Chapter 79
The Temple of the Six Realms was the place where she stayed the longest in her previous life.

It can be said that she is far more familiar with it than Likong Continent.

Before her, the last deity of the Six Realms Temple was Ling Che.

A powerful and mysterious temple supreme with tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

Rumor has it that he gave up his divine body for a woman who didn't love him, and eventually fell into the devil's way, and his soul flew away.

However, it is difficult to distinguish the truth from the rumors, and it is impossible to talk about the truth.

However, she wasn't interested in looking into it.

But at this time, Shan Wu's words made Shen Tangluo suspicious.

Since the taboo of life that Shan Wu said belonged to Ling Che, how could it be explained that this dusty power was in her body?
In this life, she has never been to the Temple of the Six Realms, let alone encountered anything related to Ling Che.

Shan Wu is in the Ancient Mysterious Realm of the Likong Continent, so how does she know about the existence of the Six Realms Temple?
Obviously, she is not an ancient Xuan cultivator from the Likong Continent.

Shen Tangluo frowned, and asked coldly: "Who are you?"

Shan Wu's lips turned black and purple, she felt her body was getting colder and colder, her blood was about to drain, and her consciousness became more and more blurred.

She didn't want to die, she had to return to the Temple of the Six Realms, restore her cultivation, and reshape her appearance.

Shan Wu's voice gradually weakened, "Shen Tangluo, let me out, and I'll tell you how I knew you had the taboo of life in your body."

Shen Tangluo frowned, raised his right hand, and a phantom of ghost vines sprang out from his palm. In a short breath, he drove back the group of snakes and pulled Shanwu out of the water.

"If you lie, you will end your life here."

Shen Tang raised his brows, curled his lips into a sneer, "It's not bad to feed the snake."

As soon as the water came out, Shen Tangluo withdrew his exercises.

The phantom of the ghost vines on Shan Wu's body suddenly disappeared, and fell heavily again, the whole body was lying on the ground in a state of unspeakable misery.

Although he was still in shock, he breathed a sigh of relief, with the lightness of a life after a catastrophe, instead of being suffocated by a group of snakes.

She painfully coughed out a few mouthfuls of poisonous water that choked her nose and mouth, and said: "I am a spell master, as long as I take a drop of blood from your body, I can use your fate to turn it into a tracking talisman, looking for your breath."

Shen Tang rolled his eyes, and the breath around his body was instantly as cold as ice, "When did you take the blood?"

Shan Wu pulled her black and purple lips, and grinned, "When I was seriously injured and fell to the Likong Continent, I met a woman with a belly full of blood."

"It's obvious at a glance that she is pregnant, and the fetus in the womb is obviously hopeless, but there is an aura about her that does not belong to the Likong Continent."

It was also this aura that made her discover the power of the taboo in Wang Sheng.

She was startled, and even more delighted.

Because she has taken the taboo of Wang Sheng, she can easily break through to the realm of the gods and return to the temple of the six realms.

She didn't expect that she would be so lucky, that God would favor her so much that such a good thing happened to her when she was seriously injured.

That's why she had evil thoughts about the blood-covered woman and wanted to snatch her away.

But, she miscalculated.

It never occurred to her that she would be incapable of dealing with a dying woman.

Shan Wu concealed the calculation in her eyes, and said again: "The blood was not taken from you, but from that woman."

"It's just that this power came to you later, so I concluded that you were the ghost that died in the womb back then, and the person who was protected by the taboo of life."

Shen Tangluo frowned slightly, and that indifferent figure instantly appeared in his mind.

If it wasn't for the interrogation of Shan Wu today, she would have almost forgotten that she still has a mother.

It's just that I haven't remembered the woman who abandoned her for a long time, and for a while, I feel a little stunned.

Shen Tangluo stood upright, dressed in red clothes in a dashing and capable manner, his expression was still tense and cold.

Obviously, childhood memories can't hurt her in the slightest.

Shen Tangluo frowned indifferently, her voice turned cold, "Has Ling Che ever been to Likong Continent?"

Shan Wu couldn't hold it anymore, her pale face gradually turned purple, and she spat out a mouthful of black blood, "Help me."

(End of this chapter)

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