e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 106 Discharged from the hospital

Chapter 106 Discharged from the hospital

Half a month later, Gu Xishen was finally discharged from the hospital.

The embarrassing situation where the two of them were alone was finally getting away from her.

The team members said they were going to have a dinner party, and to celebrate Gu Xishen's discharge from the hospital, Yu Xingchen couldn't run away this time, so he was also dragged away.

Yu Xingchen pulled into the private room with the idea of ​​"celebrating finally not having to be alone with Gu Xishen".

The atmosphere of the team was quite harmonious, while congratulating Gu Xishen on his discharge from the hospital, they ate, drank and chatted.

Ji Mao wasn't that strict, and the team, except for Yu Xingshen, didn't have a prohibition on alcohol, so they immediately asked the boss to take a case of beer.

As for Yu Xingchen's prohibition on alcohol, it was entirely caused by Yu Xingchen's drunken madness at the team dinner.

So she could only hold back and drank the juice and peeled the shrimp.

The shrimp was a little far away from Yu Xingchen, and he had to reach for it every time.

When Yu Xingchen reached out for the third time, Gu Xishen, who was close, directly helped Yu Xingchen grab one and put it in her bowl.

Yu Xing glared at him, the meaning in his eyes was: Eat yours!
Gu Xi smiled deeply, Yu Xingchen's threats didn't seem to frighten him at all.

Yu Xingchen didn't want to cause any embarrassment in front of his teammates, so he put up with Gu Xishen this time.

As a result, Gu Xishen pushed his nose on his face instead, this time he directly picked up the peeled shrimp.

Yu Xingchen endured it again and again: "I say you!..."

Lu Bai, who just reached out to pick up vegetables, saw Yu Xing's angry look, and was startled, "Yu Shen?"

Yu Xing suddenly changed his face, and said embarrassingly: "...It's okay, it's okay, the shrimp shell is stuck in his throat."

Gu Xishen, who clearly knew she was lying, obeyed her words, opened a can of coconut milk and handed it to her, "Drink more water if you're stuck."

Yu Xing gritted his teeth in a low voice: "Don't go too far..."

Gu Xishen didn't change his face, and gave Yu Xingchen another shrimp, and put it in her bowl: "You can't blame me if you get stuck."

Yu Xingchen: "..." Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !
No one else noticed this side, but Lin Yuanjin looked up and saw the interaction between the two, and the gentle smile that was originally greeting the team members faded.

After eating, they parted ways, Yu Xingshen returned to school, and they returned to the team.

Gu Xishen didn't know what was going on tonight, he always felt that something was wrong, and he didn't know if he was stupid in hospital, yet he said to Yu Xingshen, "See you tomorrow."

Yu Xing snorted, ignored him, and got into the taxi directly, leaving him with the exhaust of the taxi.

Yu Xing thought deeply, seeing Maoyan, she has been staying at school for the past few days, and she doesn't want to see him again.

The house that Uncle Wang was looking for has not been found yet, and Yu Xingchen is still living in the dormitory.

Simply after the last incident, the two most restless people in the dormitory didn't provoke her very much, but there was a faint tendency to isolate her in the dormitory.

Yu Xingchen didn't plan to live in the dormitory forever, so she was happy to be quiet.

In the evening, Yu Xingchen was preparing to score points, and when she was on the account, a message popped up from the system.

【Your account is already logged in elsewhere】

Yu Xing's mind was full of question marks, and after thinking for a while, he realized that Huahua also had her account password.

So Yu Xingchen went to poke Huahua: Are you playing with my account?
It took a few minutes for Hua to reply: I just opened QAQ, and I wanted to log in to my account, sorry I didn't notice the mistake.

Yu Xing and Shen Shiran: It's okay, it's okay, you go ahead and call me when you're done, I made an appointment with my teammates to score points.

(End of this chapter)

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