e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 120 Teacher Tony Asks Gu Xishen if He Has a Boyfriend

Chapter 120 Teacher Tony Asks Gu Xishen if He Has a Boyfriend
Gu Xishen even ignored Teacher Tony's fingertips on his forehead to help him draw his eyebrows, and looked at her smile without blinking.

Gu Xishen's facial contours are sharp-edged, especially the contour of the jaw line, which is very clear and sharp, with straight roots, which feels natural and tall that cannot be adjusted by hundreds of thousands.

Especially the eye sockets are also very deep, which makes him look like a mixed race.

This face shape is especially easy to be photogenic.

Gu Xishen's skin is also pretty good, it's not as white as Yu Xingchen's and jade, it's a very natural complexion without any blemishes, let alone concealer, not even foundation.

In the end, Teacher Tony only drew a shadow on Gu Xishen under the premise of drawing an eyebrow, deepening the outline, so as not to get the camera to eat makeup.

Teacher Tony raised Gu Xishen's outline while pointing his orchid, and said, "Hey handsome guy, how do you take care of your skin?"

Gu Xi said concisely, "Naturally."

Teacher Tony asked one after another, "Handsome, do you have deep eye sockets? Are you a mixed race or a minority?"

"Where are you from, handsome guy? I don't think your accent sounds like a native of Shanghai."

"Handsome, you have a good height and figure, do you plan to become a model?"

"handsome guy……"

Originally, Gu Xishen replied with the first few sentences, but Teacher Tony kept talking to Gu Xishen as if he didn't know how tired he was.

Later, Gu Xishen just said "um" and "yes" very perfunctorily.

Qiao Yinan chatted with Lu Bai on the side, "Do you think Mr. Tony has taken a fancy to the feeling of picking up stars?"

Lu Bai listened to a few lines of dialogue, "It's a bit..."

The two looked at each other, sparks of gossip burst out in their eyes at the same time.

The guesses of these two gossip experts did not run away, and they heard the next sentence from Mr. Tony asking, "Do you have a girlfriend, handsome guy?"

Gu Xishen's forehead twitched with veins, "No."

Teacher Tony's eyes lit up, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Gu Xishen: "..."

Lu Bai and Qiao Yinan didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and laughed silently behind Gu Xi's back, almost laughing like two fools.

Even Yu Xingchen, who was sitting beside him, couldn't help laughing again.

That smile was just like her name, as if there were thousands of stars in her eyes.

Gu Xishen didn't use his peripheral vision to look at it this time, he turned his head slightly, and looked at Yu Xingshen's smile openly.

He can ignore Mr. Tony's somewhat out-of-the-ordinary question, "Sorry, I'm not in your circle, I don't have a partner, but I have a girl I like, and I'm still pursuing it."

Seeing a joke can lead to him, the smile on Yu Xingchen's face froze instantly.

Sure enough, Teacher Tony was very disappointed, "Well, I can only wish you good luck."

"Thank you."

Gu Xishen's makeup was done with few steps, and it was ready soon. The team members came one by one, and soon it was Yu Xingshen's turn.

Girls' makeup process is relatively cumbersome, but thanks to Yu Xingchen's face is good, and the skin is not bad, after applying the isolation primer, he directly ignored the step of base makeup and began to refine the facial features.

Teacher Tony met two godly looks one after another, and then glanced at the gentle and handsome Lin Yuanjin who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down. Even Qiao Yinan, Lu Bai and Gao Li were also handsome.

Teacher Tony couldn't help but feel very depressed, "Have you gone to play games when you grow up all these years?"

(End of this chapter)

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