Chapter 281 He Knows It All
Under the strong coercion, Han Xiangning finally couldn't bear it, and fell to his knees in embarrassment, unable to escape.

She was full of panic, looking at the tall and tall figure in disbelief, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The man in front of him was dressed in a night-like black robe, towering above him, as if he was a god of death looking down on the common people, and there was an unknown danger of ruining the world hidden in his cold eyes.

"Who the hell are you...?" Han Xiangning's voice trembled uncontrollably, and his body instinctively backed away.

Jun Yunsi had a cold expression on his face, and looked at Han Xiangning indifferently, as ruthlessly as if looking at an ant, "Take care of it cleanly."

As soon as the words fell, Han Xiangning was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the words meant, she subconsciously looked around in a panic.

At the same time, the crying and laughing sounded from far to near, and Han Xiangning finally saw the source of the sound, and his face was instantly filled with horror.

She was so frightened that she screamed, forgot her situation for a while, and wanted to ask for help.

But when he turned around, there was no one there.

After a while, shrill screams came from the depths of Shuo Mi.

Rumor has it that in the ancient medicine fairyland, there lived a fierce beast named Gu Eagle, which was shaped like an eagle and had horns, and its voice was as eerie as a baby crying.

This ferocious beast, half beast and half bird, has a ferocious face, can turn into a beast or a bird, is cruel and bloodthirsty, and eats people for a living...

The bell rings in the middle of the night, the demon world.

Shen Tangluo was carried back to the Lingqiong Cangyu covered in blood.

The old lady guarding Liuguang Hall saw Jun Yunsi's figure from a distance, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him on crutches.

However, before the smile on her face fainted, her attention was attracted by the woman in Jun Yunsi's arms.

Your Majesty, why did you bring a woman back in your arms?
"Keep the gate of the palace and don't allow anyone to approach." Jun Yunsi ordered coldly.

Hearing this, unconcealable worry appeared on the old woman's old face, and she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with this girl..."

Jun Yunsi's figure was like a gust of wind, and before the old woman finished speaking, she passed her by.

Inside the hall, candles were lit up.

Shen Tangluo was placed on the warm couch, her whole body was as quiet as if she was asleep.

Her complexion was pale, all blood was gone, and her figure became thinner and petite, as if it would disintegrate with a slight wind blow.

Jun Yunsi sat down next to her in his robe, and carefully brushed away the messy hair on her forehead, the movements of his hands were gentle to the bone.

The hostility in his eyes had long since disappeared, and when he saw the shocking burn marks on Shen Tangluo's left face, even though he was mentally prepared, he was still stunned, and his eyes were stained with scarlet blood in an instant.

The usually indifferent and calm face was filled with unspeakable emotions, including pity, self-blame, annoyance, helplessness, sadness, and fear that could not be concealed.

This silly could she have lived two lives without taking good care of herself.

"Tang'er, I'm late." His voice was low and hoarse, and thousands of words could not overcome the guilt in his heart.

For the past month, she has traveled tirelessly and traveled thousands of miles for him, even at the risk of risking her life, he can clearly perceive it.

Her sadness, her sadness, her longing, her despair, her joy, anger, sorrow, joy, laughter, hate, anger, and ignorance, even if his soul is far away, he can empathize with all of them.

Under the Fuyuan Pagoda, the moment the heart and soul cup was broken, his heart and soul were tightly intertwined with her heart.

He knew exactly what she had gone through.

However, he couldn't hold her in his arms when she was sad, and couldn't protect her when she was in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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