e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 127 Yu Shen cosplayer Cai Wenji

Chapter 127 Yu Shen cosplayer Cai Wenji

Qiao Yinan threw Da Qiao's C suit on Lu Bai's head, and rolled his eyes, "I want to wear it for you, and I want to wear it for my own life."

Lu Bai: "Aren't you born Genghis Khan?"

Qiao Yinan: "If you give me a whole wolf, I will cosplay Genghis Khan."

The team's daily bickering is achieved daily.The three of them told you and I arranged the clothes of the other three who were not involved.

Yu Xingchen, Chang'e.

Gu Xishen, Li Bai, and Feng Qiuhuang's coquettish V-neck.

Lin Yuanjin, born Han Xin, has the skin of Bai Longyin.

Several people are not very satisfied.

Lin Yuanjin took off his glasses, rubbed his temples, and smiled helplessly: "Han Xin's body is too heavy."

Gao Li retorted: "But handsome!"

Gu Xishen didn't look at his C suit, instead he took Yu Xingchen's Chang'e C suit and looked at it for a long time. It showed shoulders and thighs, "The star suit is not good, it's too revealing."

It was rare for Yu Xingchen to stand on the same front as Gu Xishen this time, "I don't think it's too likely, can you give me a little more conservative?"

Qiao Yinan rummaged through the pile of C clothes, and then found the C clothes of Cai Wenji Fan Xingyou from the beginning, and said to Yu Xing, "How about this one? It's not revealing and looks good!"

Yu Xing was not convinced, and pointed to Da Qiao's clothes that were thrown aside, "Why do you want me to wear loli clothes, I think Da Qiao is pretty good too!"

Qiao Yinan said euphemistically, "I don't think you, Yushen, are qualified enough."

This is a disguise to say that her short legs are not long enough.

Yu Xing angrily picked up the wig box on the side and threw it at Qiao Yinan's head.

In the end, Yu Xingchen succumbed to his short height of 165, and humiliatedly chose Cai Wenji's Starry Bard. At the same time, he was still comforting himself in his heart: what's wrong with Lolita, how good Lolita is, with soft voice and soft body, easy to overthrow.

Yu Xingchen was also invited by the game official to take a promotional photo of the game, which is the set of Cai Wenji Fanxing Yinyou. When the time comes, the picture will be deducted as a pop-up sticker for the May [-]th Black Festival event in the game.

Yu Xingshen specially set aside half a day to go to the studio to shoot a film, and after a set of procedures, she was pouting and acting cute, which almost exhausted her to death.

The worst thing was that she slept for five hours in the early morning, got up at six in the morning to put on makeup, and had to go to class after taking pictures. After class, she made a training match appointment with the team next door, and didn't go to sleep until two in the morning.

On the day of the offline event, at six o'clock he was called again by Ji Mao's life-threatening serial calls, and his footsteps were so flimsy that he almost fell down the stairs.

Even Lin Yuanjin was taken aback when he saw Yu Xingchen's ghostly face, "Are you okay?"

Yu Xingchen slumped directly on the sofa in the living room, "It's okay... I can handle it."

Even Ji Mao, who has always been oppressing them, rarely feels guilty when he sees Yu Xingchen's dying appearance: "Be patient, I will give you a day off tomorrow."

Yu Xingshen said weakly, "I want to increase my bonus."

Ji Mao: "Up, up, up!"

Gu Xishen found a cold compress eye mask from nowhere, "Your eyes are swollen, please apply it."

As if knowing that Yu Xingchen would find an excuse to reject his overtures, Gu Xishen gave a reason why Yu Xingchen couldn't refuse, "It won't look good when your eyes are swollen when you go on camera."

The image is indeed what girls care about the most. As soon as Yu Xingchen heard the word photogenic, he immediately revived from a half-dead state with full blood, and took the cold compress for eye bags from Gu Xishen's hand: "Thank you."
About cos Cai Wenji... I have asked in my button space, the minority obeys the majority (I am the devil hahahahahaha)

(End of this chapter)

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