Chapter 46

To be more precise, with her cultivation of the fourth level of spiritual power, she couldn't detect any aura from this woman.

Fu Ge was startled unconsciously, unable to restrain his panic, and couldn't help but widen his pupils.

No, it is absolutely impossible!

How could someone have no breath, unless... she is not human!
In just a moment, Fu Ge realized the great threat to him from the seemingly harmless girl in front of him.

For some reason, looking at this resplendent and alluring face gave her an inexplicable chill in her heart.

She suddenly narrowed her eyes fiercely, and said to Shen Tangluo with sorrow: "No matter who you are, once you enter the enchantment of this princess, you will only have a dead end."

She set up the enchantment to prevent people from competing with her for the Ten Thousand Years Cangfu Illusory Spirit Flower that is about to appear in this world.

Since ancient times, Lingbao has appeared in the world, and the strong will get it.

She is the youngest and outstanding fourth-order spirit enchanter in Likong Continent.

If she had this ten thousand-year medicinal spirit quenching her body again, her cultivation would be able to increase by a thousand times.

No one can stop her from obtaining this medicinal spirit.

This woman is courting death!must be removed.

Fu Ge's eyes were ruthless, he raised his arm, swung it down fiercely, and said viciously: "Come together, catch her for this princess! This princess will definitely tear off her face, and let her know what life is better than death. It hurts so much."

However, her voice fell.

All the guards behind her remained motionless, their eyes were blank and empty, as if their souls had been captured.

In an instant, Fu Ge was furious, and he didn't even see the abnormality of these guards.

Her eyes turned hard, and the barrier wall suddenly jumped up, sweeping towards the guards behind her, jealousy burning from the bottom of her heart, "A bunch of trash! Seeing a slut with nothing but skin will lose your soul, and you don't deserve to live."

Shen Tangluo's clear eyes narrowed, and his eyes looked indifferently at Fu Ge who was furious like a clown.

The highest state of Guijiang Wuying is the art of manipulation, soul-hunting.

The corners of Shen Tangluo's mouth twitched coldly, his smile was as bright as a ray of sunshine, and he said with a light smile, "Fu Ge, you provoked me, but you will go to hell."

While speaking, Fu Ge's horrified pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a chill on his exposed neck.

In an instant, the pouring and wanton cold air wrapped around her body.

Inexplicably, there seemed to be an invisible big hand choking her breath at the throat.

The surrounding area is getting colder and colder, and the cold air is getting stronger and stronger.

A suffocating and oppressive atmosphere spread wildly in the palace built by the enchantment.

"My girl said, you..." Shen Tang's bright eyes sparkled with a wicked smile, "It's so noisy, you can shut up forever."

Suddenly, Fu Ge's beautiful and noble face twisted ferociously like a ferocious poisonous snake. She squeezed out a few words between her teeth, "Bitch, what are you talking about!"

Fu Ge's hostility suddenly surged, and the spiritual power propped up by his hands grew wildly.

For a moment, the palace with copper walls and iron walls collapsed in an instant.

The iron walls on all sides condensed into thick green vines at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the thick rattan turned into thousands of sharp blades and flew towards Shen Tang Luobiao.


Suddenly, an unexpected violent impact resounded through the entire iron-like palace.

A sneer flashed across Shen Tang's lips, her delicate lips hooked slightly, and she sneered, "You can't overestimate yourself."

In an instant, thousands of flying blades were engulfed and dispersed by a black-red mist, smashing into slag.

Fu Ge's body instantly fell to the ground like a leaf in late autumn.

Bright red blood gurgled from the corner of her mouth, viscous, black and red, disgusting.

"Bitch, bitch, you dare to do something to this princess, just wait."

After the words fell, Fu Ge's body twitched uncontrollably, and the fingers that hadn't been lifted suddenly fell down.

At the same time, on the other side of the Lingmai Grand Canyon, a woman with a vicissitudes of life suddenly changed her face.

(End of this chapter)

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