Chapter 21 Nangong Group Come Back Soon
The art of returning gods from the ghost prison exhausted her energy and blood.

It was practiced in a very short period of time. As a manipulator of ghosts, it is inevitable that she will suffer backlashes that are more difficult than ordinary people who become obsessed with practicing kung fu.

Shen Tangluo couldn't be more clear about her physical condition.

Sitting here, she seems to be resting, but in fact she is exercising and adjusting her breath, suppressing the blood that is about to move in her throat and may spurt out at any time.

She was too lazy to explain, and closed her eyes again, leaving Nangong Mo aside.

But seeing this, Nangongmo became more and more anxious. He stretched out his hands to gather spiritual power, wanting to relieve Shen Tangluo's pain, "You look very painful, I will give you some spiritual power."

Shen Tangluo's eyes, which had just been closed, opened abruptly, with the usual indifference, and Nangong Mo jumped up.

Nangong Mo's hands that were running spiritual power froze immediately, thinking that Shen Tangluo was too defensive and misunderstood that she was going to hurt her.

Nangong Mo bit her lower lip, and quickly explained, "I...I didn't intend to do anything to you, you seem to be seriously injured, I just want to transfer some spiritual power to you."

Of course Shen Tangluo knew that Nangong Mo didn't harm her, but she couldn't help herself.

What Nangong Mo practiced was summoning, and she used the power of summoning wind to improve her cultivation and strengthen herself, which had nothing to do with her ghost spells.

To be precise, any of the exercises under the Likong Continent's cultivation system are useless to her.

If she wanted to recover as soon as possible, she could only use her mental power to manipulate the ghost to reset.

Shen Tangluo saw the worry in Nangong Mo's eyes, a look of complexity flashed across Tao Hua's eyes, and she just refused indifferently: "No need."

When Nangong Mo hesitated to speak, Shen Tangluo raised her peach eyes, stared at Nangong Mo's small face, and said coldly: "Nangong Qun will be back soon."

She remembered that at this time in her previous life, she narrowly escaped from the ghost forest, with nowhere to go and nothing to rely on.

At that moment, the feelings of loneliness, grievance, and helplessness abandoned by her mother were also magnified infinitely, as if a surging wave invaded and seemed to swallow her up and annihilate her.

And the mother's disgusted eyes and vicious words hurt her fragile heart inch by inch.

With nowhere to go, she finally listened to her mother.

She was not afraid of being mutilated quietly by Yin Su again, and ran back to the Xuanling Palace in a foolish way, looking for the father she had never met that her mother said she had never met.

That's what the cold-blooded and ruthless woman in her distant memory said that she had never smiled at her, the heartless and ungrateful Xuanling Palace master Nangong Qun who ruined her life.

Perhaps she deserved her life, and walked to Xuanling Palace alive covered in blood.

Yin Su didn't expect that her life would be so serious that she could survive after spending the night in the ghost forest.

When Yin Su realized that she had appeared in front of the main hall of Xuanling Palace in full view, it was already too late to calm things down.

Because, she happened to run into Nangong Qun who just came back.

She held back her tears, feeling excited and nervous to see Nangong Qun, and revealed that she was sent by her mother to find her biological father.

Or maybe it was because she and Shen Qianyan had very similar looks, Nangong Qun didn't immediately drive her away who was broken like a beggar.

At that time, she thought that her mother had some difficulties, but she had to leave her behind.

Therefore, after seeing Nangongqun, she did not let go of her grievance after being discarded, but obediently lowered her eyes and waited for Nangongqun's response.

She couldn't understand Nangong Qun's expression at that time, but she only remembered that she was finally led into Xuanling Palace by hand.

Thinking of her miserable fate in her previous life, Shen Tangluo only wanted to use the word "stupid" to describe her.

This was the first time that Shen Tangluo spoke to Nangongmo after the two walked all the way back to the wooden house.

Nangong Mo didn't seem to have expected that Shen Tangluo would speak suddenly, let alone that she would ask about her father in the first sentence after she spoke.

Nangong Mo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the overtones in her mother's words when she humiliated the little girl in front of her in the wooden house.

She had never heard of the name Shen Qianyan, but she heard that her mother was saying that the little girl came here pretending to be her father's daughter.

Nangong Mo's immature and sweet face was slightly tangled, and she still asked softly and timidly: "Are you really father's daughter?"

If it is true, then she is her own sister who is connected by blood.

Shen Tangluo sat up straight lazily, with a sleepy expression, and an extremely pale face with an innate ruthlessness.

 ps: [Hey] The article is mainly about the plot. If the practice level setting is not necessary, it will be added later, and it will not be written in the main text.

  [The overhead continent respected by martial arts must have training settings]

  Summoning in the eight major systems: practitioners can lead the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body, condense spiritual power, and improve their own cultivation.

  According to the attributes of their spiritual essence, practitioners can summon one of the natural forces such as wind, rain, fog, thunder, and electricity, and manipulate this force to protect themselves and fight against evil people.

  Depending on the strength of one's own cultivation, the degree of ease in using the forces of nature varies.

  Such practitioners are called Summoners.

  Grade: Grade [-] to Grade [-]

  [All the practice level settings in this article are self-created, illogical text, don't be serious, you will lose if you are serious~Happiness is the most important thing. 】

(End of this chapter)

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