Chapter 26

Shuitao knelt on the ground, turned her face towards Yin Su, endured the tears that kept rolling down, gritted her teeth, and strengthened her thoughts.

She said with red eyes: "Ma'am, this servant firmly believes that my master will never hang himself. In the evening, she happily made perilla soup for Miss San and recuperated her body."

"It's just a few hours, my master can't think about it."

"Miss San is still so young, how could she abandon Miss San and ignore her, there is absolutely no reason to hang herself."

The more Yin Su listened, the more she frowned.

And Shui Tao crawled directly to Yin Su's feet, raised her red and swollen eyes, and pleaded: "I beg my wife to thoroughly investigate the murder of Mrs. Qing. My master's death, my servant thinks it must be persecution."

Shuitao kept crying out for her master's grievances, her voice was hoarse, and everyone present couldn't help but be convinced by the certainty in her words.

No one paid attention to the gloom in Yin Su's eyes. At this time, her calm and serious voice came over, "Okay, Madam Qing will give her face. When the palace lord returns, I will report this matter to you." .”

Shuitao was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Yin Su was planning to calm things down temporarily, "But... madam, the murderer is most likely still in Xuanling Palace at this moment."

It's only been a while since Mrs. Qing was found hanging here, and the murderer can't escape.

Shui Tao cried with affirmation, "Also, this servant is a light sleeper, and lives in a side room, close by. After hearing the noise, she ran over and found that my master was killed... The servant was so frightened that he yelled, Then everyone showed up."

As soon as this remark came out, Commander Wan standing behind Yin Su's face changed, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He always felt that hanging himself was not that simple.

He still remained silent, looking thoughtfully at Mrs. Qing who was on the bed.

He also appeared right after the scream. From Shui Tao's words, it can be inferred that Mrs. Qing obviously did not commit suicide.

Anyone with a little common sense understands that if a person hangs from a bridge, there must be a process of suffocation.

It's impossible for Shuitao to notice the movement immediately after hearing the movement, and it's too late to stop it.

Seeing Shuitao's reluctance, Zhiying, the maidservant beside Yin Su frowned, showing displeasure, and directly stood in front of Shuitao.

She glanced at Mrs. Qing, who had died on the bed, with disgust on her face, and said coldly: "Whether Mrs. Qing's death was her own choice, or was there another murderer, Madam will investigate thoroughly, how can you let me talk about it?"

Yin Su suppressed the deepness in her eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I will go and explain to the Palace Master about Mrs. Qing's matter."

The implication is that she doesn't have to promise anything to a lowly girl no matter what she should do with it.

When Shuitao heard this, her heart trembled, and a look of astonishment flashed across her eyes.

She is not stupid, and she immediately understood the meaning of Madam's words, that she had overstepped the rules in agitation.

The madam is obviously annoyed by the quarrel, if she continues to entangle, she will definitely not get any benefits, let alone avenging for her master.

Shuitao knelt on the ground nervously, enduring the breathless intimidation.

She denied it again and again, "This servant never meant to question Madam, this servant just wanted to..."

Commander Wan frowned in thought while listening, and suddenly stepped forward to interrupt, "So, where is Miss San?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was startled before reacting in unison.

Yes, where is Miss San?

All the servants of the Liuli Palace appeared after hearing the commotion. With such a big commotion, no matter how sleepy a person is, they should be woken up.

No wonder I always felt that something was wrong. It turned out that the third miss was not here, and something happened to my mother. Where did the third miss go?
The Mo Pavilion where Nangong Mo lived was originally the side pavilion closest to the main residence of the Liuli Palace.

Yin Su silently tightened the hands in his lower sleeves, his displeasure was contained in his eyes.

Except for Yin Su and the two maidservants beside her, the people present really didn't know where Nangong Mo had gone.

Yin Suming knew better than anyone why Nangong Mo was not there, but she still had a puzzled look on her face, frowned and told the maid beside her, "Go to Piange and see if Miss San is here."

(End of this chapter)

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