Chapter 84
"Junior Sister Fei'er, you must calm down, don't be impulsive..."


Her majestic eldest lady of Xuanling Palace was kicked out of the house by her father in such a humiliating manner, how could she be told to calm down!

Nangong Fei's eyes were full of cruelty, "Second sister, don't blame elder sister, if you want to blame, blame that bitch Shen Tangluo!"

After finishing speaking, her sinister eyes suddenly became sharp and fierce, and she let go of her hand without hesitation.

"No——" Nangong Yi closed her eyes tightly in horror. Out of her survival instinct, she firmly grasped the collar of Nangong Fei's chest, and the strength on her wrist was astonishing.

Nangong Fei sneered, and calmly pulled Nangong Yi away.

"Ah - don't!" Suddenly, a shrill scream resounded through the sky pierced the dark night sky.

Before the white-clothed disciples had time to stop, Nangong Yi's thin body was like an afterimage of a broken kite, falling rapidly in the boundless darkness.

"Junior Sister!"

At the moment when all the white-clothed disciples panicked, a long black tattooed whip suddenly appeared behind them.

The fire-colored light was wrapped with strong spiritual power, and in an instant, the black whip dexterously clung to everyone's necks.

The next moment, the whip tightened violently, and Nangong Fei turned her right palm back and forth.

"Senior brother, the second sister has been timid since she was a child, and it's dark under the sky. It's so miserable to be alone. You should go down and accompany her."

The accident happened too fast, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, and their purple faces gradually became illusory and distorted.

"Fei'er, Junior Sister, you..."

Nangong Fei smiled and raised her hands, several figures in fluttering white clothes silently submerged into the fog under Tianzhu Bridge.

From now on, anyone who gets in the way will die!
Shen Tangluo left Zhaohua Palace, thought for a while, and walked towards Liuli Palace where Nan Gongmo used to live.

At the entrance of the main hall, Shen Tangluo stopped abruptly, the tips of his ears moved slightly, and a smirk slowly crossed the corner of his mouth.

She smiled slightly with smudged eyes, and with a flick of her hand, the bright lanterns outside the hall lit up one after another, and suddenly the whole courtyard was as bright as day.

As the lamp came on, suddenly, a strong killing intent filled the air, sweeping straight towards Shen Tangluo's head from behind.

"Bitch! Go to hell!" A white shadow suddenly appeared, and Nangong Feiyunman's harsh voice sounded from behind Shen Tangluo's ear.

As soon as the words fell, a strong energy swept out from all directions.

Shen Tang raised his eyebrows, and a trace of impatience flashed in his cold eyes, "If you don't want to live, it's okay if you let me be."

Shen Tangluo didn't turn around, but only smiled lightly.

She flicked her fingertips lightly, and a black-red phantom sprang up sharply, and the cold breath of hell spread out without warning.

Nangong Fei was full of hatred, and her scarlet and angry eyes seemed to be able to swallow everything, "Shen Tangluo, this lady will crush you tonight!"

Shen Tangluo twitched the corner of her mouth and raised her palm.

However, before the ghost vine strangling vine in her palm touched Nangong Fei, there was a huge shock behind her.

"court death!"

At the same time, a deep and cold voice came out in the silent moonlit night.

Shen Tangluo was taken aback for a moment, looked down at the palm of his hand, and quickly withdrew the exercises, and the phantom disappeared abruptly.

She turned and looked in surprise, only to see that long and tall red shadow slowly appearing from under the lanterns.

"Jun Yunsi!"

Shen Tangluo's peach-blossom eyes lit up, seeing this tall and slender figure, the whole person became extremely pleasantly surprised, and a star-like smile appeared on his cold face.

Jun Yunsi frowned, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction floating on his lonely handsome face.

With a cold expression on his face, he raised his slender legs and walked towards Shen Tangluo, stopping in front of her delicate body.

Jun Yunsi's expression was gloomy, he fixedly looked at Shen Tang's clear eyes under the shadow of the lamp, and said coldly: "Are you stupid? Don't you know how to hide?"

Shen Tangluo didn't expect Jun Yunsi to appear at all, she just wanted to say something, when she heard Jun Yunsi say she was stupid, her face turned black in an instant.

She glanced coolly at the corner of the wall, and cast a displeased glance at Nangong Fei who couldn't even get up, "If you hadn't appeared suddenly, she would definitely have no bones left at this moment."

 ps: Rolling the dice, I got a large number, so I have to add more, tomorrow~
  I found that very few people read the book, don't you love it?

(End of this chapter)

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