The devil concubine ghost vine is in hand, she doesn't raise it if it's not a beast

Chapter 39 Calculating, the ghost descends without a shadow

Chapter 39 Calculating, the ghost descends without a shadow

In her previous life, this excellent medicinal spirit fell into the hands of someone she hated.

Thinking of this, Shen Tangluo's eyes were as cold as light clouds.

The sound of killing outside the Lingmai Grand Canyon has long since dissipated, but the disgusting smell of blood lingers on.

Even if Shen Tangluo didn't listen to it or read it, she could still guess it.

In the distance, just now must be the Shura field where life and death are fought for spirit treasures.

In this continent of ancient mysterious cultivation, bullying the weak by the strong is commonplace and commonplace.

Shen Tangluo squinted his eyes, moved the tip of his right index finger slightly, and cast a milky white phantom from the air.

This is the third level of the ghost spell - ghost descending without shadow.

In this realm, one can control the phantoms of ghosts and ghosts with mental power to turn them into shadows, travel through various places, and track and trace according to the level of the manipulator's cultivation.

Once it reaches the ninth level, it can exert its greatest power and force the enemy into a chaotic and illusory state.

sleep in dreams until death.

Smelling the pungent smell of blood, Shen Tang Luo frowned lightly, and made a hand seal with one hand rather irritably.

In an instant, the milk ball-shaped ghost floating in the void opened its mouth as if it had listened to the command.

With just one breath, he swallowed the blood-red smell around him.

The blood faded away, and the already invisible ghost image became clearer and more transparent.

At this moment, Shen Tangluo's furrowed brows eased a bit.

Her lips curled up, her delicate red lips parted slightly, and she lazily said to Nai Tuanzi, "Go, explore the way."

A place where spiritual treasures and exotic fruits grow must gather high-level practitioners.

Of course, there are also high-level monsters with strong rage.

What's more, recently, the Ten Thousand Years Cangfu Illusory Spiritual Flower, which makes the cultivators all over the world flock to it, is about to be born.

She has a habit of not doing things that are not sure.

If you want to do it, you must do it beautifully.

She wants to order the medicinal spirit, and no one can take it away.

The ghostly phantom swayed twice around Shen Tangluo's shoulder, and soon disappeared into the void without any trace.

Shen Tangluo supported her cheek with one hand, her eyes were tender, she looked charming, but the coldness in her bones was ruthless.

She was bored and put her lazy eyes on all kinds of medicine spirits around her that hadn't awakened yet.

Suddenly, there were a few footsteps under the Mixiang vine.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Tangluo heard her own name.

"Big sister, is father really going to bring Shen Tangluo back?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Shen Tangluo heard it.

The speaker was Nangong Yi who hadn't seen him for more than four years.

Xu Nangong Yi suddenly mentioned the person she hated, and Nangong Fei suddenly stopped.

There was a moment of terror in her eyes, and a cold snort of disdain came out of her nasal cavity.

She paused every word: "That depends on whether she survives or not."

"Even if she comes back, I will make her life worse than death." Nangong Fei squeezed the pill in her hand, full of cruelty.

Nangong Yi was startled, and felt a chill down her spine for no reason, "Big sister, is she really coming back?"

Nangong Yi suddenly remembered the scenes of the hundred miles of red maple forest in Xuanling Palace, her heart tightened and her face turned pale.

At the beginning, they survived, but the mother...

"Why did father suddenly let her come back? Could something happen?"

Listening to the two sisters plotting against her in front of her, Shen Tangluo suddenly felt less boring.

She leaned on the vine, her eyes fell on the two delicate figures below, and a wicked smile slowly emerged from the corner of her mouth.

At the beginning, the ghost dream space in her body was in chaos because of a forced breakthrough in the ghost spells she practiced.

Xuanling Palace is a place full of dangers and dangers everywhere, she can't trust anyone.

After only staying in Xuanling Palace for half a month, he drove Yin Su crazy, abused the two sisters in Nangong, and left happily.

Nangong Qun couldn't help her, so he could only send Nangong Mo to follow him.

Speaking of which, she has been away from Xuanling Palace for four years, and she really has no intention of going back.

If it wasn't for the conversation between the two sisters, let alone Nangong Qun wanted to find her to go back.

Shen Tangluo was thinking about it, when suddenly, the sound of breaking wind whizzed by.

While the two Nangong sisters were talking, a tall figure full of hostility fell in front of them.

Both of them were startled, Qiqi looked vigilantly at the strange man who suddenly appeared.

Seeing this shadowy figure, a smile bloomed in Shen Tang's eyes.

The delicate and pure body leaned back, with a wanton expression, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth became more and more lazy and evil.

Nangong Fei pulled Nangong Yi back cautiously, her eyes were sharp, "Who are you?"

In the past four years, her father has poured a lot of treasures on her.

Among her peers, her cultivation is already at the top.

But she didn't notice anyone approaching. How much did this person listen to their conversation?
 ps: I made a memo, remembering that I still owe three more chapters.

  No one will not notice that I am missing three more~
  Let me list what the heroine's ghost spells currently appear, it's not complicated.

  [Ghost Vine Strangling]: Black and red phantom vines, extremely aggressive, used for combat, can be attacked from a distance, and can be defended when retreating.

  [Returning God from Ghost Prison]: Manipulating ten thousand poisons is a kind of phantom poison condensed from the heroine's own blood for detoxification.But the backlash is extremely strong.

  【Ghost Falling Without Shadow】: This chapter
  All realms: Levels [-] to [-]

  Level of spiritual power: Level [-] to Level [-]

(End of this chapter)

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