Chapter 37
Yin Su raised her watery eyes, looked directly at Nangong Qun's penetrating gaze, and pretended to be heartbroken.

Shen Tangluo sneered slightly, thinking: Everyone is blind, so they can't see Yin Su's hypocritical face.

Shen Tangluo's chuckle was undisguised, mocking and disdainful.

Yin Su clenched his hands under the sleeves, his eyes were cloudy.

If it wasn't for the appearance of this little bastard, would she need to walk on eggshells like this?
It's all this little bastard's fault!
Yin Su took a deep breath, "My lord, it's all Su'er's fault, that's why someone with a heart can take advantage of it and harm Mrs. Qing and Mo'er, I implore the Palace Mistress to punish her."

Mingming hated Shen Qianyan's mother and daughter so much that she hated her to death, but she chose to take all the faults on herself.

Yin Su's methods were as clumsy as ever.

In the previous life, Shen Tangluo could see it, but never revealed it.

But now, what would she do?
Zhuo Feng, the fifth elder who was holding back his anger beside Nangongqun, believed it, and suddenly clenched his fists.

His powerful pressure was released, as if he wanted to kill Shen Tangluo.

Looking at Shen Tangluo, his eyes were burning with raging anger.

Shen Tang raised his eyebrows, caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of his eye, but turned a blind eye.

She casually put her eyes on Nangong Qun's face, twitched the corners of her mouth, approached Yin Su suddenly, and said coolly, "Since it's all your fault, why did you say so much earlier?"

"You should think about whether you are going to pay life for life, and go to be buried with Mrs. Qing."

Yin Su's eyes widened in astonishment, she was dumbfounded, and forgot to refute, that's not what she meant.

Shen Tangluo didn't refute, but actually followed her words to interpret.

"Mrs. Qing was killed by you, and Nangong Mo was also killed by you. Mrs. Nangong, don't you mean that?"

Yin Su choked, staring at Shen Tangluo with playful eyes, her teeth almost gnawed.

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Nangong Qun, "Husband, I didn't, it was her who was spitting blood and deliberately slandering me..."

Shen Tang laughed evilly, and interrupted very calmly, "Oh, it turns out that what Mrs. Nangong said just now was just a joke."

After talking for so long, Yin Su didn't explain why Mrs. Qing committed suicide, but she was suspected of putting the blame on Shen Tangluo.

Yin Su's gorgeous and luxurious face sank in an instant, her chest heaved violently, and she almost couldn't pretend anymore.

She couldn't figure out why she couldn't control her emotions from the moment she saw this bitch.

However, she couldn't be angry, once she fell into the trap of this little bastard, it would be difficult to gain Nangongqun's trust again.

Zhuo Feng couldn't bear it any longer, "Palace Master, look at what this stinky girl has done!"

"She still dares to make absurd remarks, turn black and white, and openly slander Su'er. It's simply too disrespectful."

"Even if she was that child back then, her existence was a mistake."

These words were obviously reminding Nangong Qun that Shen Tangluo could not stay.

Yin Su was startled, and staggered back a few steps.

It turned out that this cheap girl had already disclosed her identity.

Nangong Qun, as the lord of a palace, has always been sophisticated and deep, showing his emotions and anger.

He stood with his hands behind his back, as if he was thinking about Yin Su's words, but he didn't seem to care at all.

Yin Su, the pillow person for many years, has never guessed his thoughts, let alone others.

At this point, they couldn't see through it even more.

Yin Su's heart kept pounding, and she stretched out her hand to wrap around Nangongqun's arm, "Husband, this girl's appearance is too strange, she can't be fooled by her."

Suddenly, Nangong Qun interrupted her coldly, "Enough! Arguing endlessly with a childish little girl, you don't feel ashamed!"

He pulled Yin Su's hand away mercilessly, and said to her in a deep voice: "Mo'er has lost her biological mother, you go and have a look, my Palace Master doesn't want Mo'er to suffer from heart trouble."

