Jun Yunsi, didn't ask.

Shen Tangluo squinted his eyes, retracted his hand unnaturally, and turned around.

Jun Yunsi still had an indifferent and cold face, and his slender and straight body straightened up.

It was still the Jun Yunsi who was born with a natural air of coldness and innate noble and domineering aura.

He frowned unhappily, and said in a low voice to Yan Buwen who was still doubting himself: "Say!"

(End of this chapter)

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