e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 159 Spring Finals 10

Chapter 159 Spring Finals 10
Gu Xishen chose Luna for the fourth competition.

What this hero is most afraid of is control and not being able to connect to the ultimate move, so the four ban positions of PR directly banned Zhang Liang, Donghuang Taiyi, Zhong Kui, and Mi Yue.

Yu Xingchen chose a Sun Bin to play with.

Luna blue starts the game, after finishing the blue buff, go directly to the wild to upgrade to level four.

As long as this hero reaches level four first, he will be a terrifying existence in Gu Xishen's hands.

At 30 minute and [-] seconds, Gu Xishen squatted in the bottom lane for a while, and cooperated with the shooting assistant to take off the head of the opponent's top laner. After that, the three of them went to the opposite blue zone to fight against the jungle. The early economic growth was very fast.

Gu Xishen's Luna is really pretty, the moon is endless, and Zixia's skirt is flying in the middle of every team battle. With the silence effect of Yu Xingshen's ultimate move, the opponent is almost in a state of no solution.

At 15 minutes, the junglers of the two sides met in Longkeng, and the first wave of large-scale team battles broke out.

Commentator B said: "Liu Bang of CVG stepped forward to take a wave of skills, Zhuge Liang moved forward to brush passively, Luna... look at Luna's position! Luna is using the master brush to mark Lianda, and floated directly to the back row of CVG , Huang Zhong was taken away by a wave of high damage!"

"CVG's back row output was vacant in an instant! PR's Tachibana Ukyo made a backhanded big move and then took away Hua Mulan. Yu Shen's Sun Bin activated the second skill to help Luna block Zhuge Liang's big move. Luna still has Lan! I can show off again!"

Gu Xishen marked Zhuge Liang, pulled out the 1323 big move, and took away Zhuge Liang's head. CVG was defeated in a wave, and only Liu Bei used the acceleration skill to escape with residual blood.

This wave of team battles was very beautiful, because Gu Xishen played a variety of heroes, and Yu Xingchen rarely saw Gu Xishen's Luna. In this kind of competition, he thought it was quite powerful at first sight, so he just said He boasted: "Luna is very powerful, like a friend of mine."

Unexpectedly, when Gu Xishen heard this sentence, he hadn't stopped his big move for more than ten minutes, because he had broken the wild.

Gu Xishen: "..." I was so panicked, I was afraid that the vest would be discovered.

Yu Xingchen: "..." This kid still couldn't help boasting.

The correct routine should be to take advantage of the victory of this wave to take down the master and push the tower.

However, after taking down the master, the PR people scattered to various roads and wild areas to farm the economy again, and had no plans to push the tower.

After everyone in CVG was revived, they ran to various roads to clear the Dominator Vanguard.

The advantage of this wave of groups is just like this. The audience can only see the PR people communicating, but can't hear what they say, but seeing that PR is still developing in Sanlu, they have no plans to take advantage of the economic advantages to do things.

[I think the current advantage is very good. You can take the initiative to start a group or push the tower. Why is PR still slowly farming the economy? 】

[PR's Sanlu seems to be playing mahjong and drinking tea... Take it easy, I'm so anxious to see it, I can't wait to grab my phone and push the tower! 】

Then the PR team arrested the opponent several times, but they only arrested people and did not push the tower.

CVG can still hide under the tower and slowly develop, but after 10 minutes, the PR equipment is ready, and the most fleshy Zhong Wuyan directly resists the tower and jumps the tower, assisting teammates to start a group to kill in the tower.

Two 10 minutes, head ratio is 16:2.

16 is CVG.

Opposite shooter Huang Zhong became a sacrificial sacrifice in team battles every time he played a team. He was cut to death by Luna first, and he couldn't play any output at all.

Half of the sixteen heads were contributed by him.

(End of this chapter)

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