This sentence is full of warning, how could Yin Su fail to hear it?

She tugged at Nangongqun's sleeve timidly, "Husband, don't you believe me? I'm also worried..."

Nangong Qun suddenly narrowed his eyes, staring at Yin Su sharply, his voice was cold.

"As the mistress of the Xuanling Palace, Yin Su, you should understand what will happen if you deceive the lord of the palace. You concealed the fact that Shen Qianyan came, and you really treat the lord of the palace as blind!"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Su almost lost his footing, and all the blood on his face disappeared in an instant, and he looked at Nangong Qun in disbelief.

Nangong Qun knew everything, so why did he insist on keeping that woman's daughter?
Yin Su staggered for a while, and held on tightly to the man beside him.

"Husband, have you forgotten how that bitch Shen Qianyan treated you? She betrayed you! She betrayed you!"

Yin Su was really afraid that her status would be threatened by this sudden change.

Tears welled up in her eyes, she pointed at the skinny and delicate girl beside her, and yelled hysterically out of control.

"Husband, you believe me, this stinky girl, she is not from the Nangong clan at all!"

Nangong Qun threw her away, strode over and held Shen Tangluo's little hand, then glanced sharply at Yin Su again, his amber pupils were full of anger, and warned her in a cold voice.

"Get out, let my lord hear this sentence from you again, don't blame my lord for not thinking about the relationship between husband and wife."

Hearing this, Yin Su was stunned, looking at his big hands tightly wrapped around the little girl with eyes full of astonishment, as if the sky had collapsed.

Her husband just went to Yunfu Kingdom in the south at the invitation of Emperor Yunfu, why did he look like a different person when he came back, and his attitude towards her changed drastically?

After more than ten years of marriage, although he treats him coldly and has no affection between men and women, he has always treated him with respect and never said harsh words.

Is it because Shen Qianyan is back?

Could it be that Shen Qianyan went to see him when she didn't know it?
Thinking of this possibility, Yin Su's heart suddenly panicked, and she could only look at Fifth Elder Zhuo Feng for help, her eyes flustered.

Zhuo Feng naturally turned towards her, he had always regarded Shen Qianyan as a poisonous scorpion, and now he even felt murderous towards Shen Tangluo.

"Palace Master, Su'er did this for the sake of the entire Xuanling Palace. I'm afraid that this stinky girl will appear here again because of that woman Shen Qianyan's conspiracy."

As he said that, his eyes turned hard, and he walked towards Shen Tangluo step by step, "This girl must never be kept."

Nangong Qun looked cold, stood in front of the little girl without hesitation, and ordered Zhuo Feng sharply: "Zhuo Feng, this is the family affairs of the Palace Master, you, step down!"

Zhuo Feng froze, he didn't expect Nangong Qun to show the majesty of the master of the first palace, so he had to stop abruptly, bowing his head and accepting orders, "Yes."

As the sound fell, he held his breath and gave Yin Su a helpless look, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

Yin Su shook his head unacceptably, looking at the big and small in front of him, he felt cold all over his body.

"Enough trouble, let's go back." Nangong Qun glanced at Yin Su indifferently, without any warmth in his voice.

He looked at the maid not far away, and said in a deep voice: "Madam is tired, take her back to rest."

After finishing speaking, he led Shen Tangluo in through the gate of Xuanling Palace.

Yin Su looked at Nangong Qun's disappearing back, his eyes gradually became sullen, and he showed a smile that was either sad or happy.

She understood that Shen Qianyan came back this time to compete with her for the seat of the palace lord's wife!
Shen Qianyan is a slut who can only seduce men, and she is not even worthy of being a lowly maidservant in Xuanling Palace, so why can she let the Palace Master endure everything for her?
She will never allow such a thing to happen!

However, Yin Su never dreamed that the appearance of Shen Tangluo would become a nightmare for her life.

(End of this chapter)

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