e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 203 "Can you do it?" This sentence is very lethal to men

Chapter 203 The words "Can you do it" are very lethal to men
Knowing that Yu Xingchen said this because he was lazy, and wanted to trick him into feeding her, Gu Xishen felt refreshed after hearing this, and stuffed a steamed bun with disposable chopsticks into her mouth.

Yu Xingchen had steamed buns stuffed in his mouth, and said vaguely: "The next season's version has been adjusted, and it's still the shooter's Fengshen version..."

Gu Xishen said: "It's not bad, the main reason is that we need to be flexible in our tactics."

Yu Xingchen said while eating: "Treat Qiao Yinan better later on, buy him more snacks, this autumn competition depends on him."

Gu Xishen: "Why don't you buy me more snacks, I can also play C position."

Yu Xingchen: "You can't, I can't buy it for you."

Gu Xishen: "?"

Yu Xingchen: "If you eat too many snacks, you won't be able to keep your abdominal muscles."

Gu Xishen: "..."

Why has Yu Xingchen been so obsessed with his abs?

It always gives him the illusion that Yu Xingchen only loves his body instead of loving his soul...

Gu Xishen fed slowly, and Yu Xingchen was hungry again, so he simply threw the phone to Gu Xishen, asked him to help him play, and got out of bed to eat by himself.

Yu Xingchen also told him: "Don't lose Ang."

Gu Xishen knows how to play most of the heroes. It cannot be said that he is proficient in all of them, but he must know how to play them all. Yu Xingchen also knows it.

I don't know what hero it is or what record it is, so I have to ask her to remind it.

Gu Xi took a deep look, it was 0-12 Baili kept the contract, their team was already more than 20 heads behind the opponent, and one third was contributed by Yu Xingchen.

Gu Xishen: "..."

Yu Xingshen saw that Gu Xishen was silent and kept his head buried in the beating. He thought it was Gu Xishen who was shocked by his record, and said a little embarrassedly: "The middle assistants have been robbed, and they won't let me, the middle laner said Let me play with the flying one, I just played with this casually, anyway, if someone takes the flying, handsome will be over."

The truth is this truth.

But Yu Shen, who is the first assistant in the national server, is actually a sunset red shooter who can't shoot accurately. Isn't it shameful to say it?

The opposite side has already pushed our high ground, and the economic gap is almost [-].

The mid laner played Shangguan Wan'er, and Fei couldn't even fly to the opposite Dunshan. He agreed to lead Fei to a 5-10 record, which was indeed no better than Yu Xingshen.

Gu Xi sighed deeply, and with the hope of the whole village, as well as Yu Xingshen's 0-12 Baili keeping the contract with only [-] economy, he went on like this.

To be honest, Gu Xishen really has never played such a difficult game, even if his teammates hang up, it is better than giving them away one by one like the gourd babies are saving grandpa now.

Yu Xingchen finished eating what Gu Xishen bought, burped happily, cleaned up the trash, wiped his mouth, and snuggled into Gu Xishen's arms to watch him play games.

Gu Xishen simply changed his position, leaned against the head of the bed, let Yu Xing sit in his arms, and leaned against his chest to watch him play games.

Yu Xingshen's 0-12 Baili kept the contract, but Gu Xishen miraculously evened the ratio of head and death.

Originally, Yu Xingchen didn't have any hope for this game, but after seeing Gu Xishen's triple kill, he patted his thigh excitedly, "Rush, push, push the tower."

Gu Xishen: "The opposite side is fighting a dragon, I'll go grab it."

Yu Xingchen didn't quite believe it, "Can you do it?"

Gu Xishen: "Don't you know that this sentence is very harmful to men?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."
There will be more later, probably after midnight...

If you read it tomorrow morning, I will definitely complete the [-] words! !
(End of this chapter)

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