Chapter 48

Just as she was frowning and thinking, the footsteps near her ears were getting closer and faster.

Finally, two figures, one big and one small, appeared in front of them.

Shen Tangluo suddenly narrowed his pupils, and a layer of icy cold permeated his whole body.

Sure enough, it was them!

Just now when the ghost was exploring the way, he smelled a cold breath.

Shan Wu, that perverted bloodthirsty woman!
And... this weird child.

Four years later, he still looked like this, a monster who would never grow up.

Shen Tangluo squinted his eyes, the frost in his eyes was pouring down.

This is no ordinary child.

In the Lingmai Grand Canyon four years ago, she witnessed him laughingly manipulating the meat-eating wood bone medicine spirit, swallowing dozens of fourth-level spiritual power practitioners into his body.

After seeing Shen Tang, Shan Wu's gloomy face suddenly smiled happily, and the excitement could not be concealed in the cold eyes.

She lowered her head and said to the child beside her, "Xiaoying, what should I do? This girl seems to be much stronger, and I like her more and more."

The power of Wangsheng's taboo is really extraordinary, if you don't take it for yourself, it's against the law of nature.

Perhaps, after refining this ghost girl's soul and infusing it into her body, her destroyed divine veins can be restored to the original state, and she can even break through to the position of a god.

Thinking like this, the blood surging in Shanwu's body became more and more excited.

The child called Xiaoying glanced at the somewhat crazy Shanwu lightly, and ignored her.

He turned to smile at Shen Tangluo and said, "Sister, long time no see."

Shen Tang rolled his eyes and scoffed lightly.

She raised her eyelids casually, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

No matter how you look at this innocent face, it is harmless to humans and animals.

Shen Tangluo suddenly took a few steps forward, skillfully snapped off his slender and distinct knuckles.

"It's been a long time. I haven't exercised for a long time. I didn't enjoy myself enough in the fight last time. Since it's delivered to my door, that's fine."

As soon as the words fell, Shan Wu suddenly gloated at the deflated Gu Ying, and laughed wildly at Shen Tangluo: "Hahaha, ghost girl, you can make my sister think hard."

Shen Tang sighed and took a step back, feeling a chill all over his body.

The ends of her peach pink eyes were frivolously raised, her lips curled up in an evil curve, and she sneered, "There are a lot of old hags, who is disgusting?"

The smile on Shan Wu's face froze, and she said harshly: "Ghost girl, you are courting death!"

After finishing her speech, she sharpened her eyes, stretched out her fingers, and drew a black spell towards the void, attacking Shen Tangluo.

Shen Tangluo didn't panic, raised his arms up, stretched his waist, loose and arrogant, the smile in his eyes was as bright as ever, but it clearly didn't reach his eyes.

"Don't be angry, the more you get angry, the older you will be. This girl has always been kind, and it's already a shame not to spit it out."

Immediately, while speaking, she raised her fingertips slightly, clusters of black and red ghost vines strangled the vines, and Xu Ying broke the spell effortlessly.

The huge impact suddenly set off a gust of wind, and Shen Tangluo suddenly clenched his palms, his eyes cold.

I have to admit that Shan Wu is the strongest spell master she has encountered since her rebirth in the past few years.

At this moment, the innocence and harmlessness on Gu Ying's face were gone.

He stared deeply at Shen Tangluo's wild and charming little face, silently meditating.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, "Shen Tangluo, you can't escape, why bother to be brave?"

"Gu Ying, you talk so much nonsense, you are more disgusting than this old hag."

(End of this chapter)

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