Chapter 63 His panic, her guilty conscience

As soon as Shen Tangluo backed away, she looked at Jun Yunsi with a wary face, her lips pursed tightly, silent and cold.

The expression on Jun Yunsi's face was stern and deep, his brows were cold and hard, as if he was filled with overwhelming anger.

Shen Tang stared at his facial expression with complicated eyes, and her fingertips gradually closed and clenched silently.

Even though her face was calm and calm at this moment, her heart was already in a mess.

Jun Yunsi...he actually noticed that she had practiced the method of devouring soul and blood!
Why does he know ghost magic?
He didn't remember his previous life, let alone her, so how could he know the chilling art of eating soul and blood bone?

Just relying on her extremely cold, inhuman body temperature?
She was born with a body temperature different from that of ordinary people, as cold as ice.

She has long been neither a human nor a ghost. If he knew that she had died once in her mother's womb, would he still suspect that she practiced Soul Eater?

In his previous life, he discovered that she was already in the Temple of the Six Realms when she practiced Soul Eater and Blood Bone.

At that time, after the mysterious power she carried from her mother's womb dissipated, she was soon backlashed by the soul-devouring blood and bones.

How can a person who is not naturally weak and admit defeat allow himself to expose his vulnerable side in front of anyone.

Even if this person is Jun Yunsi!
She couldn't restrain it, there was nothing she could do!

However, she was even more afraid that he would be distressed, that he would be angry with her and anger her.

In her previous life, she didn't know how many times she hid alone, curled up in the dark hell, bit her lips and teeth, tasted the cold blood from the corner of her mouth, and silently endured the pain of being eaten by thousands of insects.

She was in so much pain that her heart was broken and she was desperate, and she was in pain until she lost consciousness.

She will never forget the scene when Jun Yunsi found her from the corner.

Jun Yunsi is such an aloof and noble person, it's hard to imagine that his eyes would be red all over because of her, and the panic and fear in his expression could not be concealed.

At that time, she was so shocked that she forgot the piercing pain all over her body.

All that appeared in his vague consciousness were his eyes full of scarlet blood.

From the trembling arms when he hugged her tightly, it can be seen that his fear is no less than anger.

However, their ending was...

The indescribable bitterness and pain disappeared from Shen Tang's eyes.

If it were any other time, Shen Tangluo wished that Jun Yunsi could talk to him more.

And she would also have a bright face, smiling at him unscrupulously.

But at this moment, she subconsciously wanted to escape.

The smell of blood in the air dissipated completely, and the phantom ghost in the shape of a milk ball returned to the ghost dream space, and Shen Tangluo remained silent.

Jun Yunsi's phoenix eyes suddenly turned cold, his tone was fierce, and he yelled at her angrily, "Shen Tangluo, come here for me!"

Jun Yunsi doesn't know what's wrong with him, subconsciously there will be a scene where the method of devouring soul and blood will eat back the body.

The moment he saw her draw out the ghost with his own energy and blood, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils suddenly, frightened and terrified.

What a joke, how could he be afraid?
However, the sweat from his palms and the slight trembling reminded him that the flustered moment just now was real.

He was heartless and ruthless, but when he met Shen Tangluo, he was completely in chaos.

Jun Yunsi's dark eyes were condensed on Shen Tangluo's delicate and pure figure with deep coldness, and the coldness in his eyes was like a waterfall.

The deep eyes seemed to vow to see through her and see everything in the previous life.

It turned out that in his previous life, he had not only forgotten why he had slept in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave for hundreds of years.

I even forgot that at the moment when the heart was separated from the body, everything engraved in the bottom of my heart dissipated.

Shen Tang Luoxiu frowned tightly, just looked at him, and didn't go over.

A storm seemed to be brewing in Jun Yunsi's eyes.

Shen Tangluo has always been used to being flamboyant and arrogant, and has never been afraid of anything.

But at this time, she was feeling guilty, so she was really timid.

Jun Yunsi didn't know that he was the only restlessness in her past and present life!

And the Art of Devouring Soul and Blood and Bone was a power she could not give up in two lifetimes, and a guilty conscience that she could not get rid of.

  *The heroine was miserable in her previous life, but not in this life.

  To explain everything that happened in the previous life little by little, take your time

  I really like the two-way love~
(End of this chapter)

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