e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 129 The staff saw him put his hand into Gu Jiu's neckline

Chapter 129 The staff saw him put his hand into Gu Jiu's neckline

Gu Jiu's gold suit is so eye-catching, even if he keeps hiding behind his teammates, Yu Xingchen can still guess which hero he cosplays.

Wang Zhaojun still has the same skin as Phoenix Yufei.

Yu Xing said teasingly: "...you can see it all, so why hide?"

Gu Jiu didn't know whether it was because she was too ashamed and fearless, or because she had lost all senses and didn't care. She straightened her back and poked her head out from behind her teammates, puffed out her chest, "It's stuffed with steamed buns! Why are you so envious?" ?”

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Gu Jiu's words are begging for beating.

Not to mention, Gu Jiu's small body looks pretty good in Fenghuang Yufei's C suit.

The muscles on his body are not prominent, and the contours of his face are soft. Wearing a wig and makeup, he really feels a bit indistinguishable.

The main thing is his chest, which is too big to be fake hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Yu Xingshen held back and reached out to poke the steamed bun on Gu Jiu's chest, "Which company's steamed bun? It's quite soft."

As soon as her hand poked the steamed bun, it collapsed, and Gu Jiu immediately wailed, "Don't poke! It's not fixed! It's about to fall! I managed to get it right!"

He asked his teammates to reach into his neckline to help him pick up the positions of the two steamed buns.

The arena staff turned around from the corridor and prepared to call a few teams to get ready to play, but as soon as they arrived, they saw this picture——

A male cosplayer Hou Yi put his hand into Wang Zhaojun's neckline, and Wang Zhaojun was still muttering "click on the left..."

The staff petrified in an incredible moment.

When Gu Jiu raised his eyes, he didn't expect an outsider to come over. Looking at the staff's expression, he knew that there was a misunderstanding. He immediately stretched out Erkang's hand to explain: "Listen to me..."

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-Go-to-the-spot to play water friends with lucky spectators for 10 minutes and then I'm sorry to bother you!!"

Everyone: "..."

The staff member blushed, finished a long series of words without panting, quickly bowed like an apology, turned around and ran away.

Now the petrified person became Gu Jiu.


After 10 minutes, Gu Jiu finally had enough of being laughed at by the crowd, and at the urging of the staff, a group of people went to the event site.

When the event officially announced that there would be two teams participating in offline activities on the day of the May [-]th Black Festival, the supply of tickets for the event was already in short supply.

As soon as they entered the stage, the audience who were waving fluorescent sticks and light signs instantly became excited.

The host is a cosplay girl with the skin of Daji Ahri. After the cheers from the contestants died down, the host smiled and said, "It seems that the audience here are very excited to see the contestants' outfits. Ah? Can you guess who is who?"

The audience shouted from the audience to match their guessed heroes with the contestants, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly high.

Yu Xingchen was standing next to Gu Jiu, listening to Gu Jiu's soft beep beep all the time: "Star, can you help me see if my chest is crooked?"

Yu Xingchen didn't even look at it: "It's not crooked."

Gu Jiu lowered his head to see but couldn't see it himself, obviously he didn't believe Yu Xingchen's nonsense: "You didn't even see it!"

Yu Xing admired him from the corner of his eye: "Really not."

Gu Jiu turned her head to say that she was being perfunctory, but when she raised her eyes, she met Gu Xishen's warning gaze.

The eyes are obviously faint, but Gu Jiu, who has known Gu Xishen for so many years, can still read the meaning from his gaze——

Beep beep kill you again.

(End of this chapter)

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