Chapter 33 Is this trash?

Shen Qianyan!
Before Nangong Mo finished speaking, the expressions of Nangong Qun and Zhuo Feng suddenly changed, and they were both tainted with a trace of complicated and unclear emotions.

Nan Gongmo may not know the name Shen Qianyan, but for the two of them, it is an existence that they will never forget in their lifetime.

Nangong Qunying frowned, his handsome complexion darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his expression was indifferent, making it hard to figure out what he was thinking.

Shen Tangluo has been observing the changes in his expression, so naturally he didn't miss the moment when his eyes dodged and his pupils constricted when he heard the word Shen Qianyan.

But Zhuo Feng's reaction was surprising, there seemed to be an indescribable displeasure and anger on his serious face.

This made Shen Tang feel suspicious.

Soon, she realized that Zhuo Feng looked at her eyes from the initial contempt to full of hostility.

He clenched his fists, and the hostility on his body became a little bit thicker, "Is that woman Shen Qianyan?"

He approached Shen Tangluo step by step, every step was filled with invisible coercion, and he was angry, "She sent it here? No wonder the old man always feels familiar. So, you are her daughter."

"Hahaha, good! Very good, her daughter is a waste material born with no spiritual energy, this is good retribution."

Suddenly, his sharp eyes sharpened, and he questioned: "I didn't think she would have the face to come to Xuanling Palace, where is she! Tell me, what did she send you here for?"

Mentioning Shen Qianyan, Nangong Qun didn't react too much, but Zhuo Feng got angry first.

His old face was serious, revealing a monstrous anger like a storm against the sky.

He approached suddenly, raised his hand unexpectedly, and gathered his spiritual power.

In an instant, thunder roared, and dozens of hissing and flickering electric currents wrapped around Shen Tangluo's small body.

The light in Shen Tangluo's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the index finger of his right hand was slowly raised, and a slender black-red strangulation vine suddenly sprang out from the fingertips, almost reaching his face, with wild and unrestrained eyes.

Zhuo Feng and Nangong Qun were shocked, with incredible expressions in their eyes, Nangong Mo was stunned.

How is this possible?
She couldn't detect any spiritual energy in her body, she was no different from waste.

But now, what did they see!
This little girl has the power to resist, what kind of skill is this!
The first layer of ghost vines strangling vines appeared in the first layer of ghost magic, and the dark and fearful atmosphere suddenly burst out in the air.

The surrounding temperature plummeted, making one feel as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

Shen Tangluo raised her delicate lips, smiled, and said casually and recklessly, "So what? Did Shen Qianyan destroy your whole family? Do you hate her so much?"

Shen Tang Luo's eyebrows were shining brightly, facing the tyrannical threat in front of him, he still did not change his face, he was orderly, not chaotic or panicked, "Or to put it another way, is it fear? Is it jealousy? Fifth Elder, am I right?"

The blue veins on Zhuo Feng's forehead twitched, and he wondered if the words that the little girl in front of him slowly spilled from his lips and teeth had poked some bad memories.

For a moment, he felt ashamed as if he had been provoked and slapped in the face, and the eyes he stared at Shen Tangluo were tinged with a murderous intent that couldn't be concealed.

However, Shen Tang raised her immature face with a smile on her face.

Nangongmo was so anxious that she was so shocked and nervous that she didn't pay attention to Shen Tangluo's cold smile that clearly didn't reach his eyes.

After hearing the words Shen Qianyan, Nangong Qun, who had been sullen and silent until now, suddenly said in a cold voice, "Fifth Elder, that's enough!"

Zhuo Feng's raised hand froze, his sharp eyes still staring at Shen Tangluo horribly, "Master, this is that woman's daughter, as long as she is killed, it is impossible for Shen Qianyan not to come out."

Nangongqun's voice was tinged with exhaustion, he looked at Shen Tangluo with a cold complexion complicatedly, and said to Zhuo Feng in a deep voice, "She is the child from back then."

Zhuo Feng's face froze, and he looked at Shen Tangluo in horror, with an expression of disbelief.

How can it be!

Wasn't that child already dead in the womb?
That was done by the Palace Master himself in front of everyone in Xuanling Palace, there is no chance of him surviving.

That was also the most desolate time he had ever seen Shen Qianyan in front of people, lying paralyzed in a pool of blood with her stomach protected, in a ridiculous embarrassment, with no one to show mercy.

However, unexpectedly, she was so injured that she escaped in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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