e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 205 In fact, I always feel that there is something wrong with Kata Nosuke recently

Chapter 205 In fact, I always feel that there is something wrong with Kata Nosuke recently

Yu Xingchen went to Gu Xishen's pocket and took out his cell phone.

Gu Xishen knew what she wanted to do, turned his head slightly, and unlocked the phone with his face. Yu Xingshen immediately went straight to Weibo to search for the phrase "Twist her neck like five Olympic rings and hang it on a ceiling fan to play" .

As a result, countless posts with the keyword of this sentence came out.

[CVG came out and was beaten, I twisted your necks into five Olympic rings, hung them on the ceiling fan and beat them around]

[Did CVG's neck be twisted into five Olympic rings and hung on a ceiling fan today? 】

[#打她内块成奥运五环hanging on the ceiling fan and turning around#, this sentence is from Yushen, the last time CVG Spring Games played dirty tricks, it was recorded by the fans at the scene 2333, the video link is at Below, you can go and have a look. 】

Yu Xingchen: "..."

She probably knew that it was the last time she accidentally said something in the backstage of the players or on the field, and then was photographed.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !
Gu Xishen: "Don't look at it, the more you look at it, the more embarrassing it becomes, let's see how your man can turn against the wind."

Sure enough, with Gu Xishen, although this one was a little more difficult, at least Long also grabbed it. With Xiaolong who dominated the vanguard, Baili kept his contract and went stealth against the wall to steal the crystal, and finally ended the game at 38 minutes.

After the scores came out, Shangguan Wan'er, who said she wanted to lead the flight, shamelessly applied to be a friend.

[Do you have teammates?Get a car? 】

Gu Xishen nodded to agree with her friend, and then directly replied to her in the game: "I'll twist your neck into five Olympic rings and hang a ceiling fan to beat it. It's not very good, but it's hard work to rub the car."

Gu Xishen directly sprayed back what Shangguan Wan'er had said about him just now, and then deleted friends and blackmailed him for one-stop service, which was very relieved and refreshing.

Looking at Gu Xishen's series of operations, Yu Xingchen almost laughed like an idiot in his arms, "Hahahahaha, it's comfortable, I haven't seen you spouting people for a long time, I really miss you."

Gu Xi raised his eyebrows deeply: "Don't miss it, I can let you experience it right now."

Yu Xingchen: "..."


It was already twelve noon, and there were still only those three dogs in the training room.

The two of us, Fang Yesuke, have disappeared.

Qiao Yinan was still thinking about finding his own assistant for the duo, but he couldn't find anyone, "Where is Yu Shen? Sleeping to death?"

Gao Li: "Maybe, since Captain Gu isn't here, it's impossible for him to sleep to death too, right?"

Qiao Yinan: "Actually, I always feel that something is wrong with Fang Yesuke recently."

"It's not just you." Lu Bai pulled the chair and sat down, and said, "When Dui Gu was about to sign the contract, Yu Shen's enthusiasm for him was simply jealousy when the enemy met, but later on, although it was harmonious Quite a few, on the surface teammate friendship has grown, but Yu Shen is also indifferent to Gu team, now it makes me feel like that...so what?"

Gao Li added on the side: "Dating, isn't it?"

Lu Bai: "Yes, yes, yes, although it's not possible, but thinking about it, it's fucking exciting!"

Gao Li: "Could it be influenced by those CP fans on the Internet?"

Qiao Yinan said: "Why, isn't that a normal social friendship between teammates?"

Taking advantage of the team bully and team pet's absence, several people wantonly spoke ill of the two.

Gao Li said: "Yu Shen may be a normal social friendship with Gu Dui, but Gu Dui is not sure about Yu Shen, isn't that chasing after him?"

(End of this chapter)

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