e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 189 Xianchen's Captain

Chapter 189 Xianchen's Captain

In the end, Coach MN even spoke harsh words, threatening Xianchen: "If you are unlucky and don't terminate the contract, you will be killed by me in MN!"

What age is this? ?Why is this club still killing people like a gangster? ?

For a while, words such as "blood-sucking contract" and "underworld club" became hot searches, which directly brought the heat of this matter to a climax.

After knowing the truth, many passers-by were also shocked by the MN club's show operation.

All the prize money was handed over, hundreds of thousands plus a salary of 500 yuan per month, in exchange for a player who had worked for the club for ten years, how could this club think so beautifully? !

In ten years, the life of an e-sports player can be said to be completely ruined by the MN club.

It turned out that Xianchen's real purpose of filing the lawsuit was to leave the vampire club.

Wuwuwu, they thought it was Xianchen's incompetence, trying to cut off a layer of MN's oil before leaving.

It turned out that Xianchen had already been cut by MN so much that he lost all his flesh!
The heat of the incident and the public opinion finally made the MN Club panic, and used the fastest efficiency to throw the blame on Xianchen's coach, and put aside the relationship, and quickly stood on the side of public opinion.

The MN club's trick was good, and the firepower of netizens and the anger of fans were all attracted to Xianchen's coach.

Netizens asked MN to sanction this kind of social dregs.

How can I resign?

Must be banned!

This matter was resolved very well. In order to eliminate the anger of netizens, the club not only returned the 60 live broadcast platform signing fee, but also returned most of the game prize money.

Xianchen has never seen so much money in his life. When he went to the bank to check his balance, he saw so many 0s behind him that his mouth became O.

Xianchen also came here specially to tell Yu Xingshen that the matter had been resolved.

Yu Xingchen was also happy for him: "Okay, if you have money, treat Qi Ya to a meal." She remembered something, "How about the contracts of your team members?"

Xianchen's voice was rarely angry, "It's also a blood-sucking clause, not much better than mine."

Yu Xing frowned: "Is the contract terminated?"

Xianchen: "Well, it's all solved."

These teenagers are still young and have no background. It is easy to terminate the contract, but it also offended MN.

With their ability, they can't compete with a club like MV. It is estimated that their career path will be very difficult in the future.

Yu Xingchen thought for a while: "Xianchen, help me ask your team members, do they want to come to the PR youth training camp?"

What Yu Xing thought deeply was that, like Xianchen, he would also recommend those youngsters.

She is just a stepping stone for them, how far they can go on this road in the future depends on themselves.

Xianchen's tone suddenly became lighter, "Okay! Let me ask!"

Sure enough, he was still just a child, and he couldn't hide his inner thoughts when he heard that he could be accompanied by someone he knew well.

Yu Xingchen on the other end of the phone also laughed, waiting for Xianchen to ask them.

A few minutes later, a strange boy's voice came from Xianchen's phone, "Hi Yushen, I'm Xianchen's captain."

Yu Xingchen: "Hello."

After the two greeted each other, Xianchen's captain was silent for a few seconds before saying to Yu Xingchen, "Thank you, Yushen, for your kindness. We've thought about it. After the contract is terminated, we probably won't play any more games."

Yu Xingchen suppressed his smile and asked in surprise, "Why do you have such an idea?"

(End of this chapter)

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