Chapter 24 I Want to Expose Her True Colors

The mottled light and shadow in the morning reflected on Shen Tangluo's delicate and beautiful face, the softness of the light and the coldness in the eyes formed an extreme contrast.

Shen Tangluo caressed the blood-red robe slowly, his eyes sparkled, but his words were profoundly indifferent, "So, your mother brought you into the world just to let you be at the mercy of others?"

A word that was neither salty nor light, instantly shocked Nangong Mo, and she looked at Shen Tang's frosty face with eyes filled with disbelief.

Shen Tangluo seemed unable to see the shock in Nangongmo's eyes, and glanced at her indifferently, with a casual sarcasm on his lips, and chuckled, "How long are you going to escape?"

Shen Tangluo was neither too fast nor too slow, and every word hit the nail on the head, ruthless and piercing.

Nangong Mo was stunned for a long time, but a light flashed across her normally timid pupils, as if she understood something.

After a long while, she clenched her hands tightly, but there was no timidity in her amber pupils, and there was a hint of firmness in her soft voice, and there was a determination not to turn back in her tone.

"No, I want to go back, and I must let my father and the whole Xuanling Palace know Yin Su's true face."

Xuanling Palace, Liuli Palace, Qing Pavilion.

Here is the bedroom where Qin Qing, the fourth wife of Xuanling Palace, Nangong Mo's biological mother lived, and the third lady Nan Gongmo's boudoir is also in this hall.

When it was still dawn, a slight but deep impact sound resounded throughout the Qing Pavilion.

The maid Shuitao next to Mrs. Qing was suddenly awakened from a half-dream.

Puzzled, she got up from the bed in the side room next door, rubbed her sleepy eyes and pushed open the door of Mrs. Qing's main room.

In the past, Mrs. Qing would sleep until [-]:[-] a.m. before getting up.

Look at the weather, it's too early.

Shuitao murmured in her heart, but couldn't think of a reason.

Fearing that the master she was serving would have some orders, Shuitao hurriedly put on her clothes and ran over from the side room.

The moment she pushed open the door of Qing Pavilion's main house, the blood on Shuitao's face suddenly disappeared, and she lost all sleepiness.

The next moment, her eyes were terrified, her face was pale, she yelled in panic, her voice was trembling and fearful, "Come on, it's bad! Mrs. Qing, she...she hanged herself!"

She screamed, and her voice resounded sharply throughout the Glazed Palace.

All the servants in the Liuli Palace were woken up, and they ran over in a swarm in a panic, regardless of their clothes.

Mrs. Qing hanged herself!

How can this be?

Mrs. Qing usually has a gentle and gentle temperament, never fights or grabs, and never has any conflicts with others, why can't she think about hanging herself!
During the day, Mrs. Qing felt sorry for Miss San's hard work, so she personally cooked soup for Miss San.

Everyone was astonished.

The maidservants turned pale with fright, they were serving Mrs. Qing and Miss San.

Something happened to the master, and none of them could escape the blame.

With trembling hands, Shuitao looked at Mrs. Qing who was hanging in white silk on the beam with her eyes in horror, and finally came to her senses.

She ran in quickly, and shouted at the maid behind her, crying heavily, "Quick, come and help me put Madam Qing down."

A few steady maidservants put Mrs. Qing down together and carried her to the soft couch.

Shui Tao gritted her teeth tightly, tears streaming down her face, but she was not panicked like other maidservants who cried outright.

When Mrs. Qing was hanging from the beam, she was wearing a thin underclothes. With red eyes, Shui Tao held back tears and covered her with a quilt.

Such a big movement has already alarmed the patrolling guards of Xuanling Palace.

Commander Wan, who was in charge of the inspection, hurried over with a group of guards.

Commander Wan was also woken up by the noise. When he woke up in his sleep, he inevitably spoke in a bad tone and asked impatiently:
"What's the matter? It's not proper to be surprised at once. If you disturb Madam, I will let you all go around without food."

(End of this chapter)

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