Chapter 310 Back Pain, Sore Neck
Shen Tangluo knew nothing about what happened in Xuanling Palace thousands of miles away.

She was alone in the study room, concentrating on flying her pen on a piece of brocade silk, turning her wrist to form a poem.

Under the dim light, the pen and ink on the scroll seem to be covered with a layer of mist, making it difficult to see the mystery.

As the dusk gradually fell, Jun Yunsi finally came back.

However, when he returned to the dormitory, he did not see Shen Tangluo's figure.

After asking the shadow guard in the dark, I found out that she had locked herself in the room all day.

He came back wearing a heavy dew, and before going to find Shen Tangluo, he took off his outer robe and changed into clean clothes.

The candlelight in the study room is warm and soft, seeping out from under the hollowed-out hanging window, blending with the moonlight, overflowing with mottled traces.

Jun Yunsi stood under the window for a long time, until Shen Tangluo seemed to feel something, then turned around and opened the door to enter.

His voice was low and low, "What are you drawing?"

Shen Tangluo was frank and frank, flicking his hand in front of him to hide the scroll, blinking his star-like eyes, "The secret of heaven must not be revealed!"

Seeing her mysterious look, Jun Yunsi's deep desire to explore was immediately drawn out.

He had never seen Shen Tangluo's painting skills before.

He forgot her once, missed her growth, and even missed her for many years.

Therefore, at this time, he even greedily wanted to know everything about her.

"I heard from the shadow guard that you sit in the study all day and paint."

"Hmm..." Shen Tangluo pursed her lips tightly, pondered for a while, and looked up into the bottom of his dark eyes.

"Didn't I listen to you and recuperate well in the mansion without going anywhere and waiting for you to come back?"

Shen Tangluo smiled beautifully, her face full of flattery.

With a sullen face, Jun Yunsi took her hand and examined it carefully.

Seeing that the injury was recovering well, she couldn't help but curled up her fingers and tapped the tip of her nose, and said lightly:
"When Young Master Shen is still glib? This deity has learned a lot."

She has a big heart, she is really a little heartless.

After learning that she had been busy working on a painting all day, even without a drop of water, he wished he could tie her by his side all the time and supervise her personally.

He knew that once this woman was out of his sight, she would never be quiet and obedient.

She always has the ability to easily touch his mind.

Jun Yunsi was angry, but when he spoke, there was an imperceptible pampering in his eyes.

Shen Tangluo didn't realize that she used the most disdainful trick in her life.

"Yunsi, my back hurts and my neck is sore..."

As she spoke, she covered her heart with one hand and rested her forehead with the other, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, as if the pain was unbearable.

Such clumsy acting skills, even if Jun Yunsi wanted to give her face, even pretending to be deceived felt extremely embarrassed.

However, he took everything she said to heart after all.

Jun Yunsi put on an angry expression on purpose, with a handsome face full of anger between man and god, and said mercilessly in reproach, "I know it hurts, will you dare next time?"

At the same time, he also thoughtfully took the hand holding her forehead, and moved it to her side waist.

Shen Tangluo died of embarrassment, but she pretended to be calm and tried to defend herself.

"You've been out for so long, I'm bored waiting for you, so I want to find something to do."

Jun Yunsi was too lazy to argue with her, his voice was cold, "What do you want to eat?"

"Anyway, it's not all about medicinal food!"

"Then let's have a medicinal meal."

A playful look flashed across Jun Yunsi's eyes, as if he hadn't calmed down yet, and deliberately opposed her.

"Thanks to Young Master Shen, this deity is the most skilled at making medicinal meals."

The smile on Shen Tangluo's face finally couldn't hold back anymore, a slight crack appeared, "Jun Yunsi, you did it on purpose!"

At this moment, her intestines were so regretful that she couldn't help but want to play with him, but she fell into this guy's way again without noticing.

It was just too inhumane.

Tonight, her stomach might be doomed, and she would be wronged again.

Shen Tangluo sullenly followed Jun Yunsi out of the study, dejected like a child having a temper tantrum with an adult.

Jun Yunsi sighed helplessly, and stepped forward coldly.

Shen Tang lost his mind and was already wandering into the sky. He couldn't react in time and couldn't avoid it, and suddenly bumped into his strong and refined back.


(End of this chapter)

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