Chapter 345 It's This Girl's
"call out!"

In the nick of time, a ray of gray-blue light pierced through the thick fog and broke through the wind, hitting the sharp claw that imprisoned Nangongmo.

Unexpectedly, the mandrill screamed in pain, its giant claws were dripping with blood instantly, and its blood pupils looked fiercely in the direction where the spell was cast.

Before the fog cleared, the spells wrapped in spiritual power scrambled towards the body of the mandrill, circling and flying.

Shandiao suddenly felt bad, and used powerful demon power to fight against the continuous flying spells.

Nangong Mo's kite was thrown out like a broken wing, her thin body hit the ground tragically, and she passed out.

The white-clothed guard flew down from the darkness, squatted down in front of Nangong Mo, and tested her breath.

"Miss, the person is still alive."

After confirming that the girl was still alive, the white-clothed guard immediately stood up, turned around and approached the azure figure.

The woman who is called the eldest lady is wearing a moonlight dress in the color of clouds and smoke, with a little icy soul flower on her forehead, which is elegant and dusty.

This person is the eldest lady of Mingsha Island, Zhu Weihe's adopted daughter, Su Chanxi.

The sky-filled spell on the mandrill was made by Su Chanxi.

Three months ago, taking advantage of her unpreparedness, Han Xiangning knocked her out and put a spell on her to restrain her.

After she woke up, she found that she was trapped in the mountains, with only her little junior sister's confidants around her.

She desperately wanted to know what Han Xiangning was planning secretly, so she had already questioned the guard in white who was in charge of protecting her.

Unfortunately, this person kept silent, claiming that Han Xiangning had never told him that his mission was only to protect her safety.

Su Chan couldn't get out for a long time because of the talisman trap.

Seeing the days go by day by day, Su Chanxi was restless, tried various methods, but none of them could break the restraint on his body.

In desperation, she could only calm down and concentrate on practicing on the mountain.

Tonight, she finally broke through the fifth level of spiritual power and broke the spell that Han Xiangning cast on her.

Unexpectedly, before she left the forest, she ran into a mandrill that was killing people.

Su Chanxi was anxious to go back and question Han Xiangning, but seeing the girl's life was hanging by a thread, if no one took action, it would be impossible to recover.

After all, she couldn't bear it anymore and stopped to save the girl's life.

The guard in white followed behind Su Chanxi, and reminded, "Miss, this person is not from my Mingsha Island, so be careful."

He knew that he couldn't stop Su Chanxi, so he didn't waste his time in vain.

Several months had passed, and he believed that his master would surely get what he wanted, taking control of the entire Mingsha Island.

Even if the eldest lady goes back, nothing will change.

Su Chanxi walked straight towards Nangongmo as if he didn't hear what the white-clothed guard said.

Seeing death and refusing to save it is not the act of a person who cultivates mysteries.

However, when she wanted to see the girl's face clearly, she was attracted by a faint blue light from the corner of her eye.

Su Chanxi turned his head slowly, and his eyes fell on the trapped mandrill not far away.

And near the mandrill, under an inconspicuous bush, there is a faint glow emitting a faint light.

That is……

The guard in white also followed Su Chanxi's line of sight, and hurriedly gathered his strength to catch him.

There was a look of shock in his eyes, "Miss, this is the body of Cangfu Phantom Spirit Flower! How could this ten-thousand-year medicinal spirit appear here?"

Su Chanxi frowned, and using air currents as paper and fingertips as pens, he drew a few words, "It belongs to this girl."

Otherwise, for a human race without spiritual energy, Mandrill wouldn't even bother to show up.

The white-clothed guard couldn't believe it, "How could it be hers? She looks so weak, she doesn't even have the power to parry when encountering monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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