e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 165 Shut up your stinky mouth that it doesn't matter what color you wear

Chapter 165 (4 words) Shut up your stinking mouth about whatever color you wear
In this game, the winning streak of the team next door was completely gone. When they were pushing the crystal, Yu Xingchen could still hear the wailing from the villa next door.

Just treat it as the end of the nightmare, if you lose, you lose, Xian Jiu comforted herself like this.

But this is actually the beginning of the nightmare.

Because of the next ranking, the team next door matched them again.

[All] GB. Xianjiu (Yun Zhongjun): ...

[All] PR.star (Ming Shiyin): Oh well.

【God damn it】

【I laughed until I rolled forward on the bed and was kicked by my mother on the ground】

【Xian Jiu: This is probably a duel of fate】

It's rare to meet professional players during training games, but I didn't expect them to come when they were on a winning streak, and five of them would come as soon as they came.

What's more, he hit two cars in a row.

No matter what you say, Team GB is still a first-tier team with the same strength as them. Although Yu Xingshen is flirting with them on all channels, he still has to use all his strength and focus to fight.

This is a live broadcast of two first-line teams colliding, and the game is as exciting as the game.

After 15 minutes of the start, Yu Xingshen and Qiao Yinan were caught by Dough in the bottom lane.

Seeing that Qiao Yinan's wolfdog was half-killed by Xian Jiu's Yun Zhongjun's wing, Yu Xing Shen gave him some blood with a big move, and went to help Qiao Yinan block it before his blood bar was full. Damage covers him to retreat.

Zhuge Liang, the mid laner of GB, just swiped his passive on Hedao Hexie and then came over with a set, and his ultimate move was locked on Yu Xingchen in an instant.

In the next second, Gu Xishen's Li Bai swiped his ult and stepped forward in two stages, helping Yu Xingchen block the fatal damage, and all his ult moves were used on the opposite body.

Gu Xishen's eyebrows didn't even twitch, and his second skill circle slowed down on the opposite side, sticking to his face.

Five seconds later, Li Bai, who was on the opposite side and was supported three times, took his head.

Just now Li Bai's heroic rescue of the beauty plus the show turned over made the audience buckle 6666666 on the public screen.

【Wow!Whenever I can meet a teammate who can help block Zhuge Liang's big move, woo woo woo]

[You can meet other people's teammates, you can meet other people's love, you can meet other people's videos, you can meet other people's stories, boot boots]

[Upstairs are you a devil? 】


Even though Gu Xishen was so good at this game, he still couldn't stop the cheating attributes of his teammates.

Because their takeout is coming.

So the GB people who had worked so hard to see the battlefield suddenly found that the opposite PR was extremely negative, and they lost two consecutive rounds.

Xian Jiu was overwhelmed with joy, and shouted words on all channels, elated: Can't beat it?
[All] PR.star (Ming Shiyin): No, it's a takeaway. I don't think you can win this one. The winning streak will be returned to you.

Gu Jiu: "..." She lost the last fight, she was talking about winning streak with a hammer!
[All] PR.star (Ming Shiyin): Dry pot shrimp, would you like some?
Gu Jiu: "..." He suddenly didn't want to fight anymore.

The GB middleman glanced at the window, and found that the takeaway on the opposite side had really arrived, and it was Yu Xingchen who hung up the phone to get the takeaway.

The GB mid laner barked: "Captain, I'm hungry too."

Gu Jiu: "...Then, what time?"

Under the passive resistance of PR, GB quickly pushed the crystal, and the win was not happy at all.

Simply PR ate very happily, and laid the foundation for the all-night live broadcast after eating and drinking.

Yu Xingchen was the most irritated one. The one-time liver arrived after four o'clock in the morning, and the rest of the people shouted as early as two o'clock.

Yu Xingchen didn't turn on the camera, and after three o'clock, the audience found that Yu Shen's level plummeted like a southern player in winter.

After losing three games in a row, after Yu Xingchen pushed the crystal for the last time, the game interface stopped moving and there was no sound.

Last year, a certain anchor died suddenly while playing games all night. Fans were very worried, and even asked in the bullet screen whether they should organize a group to visit the PR base.

As a result, a few minutes later, Gu Shen's voice came from the live broadcast room: "star fell asleep, I'll carry her upstairs first."

After leaving this sentence, Gu Xishen helped Yu Xing shut down the live broadcast.

A group of fans were left looking at the notification [The anchor has gone offline~] with a dazed expression, swiping the screen in the dark live broadcast room.

