Chapter 92

Today's Shen Tangluo reminded him of that witch Shen Qianyan who was so hot that she almost destroyed the entire Xuanling Palace many years ago.

In terms of lawlessness, viciousness, and viciousness, Shen Tangluo was even better than Shen Qianyan back then.

Shen Qianyan's cruelty and injustice were not towards her relatives.

The arrogance of this stinky girl was beyond description.

When she came back this time, she was so narrow-minded that she couldn't even tolerate her own sister.

Not only did he slap the two older sisters in front of the disciples, but he even dared to use insidious tricks behind his back to push Yi'er off the Tianzhu Bridge.

If Fei'er hadn't escaped, no one would know what she did last night!
Five years ago, he told Nangong Qun that this scourge must not stay.

But Nangong Qun insisted on going his own way, and personally brought her back to Xuanling Palace without saying anything, and even handed over the palace lord order to her.

He had already guessed that sooner or later, the existence of Shen Tangluo would disturb the entire Xuanling Palace.

However, he never expected that this day would come so soon.

Palace Master is confused on this matter.

The fire in Zhuo Feng's eyes became more and more intense, "Shen Tangluo, you are not worthy to be the young master of Xuanling Palace at all, I don't recognize it!"

Shen Tangluo's expression was a little careless, and the fingers of his right hand caressed the small dark red lamp between his left wrist.

Faced with Zhuo Feng's harsh reprimands, from the very beginning, she only treated him as air, and didn't even bother to give him a look.

Only then did Shen Tangluo raise a pair of smiling eyes, and said with a sarcastic smile: "Zhuo Feng, no matter whether this young master is worthy or not, I am the young master of this Xuanling Palace."

"Whoever this young master wants to touch, whoever I touch, she has to bear it for me. If you refuse to accept it, you have to bear it too. You are not qualified to tell me what to do!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Feng stared angrily, and he was so angry that he couldn't even breathe properly.

All the anger in his body was ignited in an instant, reaching the verge of explosion.

There was a strong killing intent in a pair of sharp and experienced eyes, and he suddenly raised his hands to condense flashes of blue lightning.

Zhuo Feng, who is an eighth-level Thunder Summoner, his strength should not be underestimated.

As this power gathered on him, everyone felt a coercion belonging to the strong.

The terrifying aura that seemed to be able to crush everything swept across the entire Glazed Palace in an instant.

"Stinky girl, you have harmed your dearest relatives, it is against the law of heaven, and you are still obsessed with the matter until now, and you will never repent. Today, this old man will take the initiative to eradicate you as a scourge for the palace! I will definitely abolish you with my own hands!"

It was the first time seeing the Fifth Elder getting so angry, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath, not daring to make a sound.

However, in this hall, there was a person who couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

Nangong Fei's fingers hidden under her sleeves trembled from excitement.

What she wanted was for Shen Tangluo to anger the Fifth Elder.

She wanted to use Zhuo Feng's anger towards Shen Tangluo to destroy her completely.

In order to avenge this bitch, she has already lost everything, and there must be no more accidents.

Sure enough, Shen Tangluo did not disappoint her, she actually dared to go against a strong man with eighth level of spiritual power.

This is not pleasing by nature, and her self-defeating temperament is simply too much to her liking.

The sweeping electric current exudes a fierce and compelling momentum, which seems to be able to tear the void and destroy everything.

A cold light flashed across Shen Tang's eyes, and he put the cup in his hand on the table with a "snap".


Yunfu Kingdom, the imperial capital.

At this moment, the sky was going to be slightly hazy, and suddenly there was a loud noise from a courtyard in Prince Yan's mansion.

Yan Wang Jun Yanchu's furious voice followed closely, "Trash! Get out of here!"

The imperial doctor who had already knelt down to plead guilty lowered his body even lower.

The person lying on the sick bed at this time is Situ Lian'er, the poisoned woman Jun Yanchu brought back from the Ghost Shadow Forest four years ago.

Ever since she came to Prince Yan's Mansion, she had to rely on needles every month to temporarily relieve the toxicity in her body.

If Jun Yanchu hadn't thrown too many rare and rare medicinal spirits on her, Situ Lian'er would not have survived for so long.

But as the poisoning time got longer and longer, no matter how good the medicine spirit was, it was difficult to work again.

In this world, the only way to completely eradicate it is to temper the essence of the medicine spirit of Wannian Cangfu Phantom Spirit Flower and produce the elixir.

However, the main body of the medicine spirit of Wannian Cangfu Phantom Spirit Flower is so easy to possess.

This medicine spirit is ferocious and bloodthirsty. Since ancient times, countless ancient Xuan cultivators died in the process of hunting.

So, even if you find it, it's hard to get it.

The most important thing is that one must be a powerful pharmacist to make alchemy with medicine spirit.

For ordinary imperial doctors in the palace, it is simply more difficult than reaching the sky.

The atmosphere in the room became more and more oppressive, and the imperial doctor's face was covered with cold sweat, ashamed, "Your Highness, I am really ashamed."

Jun Yanchu's face was as dark as ink, "Get lost!"

Seeing this, all the maids guarding inside and outside the room trembled in fright without exception, and knelt down.

Situ Lian'er on the sick bed burst into tears, "His Royal Highness, it's Lian'er who is not good and doesn't live up to expectations. Don't blame them."

Seeing that Situ Lian'er was exhausted and was still thinking about others, Jun Yanchu's heart ached.

He walked over with scarlet eyes, grasped Situ Lian'er's hand, and said softly: "Lian'er, this king will not let you have trouble, this king has sent someone to Qishao Mountain to ask Master Huanshan Come to detoxify you."

"If it's not enough, I will invite you in person. I will make sure you take care of yourself."

Hearing Jun Yanchu's words, Situ Lian'er's disappointed eyes lit up, and her whole body suddenly seemed to have some vitality.

The Huanshan Lord of Qishao Mountain is the mysterious and powerful Huanshan Lord who is known as the world's number one ghost doctor.

Rumor has it that any kind of poison in this world, as long as it passes through his hands, there is nothing that cannot be cured.

(End of this chapter)

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