Chapter 285 Nightmare
Jun Yunsi will not tell the old woman the truth, this is a matter between him and Shen Tangluo, and has nothing to do with others.

He looked cold, "I have my own plans for this matter, so don't worry about it, aunt, just step back."

"Yes," the old woman dared not interfere with Jun Yunsi's decision even though she was anxious, "This subordinate resigns."

Her Majesty treated her with the courtesy of an elder, but she had to disregard her sense of propriety and forget the difference between master and servant.

What's more, His Majesty's thoughts at this time are all on the unconscious woman, and he is afraid that he has no intention of caring about other things.

Before leaving, the old woman took one more look at the woman on the bed, sighed, closed the palace door silently, and left with a cane.

I hope that girl can survive the catastrophe, safe and sound, wake up earlier.

The night is low and the moon is clear.

Shen Tangluo still showed no sign of waking up.

After changing Shen Tangluo's medicine, Jun Yunsi frowned and stood beside the bed for a long time, thinking about something.

After a while, Jun Yunsi twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled helplessly, and leaned against her.

He turned slightly sideways, resting his head on his elbows, gently stroking the center of her wrinkled brows with his fingertips, and said in a low voice, "Sleep, with the deity here, everything will be fine."

Previously, in order to find the baby snake fruit, Shen Tangluo held on day and night, forcing himself not to fall.

Now, she is obsessed with it, it is really hard to say how long she will sleep.

Listening to Shen Tangluo's light breathing, Jun Yunsi's dark eyes slowly revealed an indelible softness.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he extinguished a few candle lamps in the hall, leaving only two faint lights in front of the couch, and lay down with his clothes on.

The shadow of the candle flickered, and the night deepened.

Shen Tangluo only felt that her body was so heavy, she couldn't see everything around her clearly, there was pitch darkness in front of her eyes.

She desperately wanted to break free, but her body seemed to be completely out of her control, and she fell over and over again.

She took a deep breath, suppressing the unreasonable fear in her heart, struggling to get up and try to escape.

But at this moment, there were waves of howling wolves vaguely approaching her.

Shen Tangluo's body froze, she suddenly lost all strength, and instinctively hugged her knees and curled up.

She saw it clearly, this is the back mountain of Xuanling Palace, the ghost forest!

She was terrified and kept backing away.

But behind him, a pack of wolves are waiting.

The hungry wolf with thick fangs did not give her a retreat at all, and rushed towards her ferociously.

She subconsciously closed her eyes and turned sideways, covering her face with her hands.

Not feeling the expected pain, she slowly opened her eyes, but a different picture appeared in front of her eyes.

The red flames sweeping across the sky!
She actually saw Jun Yunsi standing in the middle of the raging fire, smiling at her.

"No!" She was terrified.

"Yunsi, don't! Get out of the way!"

Shen Tangluo yelled heart-piercingly, but he seemed unable to hear her voice, his slender body gradually became transparent, and disappeared like an illusory streamer in front of her eyes.

She... how could she just watch his body being burned to ashes, what the hell was she doing!
Shen Tang squatted on the ground, broke down and burst into tears, the pain in his heart spread all the way to his limbs, he was so desperate that he suffocated.

In the end, she was stunned in the same place in a daze. At this moment, it seemed that something was about to tear her skull, and she couldn't help but hugged her head.

The scenes in my mind are still intertwined and changing, Xuanling Palace, Yunfu Imperial City, Temple of the Six Realms, Wujian Valley, Shuo Mi... Scenes of the past flashed through my mind.

Just when Jun Yunsi was about to fall asleep, Shen Tangluo groaned out of the cold, fine sweat broke out on his forehead, and his body suddenly began to tremble unconsciously.

As if, afraid of something.

Jun Yunsi woke up immediately, seeing Shen Tangluo's sweaty face, he was slightly taken aback.

This is not the backlash of Soul Eater and Blood Bone, she is extremely disturbed!

Jun Yunsi's pupils shrank, and his face became solemn.

What was it that made her so terrified even in her sleep?
He breathed slightly, and immediately leaned down, supported Shen Tangluo's sides, held her little face, and comforted her softly, "Tang'er, don't be afraid, everything is over."

Shen Tangluo didn't seem to be able to hear anything, and a weak and choked voice spewed out intermittently, "No...don't, don't!"

There was a deep sense of helplessness in this voice, and the weeping voice broke my heart.

A stab of pain flashed in Jun Yunsi's eyes, he avoided her injury with extreme care, wrapped his arms around her waist, and wrapped her in his arms.

However, Shen Tangluo's hands wrapped in white gauze were restless, and he grabbed the skirt of Jun Yunsi's chest indiscriminately, his eyebrows were furrowed, and it was difficult to calm down no matter what.

Her pale lips opened and closed, murmuring something, and her consciousness was already in a state of confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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