e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 108 I see you are fierce

Chapter 108 I see you are fierce

Yu Xingchen was so depressed by Ji Mao's sentence "Is it me?", he couldn't help but boast.

After Huahua finished the game, Yu Xingshen made an appointment with Qiao Yinan to score points, but after entering the room, he found Gu Xishen inside.

Yu Xing was typing on the public screen.

PR.star: Why are you dragging him?
Qiao Yinan replied to her: Let's go together, it's better to have a jungler.

PR.star: Then why don't you pull Team Lin.

PR.south: emmm, he is duoing with Lu Bai.

So half a minute later, under Yu Xingshen's insistence, the three rows of rooms became five rows.

The shooter is Qiao Yinan, the support is Yu Xingshen, and the top unit is Lu Bai.

jungle position...

The junglers are Gu Xishen and Lin Yuanjin.

Everyone: "..."

After Liao, the consequences of not looking at the lineup are like this.

Lin Yuanjin said: "Catch the stars and go to the wild, I'll go to the top lane, will Lu Bai win?"

Lu Bai shrugged: "If you believe in my zero-to-one mage, I'm willing to give it a try."

Yu Xing said in a deep voice: "I'll hit it, Team Lin can also play a meaty walk."

So the lineup changed, Yu Xingshen chose Diao Chan as the middle, and Gu Xishen chose Yao as the jungler.

The hero Yao is a dual-form energy bar hero, and the current version is relatively strong.

The main thing is that he has no blue bars.

At the beginning of the game, Gu Xishen sent a signal to Yu Xingchen.

[Mage comes to get blue]
Yu Xing thought about it for a while, although Gu Xishen hated it, she would not make things difficult for Papa Lan.

Gu Xishen turned against Lan on the opposite side. She manipulated Diao Chan to go to the blue area opposite, and saw that Lan's father had only a trace of blood, and Yu Xingchen didn't even need to lose his skills.

Yu Xingchen even kindly helped Gu Xishen invite wild monsters from the opposite blue zone, and then returned to the middle route.

The mage on the opposite side hates Zhang Liang very much, but he plays pretty well.

Yu Xingchen moved carelessly, Zhang Liang caught her, and the opposite jungler took her away.

This hero is very restrained against Diao Chan, and Yu Xingshen is already ready to fight him in the middle.

But Gu Xishen came to the middle lane to support and harass him very frequently, and Yu Xingchen played comfortably.

At that time, Yu Xingchen hadn't realized what Gu Xishen's routine was.

Nakano linkage, flirting with girls.

After Zhang Liang and Han Xin on the opposite side were given a total of seven heads by Yao Yixiu, the irritable Han Xin finally couldn't help but hold back words.

[All] Mianmian (Han Xin): I have a grudge against you in the opposite jungler?

Gu Xishen didn't reply to the message.

Five seconds later.

Yao killed Han Xin.

[All] Mianmian (Han Xin): ...

It seemed that Han Xin really couldn't hold back anymore, and in the next second, he breathed out the fragrance directly on the public screen, greeting Gu Xishen's various relatives and elders.

Yu Xingchen actually wanted to do this back then...

But at that time, she had already blocked and deleted all of Gu Xishen's contact information, and she had flown to South Korea. It was a pity that this very relieved idea was killed in the cradle.

Han Xin's game is not very good, but he can spray, the kind that doesn't stop after a dozen sentences.

Qiao Yinan looked angry, and rolled up his sleeves to confront Han Xin: "Today, I will let you see what a real king of mouth is."

Before Qiao Yinan could think about how to speak, Yu Xing sent a line of words.

[All] PR.star: You are really giving birth to children and eating melon seeds, b mouth is not idle.

Qiao Yinan: "..."

Gu Xishen: "..."

Lin Yuanjin: "..."

Lu Bai: "..."

They thought that Yu Xingchen was just playing, but a few seconds later she deducted another line.

[All] PR.star: Look at you, you are quite fierce. I have a dog in Koukou Farm, so come here.

[All] Mianmian (Han Xin): I**You**x**
[All] PR.star: Stop blah, control the direction and return to the spring, the difference between you and the soldiers is that you can type.

(End of this chapter)

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