[Fuck!Take her upstairs!hug!Sisters fine! 】

【day!I said that if you get a star and get into PR, you must plot against our daughter! 】

【I wonder if I can't carry it upstairs, isn't it normal to hug? 】

[No, no, it's not normal, they are just ordinary teammates!When my boyfriend fell asleep, I just kicked him up and told him to go back to the room to sleep! 】

[In front, shouldn't the point be why you are with your boyfriend...]


When it was time for lunch the next day, Yu Xing woke up in a daze, and found himself back on the bed from the training room.

The coat was taken off and neatly put aside, as were the shoes and socks.

Yu Xing got up and lay on the bed in a daze for a while, wondering how he ran back to the room.

In a daze, he struggled from the training room back to the room, took off his shoes, socks and jacket, and went to bed?
But looking at the neatly arranged shoes and neatly folded coats, it doesn't seem like something she can do.

Someone must have brought her up there.

First of all, Xia Tian and Ji Mao, who go to bed early and get up early, should be excluded, followed by Qiao Yinan, Gao Li, and Lu Bai.

Because the three of them would never let her go back to bed unconsciously, the possibility of letting her catch cold in the training room was the greatest, and the second was to shake her awake violently and tell her to go back to the room by herself.

Yu Xingchen finally thought of a possibility that was the most likely and also the least she wanted to admit.

Gu Xishen carried her back.

She stayed there for a while, scratched her head irritably, got up resignedly and prepared to go to school.

Since PR won the championship, they have been in the limelight.

Almost all the students of Nantah University knew that she was in the sophomore School of Economics and Management, and even inquired about her class schedule and came to the classroom to chase and block her.

The teacher in class is happy and suffering.

The happy thing is that every classroom with Yu Xingchen is full of seats.

The painful thing is that most of the students' attention is not on their teacher, but on Yu Xingchen.

Ever since Yu Xingchen was recognized by her classmates last time and blocked her for half a class and asked her to ask her for an autograph and a group photo, she has learned to be good.

Every time I go to class, I wear hats and masks and are fully armed, and I sit in an inconspicuous corner.

As soon as Yu Xingshen entered the school, Uncle Wang called her and said that he had found an apartment close to the school that he asked him to find last time.

Yu Xing let out a "ah?", but still didn't remember what it was.

Uncle Wang said, "Didn't the miss say that the school and the team couldn't live in the first few days? Let me help you find a separate apartment nearby."

Only then did Yu Xingshen remember that she wanted to move to school to avoid Gu Xishen, but she couldn't stand the strange roommates, so she asked Uncle Wang to help her find a house.

After training, competitions and classes, and there were many offline activities, Yu Xingchen really realized that living outside is indeed very inconvenient.

In addition, after Gu Xishen confessed his identity and resolved the misunderstanding, Yu Xingchen felt that staying with him was not so unacceptable.

Yu Xing scratched his head: "Uncle Wang, I'm going back to live in the team now, please return the house."

Uncle Wang regretted: "Last time, the girlfriend of the third master knew that I was looking for a house for you, so she told me not to rent it. It is not safe for a girl to rent a house outside, so she asked me to buy it and renovate it. , The house purchase contract was signed some time ago.”

Yu Xingchen: "..."

The little third master is her little uncle. He took the future little aunt to travel abroad last time, and he just came back not long ago.

Future little aunt, do you know that you are such a prodigal little uncle?

If you buy a house, just buy it, and it’s not good to leave it empty.

Taking advantage of the fact that she only has one class today, she will go back to the dormitory to pick up some clothes and daily necessities and put them in. She may be able to live in one day.

During class, Yu Xingchen raised his eyes and saw Fang Jia and Xu Man, who he really didn't want to see.

Ever since Fang Jia and Yu Xingchen had a confrontation and lost face last time, they basically took a detour when they saw Yu Xingchen.

Yu Xingchen was quite satisfied with her self-knowledge.

Fang Jia was sitting in the front row, and she didn't see Yu Xingchen in the back seat, bragging about the bags she bought with her little sister.

A female classmate sitting next to her said: "LV March's new model, Fang Jia, you are really good, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it."

Fang Jia obviously enjoyed the envious eyes of others, "My boyfriend loves me, so he bought it for me."

Fang Jia said, and put the black LV bag on the desk for the eyes from all directions to watch.

Yu Xingchen's eyes met this LV bag directly in front of him.

She squinted her eyes and looked carefully. Why did the bag become more familiar the more she looked at it...

Female classmate: "Last time I saw him driving to pick you up..."

