e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 181 Unexpectedly, the biggest sponsor in this base is sitting among you

Chapter 181 Unexpectedly, the biggest sponsor in this base is sitting among you
Gu Xishen put his feet against the door frame, "I'll take you to a place some other day."

Yu Xingchen drove him away, "We'll talk about it another day."

Gu Xishen: "Good night."

"Good night."

After closing the door, Yu Xingchen, who was still as steady as an old dog just now, blushed. She patted her own face, threw herself on the bed, buried her face in the bed, and screamed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" as if to vent.


On the second day, Yu Xingchen found out that he and Gu Xishenxi had made a trending search.

The content is "The character design of a certain e-sports team member has collapsed, and it is suspected of playing big names."

It was Yu Xingchen who collapsed the character design, and Gu Xishen who played the big game.

Yu Xingshen read the comments under the trending search in a few seconds, then followed the trending search, clicked in, and found that it was a VG video posted by a certain internet celebrity.

It was the Internet celebrity who came yesterday, who cut out the video overnight and posted it to various platforms.

One of the main reasons why Yu Xing and Shen Xi mentioned the hot search was this video. When the Internet celebrity girl came to visit, the recorded video was not like this at all, but she cut it into another meaning.

Originally, Yu Xingchen said to the internet celebrity girl, "You do what you want", but Yu Xingchen waved his hand in a very perfunctory way in front of the girl's camera, but Gu Xishen simply ignored her, and then the girl said to the camera in embarrassment "They seem to be busy, so don't bother."

The reason why Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen were whipped to death online was because of the copywriting of this video.

[I was very happy to fly for four or five hours to see my favorite players, but I feel that e-sports stars are still stars, and long-distance fans are fine. After contacting them in private, I feel that the difference is really big. ...

When I went to the PR training room to meet them, one or two of them ignored me, but when Yu Shen saw me shooting a video, he said hello perfunctorily.

Later I met them in the cafeteria, I just said a few words to Gu Shen, Yu Shen seemed dissatisfied and left first, Gu Shen then got angry and scolded me, I said I am your fan you How could you say that about me, Gu Shen said to me, "Then I ask you to get out of here and don't follow me", and the other team members all had tacit expressions on their faces.

I really can't stop being a fan of this team, woohoo, since he looks down on fans so much, I'm not bad. 】

With a long list of explanations, the grievance between words can be transmitted through the screen.

So this net red girl directly led the trend of a large number of off-fans.

Yu Xingshen was dragged out and flogged the corpse continuously on the Internet, Aite scolded her and Gu Xishen's comments were spread in every corner of Weibo.

She was speechless and said to Ji Mao: "I think I have to discuss with the club. The visit day is the visit day, but don't come to visit the player training area. We are not monkeys. Look, something has happened."

This is the first time that Gu Xishen has been dissed on a large scale on the Internet since he became famous. Ji Mao and Qiao Yinan understood what happened, and it was a rare time to scold Gu Xishen, a cash cow, "You are really too radical. Excessive but you can't say that."

Gao Li: "Hey, Lao Ji, you can't say that. Originally, e-sports players just play games. You can't expect Gu Shen to always maintain his personality like a star. You are too embarrassing for other Internet-addicted teenagers."

Ji Mao: "..."

It really took a lot of effort for him to resist the urge to pierce Gu Xishen's vest.

I'm still an Internet addicted boy, have you ever seen an Internet addicted boy with a net worth of hundreds of billions?

Gu's business empire is all his.

Unexpectedly, the biggest sponsor in this base is sitting among you.

(End of this chapter)

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