Chapter 43
Mo Lichuan lowered his eyes in astonishment and looked at the empty right hand.

There, a fine and clear sense of numbness spread throughout the body.

He raised his eyes suddenly, and looked at Shen Tangluo with a shocked expression on his face.

I saw that the woman was full of arrogance and arrogance, and her face was absolutely gorgeous.

Those peach blossom eyes were clear and sparkling, but they were filled with bottomless darkness.

Who is this woman?

He is now a fire summoner with the fourth level of spiritual power, and one of the few talented practitioners in Yunfu country.

Unexpectedly, she couldn't detect the slightest breath of spiritual energy on this woman.

Of course, what frightened him even more was the strange and mysterious force that hit him just now.

Seeing him looking at her solemnly, Shen Tangluo understood.

Mo Lichuan must have become suspicious of her exercises.

She hooked the corners of her mouth and raised her eyebrows slightly, "Perhaps, she still has a little brain."

Mo Lichuan's gentle face suddenly darkened, his voice was suppressed, and he said angrily: "What do you mean! Does Ling'er's death have anything to do with you?"

Shen Tangluo squinted her eyes, and sighed secretly in her heart, isn't what she did obvious enough?

So, after all, Mo Lichuan doesn't know how to use his brain.

What is he in a hurry?
Isn't she helping him find the murderer?
Now, Shen Tang ignored him, and turned to look at the two Nangong sisters who were trembling and on the verge of collapse with a bright smile.

There was a smile in the corner of her eyes, and she didn't even look at the tense second elder.

Shen Tangluo parted her red lips lightly, and said quietly to the two sisters who were frightened: "Thought it over now? Where did you get this elixir?"

This clean and bright smile was as harmless and glamorous as ever.

But in the eyes of Nangong Fei and Nangong Yi, it made them panic even more.

They all knew very well that behind this pure and beautiful smile, everything was just an illusion.

Back then, they wanted to tease Shen Tangluo and stole a robe that she cherished as a treasure.

After Shen Tangluo found out, they didn't see any anger on her face.

I just remember that her beautiful smile was full of ice, almost freezing to the bone.

At that time, they were almost strangled to death by Shen Tangluo's weird kung fu.

Nangong Yi couldn't hold back anymore.

With a pale face, she grabbed Nangong Fei's arm and said in a low voice: "Eldest sister, even with the second elder here, we can't beat her now."

She had already had a guess in her heart.

Perhaps, Shen Tangluo is not human at all.

I still remember that she once touched the back of Shen Tangluo's hand, but there was no trace of body temperature, it was horribly cold.

Not only that, as long as Shen Tangluo frowned, it was as if he was born with a cold air.

Nangong Yi was so nervous that she was so flustered that she didn't dare to look at Shen Tangluo under the huge invisible pressure.

Nangong Fei was not much better than Nangong Yi, she raised her head suddenly, and shouted at Shen Tangluo, "No, it's not you, this elixir has nothing to do with you."

Facing Shen Tangluo, who was as rampant as a demon, the two sisters of Nangong could not wait to cut her into pieces immediately, cramp her bones.

In the end, he had no choice but to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Shen Tangluo saw their expressions and laughed lightly.

They were full of grievances and resentment, unable to vent their appearance, as if she had done something unreasonable to the two of them.

Have they forgotten who provoked whom first?
Shen Tangluo raised the corners of her lips in disdain, turned around and said to Mo Lichuan, who looked sad and complicated: "I heard, it has nothing to do with this girl, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, Shen Tangluo lost another sentence, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

However, after hearing those words, the Nangong sisters spewed a mouthful of blood into their throats, causing their faces to turn blue and purple.

Because, Shen Tangluo said, "If Mo Lichuan dies, you will not be far away."

(End of this chapter)

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