e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 140 Gu Shen will definitely be kicked out of the car by Yu Shen

Chapter 140 Gu Shen will definitely be kicked out of the car by Yu Shen and run back to the base with the car

Not only was he blown up, but his record was almost negative.

Lu Bai said sadly and angrily: "I think being with you is a personal physical shield. It's better for me to go on the road. Although I'm lonely, it's quiet."

Kai is developing on the road, and got a kill and two assists. He doesn't have a particularly good operation, but he can also play the hero's biggest advantage of containment.

After 15 minutes, the AS team caught a small mistake of the PR team-Sun Shangxiang rushed too far, was pushed up by Mai Shiranui's skills, and the opponent swarmed up to take Sun Shangxiang's head.

Lin Yuanjin: "Pigs use skills, block it, and retreat."

On the other side, as if he was determined to catch them, he walked around from the side and handed in his skills to Zhu Bajie.

After Gu Xishen's armor circled around the grass in the blue area, it instantly opened up. One set cut off Marco Polo. Liu Bang sent it to protect Shiranui Mai. Yun Zhongjun stepped forward to pull the enemy, and Wu Zetian opened up.

The second skill of Kai knocked away the three people who were stunned by Wu Zetian, and harvested in one set.

Four kills!

Li Bai wanted to take away the armor with only one-third of the blood after he was in the jungle. Kai opened the store within two seconds and sold the shoes and replaced it with the resurrection armor. .

The commentator was frothing, and spoke very fast: "Li Bai seems to have not noticed that the armor has been replaced with the resurrection armor! After finishing the battle, there is no third stage to move back to the original place, and Wu Zetian who intends to harvest the residual blood...The armor is resurrected Already! The second skill slashed at Li Bai from behind and sent Li Bai flying, and the first skill reaped it instantly!"

Quadra Kill!

The commentator excitedly said: "Pentakill! Beautiful!"

Gu Xishen sold the Resurrection Armor in exchange for equipment while clearing the wild to regain blood. At the same time, when the line in the middle lane arrived, he took the line and pushed down the second tower in the middle lane.

Yu Xingchen curled his lips, and snorted unconvincingly: "Vegetable chicken..."

Then, without looking at Gu Xishen's next operation, she turned around and walked back to the lounge to get the boiling water.

This wave of team battles gave them a great advantage, and they successfully detonated the opposite crystal at 25 minutes.

With three victories in a row, there are still four games to come. As long as you win one, you will be able to get a ticket to the spring finals.

The ending was almost predictable after the crystal was detonated.

Originally, there were still many viewers who were not optimistic about Gu Xishen. They thought that Gu Xishen was showing off low-end games during the live broadcast before, and he must have been beaten by others in the professional arena.

But Gu Xishen got a 9-1-0 MVP record in the first game of his debut. He basically kept up with his teammates in the next four games. s face.

But I heard that Zhaixing is best at playing the jungle position?The top laner already has a professional level, so what will his jungler look like?
[Laughing to death, there are five on the opposite side, and five are banned from Luna. 】

[The level of Luna who picked up the stars is really good. Luna in the top ten national server, he hasn't scored in almost half a month, and no one has surpassed it until now. 】

In the end, PR successfully won the tickets for the Spring Split with a record of five wins and two losses. The cheers of the audience almost broke through the dome, and PR fans screamed and shouted——

"Amazing the stars is amazing! Come on in the finals!"


After the team members finished playing, they were about to go on stage for a post-match interview. Xia Tian came and told the host, "Don't wait, just these five, star is not feeling well and will go back first."

Gu Xishen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

It's good to go back, at least you don't have to sit in the same car with Yu Xingchen for a while, otherwise he will definitely be kicked by Yu Xingchen and run back to the base with the car...
Ranran comes here every day with the cheek to ask for a recommendation ticket for collection, huh, huh.

(End of this chapter)

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