e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 132 She Was Afraid That Something Happened to Gu Xishen

Chapter 132 She Was Afraid That Something Happened to Gu Xishen

Can Yu Xingchen say no in front of so many people?

She turned her head to look at Gu Xishen, before she could even begin to call out to him, Gu Xishen seemed to have a telepathic connection with her, and raised her head after a few seconds.

Gu Xi asked her deeply, "Is there something wrong?"

Yu Xingchen curled his lips: "There is a little girl who wants our group photo."

Gu Xishen came over faster than she had imagined, and eagerly asked the little girl how she wanted to take pictures.

Yu Xingshen rolled his eyes behind them.

The little girl gestured: "It's just a little bit more intimate, you need to have a sense of CP, and it's best to have physical contact..." After finishing speaking, the little girl was cautious for fear that they would not agree: "It should be fine, right?"

Yu Xingchen didn't have time to refuse: "Oh no..."

Before she could spit out the word "okay" from her throat, she felt Gu Xishen's big warm hand pressed against her waist, and the remaining warmth of the palm was conveyed only through a thin layer of clothing.

Gu Xishen's body was pressed against him, and Yu Xingchen could even smell the faint sandalwood on his body.

Her mind froze instantly.

On the contrary, the little girl was very excited and took the camera to shoot left and right, and finally asked her for an autograph.

Yu Xingchen seemed to still have the smell of Gu Xishen in her nostrils, she even forgot how she signed it.

Gu Xishen said: "I just saw it, and it's a very nice photo. This is the second time we took a photo together."

Yu Xing gave Gu Xi a deep look, "There won't be a third time."

Gu Xishen: "Are you so sure?"

Yu Xing thought to himself: Isn't this nonsense?

She was about to sit back in her seat when she accidentally caught a glimpse of the commotion a few meters away from the corner of her eye.

A tall and thin man wearing a black hat and a black mask pushed aside the crowd with one hand and walked towards Yu Xingchen, holding a can of unknown objects in his hand.

Yu Xingshen suddenly felt something was wrong, and wanted to block the little girl in front of him.

After seeing Yu Xingchen, the tall and thin man walked forward even more quickly, lifted the jar in his hand and made a splashing motion.

Yu Xingchen's first reaction was to pull the little girl away.Gu Xishen, who was by her side, also noticed the strangeness among the crowd. When the tall and thin man rushed up with his things, he stood in front of Yu Xingchen, and kicked the sheet in front of her that was used to put ID stand on the table.

Gu Xishen's force was so strong that the composite wooden table hit the tall and thin man's waist and abdomen in an instant, and fell to the ground with a bang.

At the same time, the can of things in his hand also spilled out, splashing black on the ground.

A smell of paint spread instantly.

Originally, there were many people at the scene, but once an accident happened, the crowd suddenly rioted.

The staff hurriedly worked with the security guards to maintain order at the scene.

Gu Xi asked Yu Xingchen deeply, "Are you injured?"

Originally when the tall and thin man rushed up, Yu Xingchen was already thinking about whether the can was sulfuric acid or something. After seeing that what was spilled was paint, Yu Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief.

But just now when Gu Xishen kicked the table to help her block people, his heart still didn't let go.

Yu Xingchen didn't know which nerve was wrong, the moment Gu Xishen rushed up, he felt a sense of dread.

She was afraid that something would happen to Gu Xishen.

Yu Xingchen's tone was raised a bit, and he blurted out and asked Gu Xishen: "Why are you so risking your life every time! Have you ever thought about what to do if the splashed acid is sulfuric acid?!"

(End of this chapter)

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