Chapter 240 Where is Your Highness the Ninth Prince's Heart?
Li Yu was stunned, and wanted to persuade Shen Tangluo to calm down, but he could only look at her dumbly, unable to say a word.

No matter how dull a person is, he can't fail to see how deeply Shen Tangluo cares about His Highness Yunfu Ninth Prince.

Li Yu couldn't imagine how much a blow would be caused to her if she was lost forever, since the person Shen Tangluo hid silently in his heart.

At this time, what is the use of persuasion?

For Shen Tangluo, consolation is probably the most feeble and disdainful thing.

The best way is to rely on her, and one day, when she can come out by herself, then she will be truly relieved.

Li Yu took a deep look at Shen Tangluo, calmed down, walked to the bed, closed his eyes, and calmed himself down as much as possible.

He clenched his hands, and his complicated eyes fell on Jun Yunsi's face.

The eyes of the man on the couch were closed tightly, and there was a fierceness that could not be ignored, like a natural master.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't detect any breath of life on his body, people would think that he was just asleep and would wake up anytime, anywhere.

He calmed down and looked carefully. For some reason, Li Yu felt a seemingly invisible sadness from this handsome face with sharp edges and corners.

He couldn't help suspecting that His Highness Ninth Prince hadn't really fallen asleep, and he seemed to have unfulfilled wishes, which were still waiting for him to do them.

Thinking of this, the corner of Li Yu's mouth twitched imperceptibly, and he couldn't help but feel ridiculous for his own thoughts.

He shook his head, collected his thoughts, and carefully inspected the shocking wounds on Jun Yunsi's body with his eyebrows fixed.

Before that, even though Li Yu had never met Jun Yunsi directly, he had heard many rumors about him.

People in the world often say that Yunfu Ninth Prince's first-hand medicine refining technique has been heard by Li Kong, but he is cold-natured and has no compassion for the world, so Kong is known as a miracle doctor.

But he accidentally found out that His Highness the Ninth Prince's jade bone medicine heart helped the common people without leaving his name or surname, and did not care about gains or losses.

Four years ago, the natural disaster that shocked Li Kong in the Extremely Cold Region almost spread to the nearby border city of Qisang Country.

Shen Tangluo controlled the raging evil poison with his own power, let the name of Qianhuan spread throughout the ancient mysterious world, and even founded Qishao Mountain.

As a subordinate, he was sent by Shen Tangluo to deliver medicine to the disaster-stricken people in the border city of Qisang. At that time, he caught a glimpse of His Highness Yunfu Ninth Prince from a distance.

He knew very well that the rapid control of the disaster on the border of the Qisang country was due to the medicine barrier Jun Yunsi set up before he left, not the elixir he refined.

Now, when he actually saw the person he had admired for a long time lying in front of him so coldly, and he was powerless with all his medical skills, he couldn't help feeling an unspeakable heavy lament in his heart.

The body of the man in front of him was firm and refined, but there was hardly a single spot of intact skin, it was full of holes, black and blue.

Even though several days have passed, the lingering black air has faded away, but the deep and deep caves left behind still make people look frightened.

Even if Li Yu was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he couldn't bear to watch them.

It is conceivable how Shen Tangluo, who has to face such heart-wrenching scenes every day, will feel.

He could see that these wounds were carefully soaked in water with medicinal spirits every day, so as not to fester and rot.

A mortal body will rot into mud one day. Why does she insist on guarding a body that is doomed not to be able to survive, and refuses to let it rest in the ground?
Li Yu had a lot of thoughts, and he didn't understand until now, his eyes were instantly complicated, which was a little hard to accept.

Shen Tangluo is more stubborn than he imagined, even terribly stubborn, she is indeed crazy, for the man who has left a glorious man in this world...

More than half of the time for a stick of incense has passed.

Seeing that the door of Shen Tangluo's room was closed tightly and there was still no movement, Nangongmo felt suspicious, and was about to knock on the door when Yan Buwen who suddenly appeared stopped him.

"Guard Yan?" Nangong Moxiu frowned slightly, and shifted her gaze to Yan Buwen's serious face, her amber pupils were full of puzzlement, "What are you doing?"

"Young master Shen has explained, no one is allowed to disturb." Yan Buwen also wanted to remind Shen Tangluo that it was time to leave, but Shen Tang gave the order before he had no choice.

Nangong Mo said anxiously: "She didn't come back all night, and when she came back, her complexion was not good, so nothing happened?"

Nangong Mo's small face was stained with anxiety. She remembered that Shen Tangluo always liked to be alone these few days and would not allow anyone to disturb her, so she felt a faint uneasiness in her heart.

"Where's Li Yu?" Nangong Mo asked about Li Yu. She sent a letter to Qishao Mountain to let Li Yu take care of Shen Tangluo's injury.

She always remembered the injury Shen Tangluo suffered in Xuanling Palace.

If it wasn't for getting her the ten thousand-year medicine spirit, Shen Tangluo should be retreating in Qishao Mountain right now.

During this period of time, Nangong Mo was always in an indescribably flustered heart, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

What is it that Shen Tangluo is hiding from and unwilling to say more?
"Young Master Li is also inside." When Yan Buwen said these words, his face was a little bad. Compared with other things, he was more concerned about when his lord would wake up.

Nangong Mo was surprised, pointed at the door in disbelief and said, "Are you sure you read it right? He's really inside?"

Her younger sister was the one who hated Li Yu the most, and would allow him to follow.

Could it be that Tangtang's injury at that time has not healed yet, and it is still very serious?
Nangong Mo frowned, with a hesitant expression, he raised his hand to push the door in, but was afraid of making Shen Tang unhappy, so he was very entangled.

She asked: "Guard Yan, when did you see Li Yu go in?"

"I made an appointment for a cup of tea, what is Miss Nangong doing with Young Master Shen?" Yan Bu asked.

Nangong Mo pursed her lips, clasped her hands tightly, and said silently: "Wait a little longer."

Yan Buwen glanced at the closed door, his eyes were a little complicated, and he begged in his heart that Young Master Shen would pay more attention to his lord, so as not to disappoint his steadfast trust in her.

And don't... let him down.

At the same time, inside the room, Li Yu suddenly withdrew his exercises in a hurry, his pupils tightened, and he looked at Shen Tangluo in shock.

"How could this happen! Even if a skeleton pierces the heart, it is impossible to melt the heart of His Highness Ninth Prince, but this..."

Why can't he find out the heart of His Highness the Ninth Prince at all?
This is so weird!

Did Shen Tangluo know about it?
 ps: The update time span is too large, everyone probably forgot the plot about Qishaoshan mentioned earlier (point to the way, if you don’t remember clearly, you can go back to Chapter 93, if you don’t know the distribution of Likong Continent, you can join the group, Look at the photo album, the painting is very clear and clear at a glance)
(End of this chapter)

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