Fang Jia: "I said I was going shopping, but he was worried about me and insisted on coming to pick me up. I told him that luxury cars are too eye-catching, so I just told him to drive a Mercedes-Benz. He I don't listen to..."

Yu Xingchen who accidentally heard the whole process from behind: "..."

Day, her ears.

I have to go to the hospital to get washed...

Yu Xing was tightly wrapped, but she rarely came to class, and many students still recognized her.

It's just that due to the majesty of the old professor, he didn't dare to blatantly ask her for an autograph or a group photo in class.

After class, Yu Xing Shen slid quickly, but was still blocked by the students next to him and couldn't get out.

Yu Xingchen was afraid of blocking people from leaving the classroom, so he quickly signed a few and said, "I don't want to sign anymore, let's go out first."

Coincidentally, Fang Jia came out, rolled his eyes and said, "...a game breaker really thinks he's a star."

Without Yu Xingshen opening his mouth, a male classmate who had just asked her for an autograph immediately retorted, "You're awesome, you can't even compare to someone who breaks the game."

Fang Jia panicked: "You!..."

Male classmate: "Shut up about the stinky mouth you put on whatever color you want, but don't blah, the one Saint Laurent that your girlfriend gave you has been showing off for 800 years, can you change it if you vomit?"

The male student's words really poked the hearts of the male compatriots present, and some people were very disrespectful on the spot, and laughed out loud.

Yu Xingchen wanted to laugh at first, but he glanced at the bag in Fang Jia's hand. After seeing a scratch on the bag, he couldn't laugh all of a sudden, and asked her suspiciously: "Your bag... "

Before Yu Xingchen finished speaking, Fang Jia saw a flash of shock in his eyes, "What are you looking at! Have you never seen LV?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Yes, I have seen it, but I have never seen a bag with exactly the same scratches as hers.

Seeing that Fang Jia was about to slip away, Yu Xingshen grabbed her shoulders and said with a smile, "I'm just asking, where did your boyfriend buy you this bag? I think it looks pretty, and I want to buy one too."

Fang Jia's tone was a little evasive: "D-Of course I bought it in a specialty store."

Yu Xingchen: "Is there a counter in Nanjiang? I remember that the new bags are only sold there."

Fang Jia: "Yes, yes, that's over there."

A female classmate on the side said weakly: "That's not right... This bag is limited in country H, and it is not on sale in China..."

Fang Jia's expression froze completely, but her mind was still spinning fast, "I, my boyfriend sent too many things! I just accidentally remembered it wrong!"

Fang Jia also gave Yu Xingchen a hard look, pushed aside the crowd and left.

Some people in the crowd were whispering: "...Her partner is indeed very kind to her, and the gifts are also expensive."

"But I didn't see her return the gift to her lover... Is this a cash machine or the lover..."


Yu Xingchen also walked out of the classroom, intending to go back to the dormitory to have a look, but unexpectedly Zhou Tong also followed, his eyes dodged a little, he bit his lower lip, thought for a while, and then said: "...Yu Xingchen, I used to Seeing that you have carried this bag before, why do you still ask her where she bought it?"

Yu Xingchen glanced at her, also hiding it, and said directly: "I think that's my bag."

Looking at Zhou Tong's eyes, he obviously knew something, but he didn't dare to tell her, so he shut his mouth and walked downstairs quickly.

Yu Xingchen was sure that Fang Jia took her bag, and Zhou Tong dared not say it because he was afraid of Fang Jia.

Zhou Tong should be thinking that if she and Fang Jia confront each other and say that she told the story, then Zhou Tong's life in the dormitory will be even more difficult.

Fang Jia went back to the dormitory in such a hurry, probably because she wanted to put the bag back for her, pretending to refuse to accept it.

Yu Xingchen was also looking forward to the scene of catching the thief, and when he pushed open the bedroom door, he happened to see Fang Jia close her wardrobe door with a bang.

Fang Jia looked at Yu Xingchen with a relaxed gaze, "Don't you know when you knock on the door?!"

Yu Xingchen: "What door should I knock on when I go back to my own dormitory?"

She walked in, and immediately saw the strangeness on her desk.

Yu Xingchen lived in the dormitory for a period of time. She didn't have many things, but many of them were commonly used by her.

For example, there are some big-name skin care products, and there is a laptop on the table.

However, many of her bottles and cans are not used by herself, but it is strange that most of them are missing.

What's more, her laptop was moved to Fang Jia's position out of thin air, and it was still in standby mode.

It didn't take much thinking to know what was going on. Fang Jia just put the bag back in its original place for her, and didn't have time to pack these things.

(End of this chapter)

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