Chapter 66 Your Fate, This Deity's

Shen Tangluo was not timid, and his bright eyes calmly looked into his deep eyes.

Those ethereal brows and eyes were curved, and a smile as bright as the morning glow suddenly appeared on the innocent little face.

Her brows were slightly raised, her slender and delicate figure was full of strength, she deliberately played serious jokes, and her appearance was bewitching and willful.

"Jun Yunsi, you suddenly come so close, if this girl doesn't hide, if something happens with the relationship between us, isn't it too good to see the sun in full bloom?"

As soon as these words came out, a flash of astonishment flashed across Jun Yunsi's eyes as dark as the night.

With the relationship between them?

These words can easily make people who don't know anything wrong.

In an instant, the expression on Jun Yunsi's usually cold face darkened again.

He didn't expect that Shen Tangluo would dare to say such a thing.

This little girl, does she know how frivolous and blatant her words are, how unseemly she is at such a young age!

"Shen Tangluo, I am not joking with you!" Jun Yunsi suddenly narrowed his phoenix eyes, and his voice became cold.

He could tell at a glance that Shen Tangluo was avoiding on purpose, that she wanted to hide something.

Shen Tangluo was still unafraid, and looked into Shangjun Yunsi's eyes with sincerity, and said straightforwardly: "I know, so I'm not joking."

Looking at the reckless and picturesque woman in front of him, Jun Yunsi's cold eyes finally flashed a deep helplessness.

He was just about to speak, but Shen Tangluo said slowly: "Jun Yunsi, I was born with a broken body, cold blood and bones are nothing, no, how many years have passed, this girl is still alive OK?"

Her eyes were terrified, her tone was frivolous and arrogant, and there was an unruly coldness in her eyes.

Jun Yunsi's pupils gradually deepened, and he didn't know why he couldn't restrain his anger after hearing her words.

However, before he could figure it out, Shen Tangluo pondered for a moment, and suddenly smiled brightly at Jun Yunsi.

"People in the world are afraid of me. It's okay to be afraid of me, because, I know, one day, you will think of me. You are enough for me."

As soon as these words came out, Jun Yunsi suddenly suffocated, and in an instant, an unprecedented palpitation hit him.

He clenched his hands secretly, and his tone gradually softened, "This deity never promises lightly, since he is responsible, he must be responsible to the end."

Speaking of this, his tall and slender body suddenly approached Shen Tangluo, stared at her fair and delicate face, and said coldly, "Shen Tangluo, since you don't tell the truth and want to continue playing, why not?" Just pretend to be good to the end, don't let this deity find out that you can't afford it!"

As soon as Jun Yunsi finished speaking, Shen Tangluo was astonished.

She hadn't expected that things would develop to this point, and it seemed that it was completely out of her control.

Just as he was thinking, Jun Yunsi's deep voice came to his ears again, "From now on, your life belongs to this deity, if you dare to treat it like a joke!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Tangluo stared at Jun Yunsi's cold and profound handsome face, and took a big step back.

In addition to being shocked, there was a touch of softness in my heart.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and chuckled evilly: "Jun Yunsi, you are so unreasonable, it's too much."

After a pause, she suddenly changed the topic, "However, this is great! In this world, only this girl can bear you."


Suddenly, Jun Yunsi's handsome face with sharp edges and corners flashed a touch of complexity, and the weirdness in his heart became more and more obvious.

Jun Yunsi's thin lips moved slightly, just as he was about to say something, the next moment, his face suddenly darkened, and his phoenix eyes flashed coldly.

Shen Tangluo naturally noticed the change in Jun Yunsi's expression, and his beautiful little face was stained with suspicion.

Jun Yunsi took a deep look at her, and confessed unquestionably: "Wait, remember what I said!"

After he coldly dropped these words, Shen Tangluo only felt the red shadow in front of him flash, and Jun Yunsi's slender figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shen Tangluo was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, Tao Hua's eyes gradually became tinged with anger.

She suddenly narrowed her eyes, clenched her fists under her sleeves, and said in a low voice, "Jun Yunsi, you wait for me!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent tremor came from the surroundings.

Shen Tang frowned, his expression returned to his usual indifference, and he said in a deep voice, "What are you hiding, come out!"

The divine beast Xiangliu swayed its nine heads from outside the veiled vines.

Shen Tang glanced at it lazily, and asked coldly, "Gu Ying escaped?"

Xiang Liu shook the snake's body, and walked in front of Shen Tangluo, an empty and distant voice came from one of the heads, "Little girl, don't you believe in this god?"

 ps: I saw the picture of the ancient fierce beast Xiangliu, it is really scary, [Nine skull heads]

  Just a weak question, are you all still there?

(End of this chapter)

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