e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 134 Yu Shen's Aunt Came During the Semifinals

Chapter 134 Yu Shen's Aunt Came During the Semifinals

Yu Xingchen: "I didn't expect him to come to play e-sports either."

Yu Xingchen's words were equivalent to admitting in disguise that Lin Yuanjin's guess was correct.

Lin Yuanjin's expression relaxed, "He told me that you didn't break up, you were just losing your temper."

Yu Xing sneered, thinking of the scene when he spilled a cup of coffee on Gu Xishen and ran away, "...It can be regarded as my unilateral split, no matter whether he agrees or not, the game is over when it's over .”

Lin Yuanjin put his hand down by his side, kneading the pulp of his index finger and thumb, "Since you have joined the team, you should get along well, and don't make him unhappy all day long."

Yu Xing muttered: "I've restrained myself a lot lately..."

Lin Yuanjin: "Go to bed early today, after two days for the semi-finals of the loser's bracket, adjust your state."


Lin Yuanjin went out, and the door of the room was closed with a click.

Yu Xingshen always felt that Lin Yuanjin was acting weird today, as if he wanted to tell her something, but in the end he still didn't say it.


The semi-finals will be in two days, and the next day will be the finals of the lower bracket. The schedule is very full.

In the semi-finals of the loser's bracket, they played against a former KPL team that also performed poorly and was relegated to the world.

PR and their tournament resumes are almost like twins, they won the championship, but fell into the loser group because of abnormal performance.

This can be regarded as sympathy for each other. After a day of BO7, the two teams shook hands and said goodbye on the field, and the opposing team stopped in the semi-finals of the loser's bracket.

PR had a smooth journey in the loser's bracket and successfully advanced to the finals.

There was still class on the day of the finals, but Yu Xingchen came out after asking for leave.

[Guess which team successfully ascended? 】

[Do you still need to guess, PR will win]

[PR must win laughingly, if must win can be reduced to the loser group? 】

[Every team has its peaks and troughs, and PR lost once, and Heizi used it as a catchphrase for a season, do you think PR fans care about you? 】


There was chatter and debate on the bullet screen, and the excited voice of the commentator could be vaguely heard through the earphones.

But Yu Xingchen's condition doesn't seem to be very good, just now he was chatting and laughing with his teammates, and suddenly his face collapsed.

Even the commentary was different.

"God Yu?"

"Did there be a problem when discussing the team lineup? The atmosphere of the PR team seems to have changed all of a sudden?"

"The PR jungler locked Han Xin, and the shooter originally chose Gongsunli. Cooperating with Han Xin can make a good wave of opponent's jungle invasion, but at the last second, he replaced Gongsunli with Luban No. [-]?"

Not only are the commentators confused, but the audience is also very confused.

[Luban is a hero whose output is very strong but too brittle. The opponent's wild Lanling King can be taken away, and it will not be very effective in the later team battles.]

[PR this lineup is making wool?Wasn't Gongsunli just now very good? 】

[Wait and see what Yushen's assistant chooses, I'm afraid it's not a four-guarantee-one style of play? 】


The reason for the commotion was still because of Yu Xingchen.

At this moment, Yu Xingchen felt a cramping pain in her stomach, and the pain was so painful that she could barely stand it.

Counting the days, Yu Xingchen had a bad premonition.

Her aunt may have come.

Yu Xing's Aunt Shen was in so much pain that it was so severe that she was admitted to the hospital once.

The teammates who had seen this posture for the first time before were almost taken aback. They refreshed their views and understood the hard work of being a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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