Anger quietly crept onto the woman's face, and she said impatiently: "How do you want me to accompany you? Like just now?"

The words were full of sarcasm. Shen Tang's hands under his sleeves slowly clenched tightly, and his figure suddenly approached Jun Yunsi.

Almost at the same moment, the bone ring on his little finger turned into a sharp weapon and stabbed directly into the right side of his face, causing bright drops of blood to burst out of his skin.

In an instant, the bright red color smeared out a coquettish begonia pattern.

Shen Tang's blood and bones were covered with evil, and even the traces of the injury were filled with black smoke, and wisps of mist dispersed on Jun Yunsi's face.

As if unaware, he chuckled, touched it with his fingertips without any pain, and suddenly grabbed Shen Tangluo's wrist and pulled her closer.

"Yes, fulfill the responsibilities of husband and wife."

Shen Tangluo paused, trying to find a hint of anger on the man's face.

However, Jun Yunsi smiled lightly, not showing the slightest hint of anger.

Soon, she realized what was wrong with his words and raised her eyes to glare at him.

"Madman, shameless!" Shen Tangluo raised his hand without any warning, and a crisp slap echoed in the silent and empty palace.

This time, with all his strength, Jun Yunsi was hit and turned his head away.

He smiled slowly, as if he was crazy.

"Yes, Shen Tangluo, I'm going crazy, but after one night's sleep, you so heartlessly forgot about me completely. Who is more crazy, you or me?"

Every time he said a word, his expression became a little more miserable.

He hated himself for using this dirty method that he disdained the most and hated even more.

She doesn't know anything, what can she do?

What is he complaining about?

He struggled in embarrassment several times, but he could only curse himself for being endlessly despicable in his heart.

Next, for several days, Changxian City did not see the light of day, as if it was shrouded in death.

The two of them stayed up and down in the Luan couch, spending seven whole days day and night.

Shen Tangluo had no time to think about leaving, but he was still very hostile to Jun Yunsi.

"Jun Yunsi, do you think I will compromise after such entanglement?"

These days, Jun Yunsi never uttered a word. He and she were obsessed with each other, falling in love and killing each other. When he was in love, he would hug her from behind with red eyes and keep his head silent.

Shen Tangluo often cursed loudly until his voice became hoarse.

The joyful things in the world actually made him feel extremely sad.

Jun Yunsi rubbed her waist with his big hands and finally sighed.

"Shen Tangluo, you are so cruel."

Shen Tangluo snorted twice and slapped him on the mouth, "Beast!"

Jun Yunsi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and suddenly embraced her into his arms, hugging her tightly, "Sure enough, it's still you."

Two days later, there was only one day left for their ten-day appointment.

Shen Tangluo's desire to break the contract reached its peak when Jun Yunsi came over with medicinal food.

"You calculated exactly when my blood and bones will break out in ten days, and you want to use this to control me, right? Lord Demon God?"

Jun Yunsi's hand suddenly froze.

The next moment, he smiled faintly and walked up to her indifferently. He stirred the food with a spoon and brought it to Shen Tangluo's lips.

"Tang'er, you and I don't have to be so different."

Shen Tangluo frowned, covered his nose and opened it, with a look of disgust on his face, "You are the one who is sick, shouldn't you be the one to drink this medicine?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she waved her sleeves and knocked over the medicine bowl.

Jun Yunsi's eyes became lonely, he looked at the broken porcelain on the ground, and his voice was hoarse, "Okay, if you don't like it, it doesn't matter if you don't drink it. It's a good sign that you will be safe every year."

Silver grains are flying, and before you know it, New Year's Eve has arrived.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, Jun Yunsi came to the human world in disguise with Shen Tangluo, the place where the primates of all things were born.

ps: Little fairies, in the new year, may you be rich and beautiful, may you be safe and happy, and may you have a bright future~

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