e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 138 Gu Shen's First Show 1

Chapter 138 Gu Shen's First Show 1
The PR top Dan Yuebai next to him was talking to him. He turned his head to listen. The dim lights on the field could not obliterate his sharp facial features. .

He just sat like this, without any movement, and everyone's eyes would be attracted to him, like an open night cloud under the dim light.

Because of Gu Xishen's appearance, the voices of the audience dropped strangely, and Shaoqing burst into even louder cheers.

"Ahhhhh I care about God!!!"

"God, I love you!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I actually got to see Gu Shen's debut in the arena with my own eyes!"

"I actually saw Gu Shen at the scene, he is so handsome!! He is much more handsome than the makeup photo!!"

"Go God, come on!"

"Why did you replace Yushen with Gushen? Gushen plays support??"

"I watched Gu Shen's live broadcast for half a year. Damn, I can count the number of times he played support games with two hands."


Not only the live audience, but even when the screen cut to Gu Xishen in the live broadcast room, the barrage suddenly multiplied, and the barrage was completely white, and the screen could not be seen at all.

[Can you take it easy!I can't even see the peerless handsome face of my Gu Shen!I'm going to block the barrage! ! 】

[What are the sisters doing in a daze!Take a screenshot! 】

The director seemed to know the audience's hobbies, so he specially asked the cameraman to shoot close to his face.

That flawless handsome face was just poked in front of the screen. His slender hands picked up one earphone and put it on, while his white fingers pinched the microphone near his mouth to adjust its position.

Even without any expression, the facial features alone can make the female view in front of the screen scream.

[Online looking for a sister who can edit pictures! !I'm going to make this man a screen saver! 】

[Seek +2 online! 】

【day!This hand... Gu Shen sharked me online! 】

【Not to mention anything else, this Maserati is for God Gu! 】

[Handsome, good-looking hands, good at playing games, what kind of beautiful dream man is this! 】

[Suddenly I don't envy the sisters at the scene anymore, we can see Gu Shen at such a close distance, the sisters at the scene can only watch from a distance]

[Go upstairs, thank you for the invitation, I'm at the scene, I'm watching Gu Shen at the scene and at the same time watching Gu Shen in the live broadcast, can't believe it hahahahaha]

[Upstairs pissed me off to death, to death, to death, to death, to death]

【Above you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, you are in a hurry]

The commentator received the notice of Gu Xishen's appearance 10 minutes before the start of the game, and only a few information about Gu Xishen was collected on the Internet.

Before the commentary started, commentator A looked at the short sentences and smiled wryly: "Is this really the resume of an eight-figure anchor? It's too little."

Character introduction is only age gender and name.

Commentary B: "Let's make do with it, sooner or later you will encounter such a situation in this line of work."

The game started, and Gu Xishen's face was projected in front of the big IED screen at the scene.

Commentator A said: "It seems that everyone's attention to PR substitutes for stars is unprecedentedly hot."

Commentator B teased: "Can you not be so popular? The anchor with tens of millions of followers, the number of fans is yours plus mine. If you increase it by ten times, it can't compare."

Commentator A also laughed, "Indeed, Zhaixing's popularity is no less than that of the champion team, and he is also well-known in the entire King of Glory circle, but he gave up the superior treatment of the live broadcast platform and chose to sign PR, and he is also a substitute player, this Zhaixing I have never explained the reason, and there are different opinions on the Internet.”

(End of this chapter)

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