e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 213 Mu Yanyan Qi Ya bombarded Gu Xishen for a whole month by calling him a scumbag with no c

Chapter 213 Mu Yanyan Qi Ya bombarded Gu Xishen on the phone for a whole month, calling him a scumbag with no conscience

Mu Yanyan's eyes dimmed: "Or do you want to reconnect with the scumbag? Who set the death flag?"

Yu Xingchen was about to collapse, even though he had explained to them many times, they were still not very friendly to Gu Xishen.

Even the death flags she set up that "she will never have anything to do with Gu Xishen again, if she is involved, she is a dog", Mu Yanyan Qi Ya remembers it better than she herself.

"I said it was a misunderstanding, and he also asked his family to break up the marriage contract."

Mu Yanyan: "Oh, I'm sorry, the scumbag man has been used to barking for more than half a year, and he can't change it all at once."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

It seems that prejudice is indeed not easy to change...

She also knew that Mu Yanyan and Qi Ya were so against Gu Xishen because she was afraid that she and Gu Xishen would get entangled again and hurt her heart again.

As an excellent boyfriend, one must not only handle the girlfriend, but also the girlfriend's relatives and friends.

So this boiled frog in warm water...she'd better cook it again.

At the entrance of the hospital, the car had already parked.

Gu Xishen sat in, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, gave the driver an address, and then sent a message to Yu Xingshen, "I'll go to the base and bring you some clothes, and you'll wear them when you leave the hospital."

Yu Xingchen returned quickly: Okay, okay, let's go.

Yu Xingchen said to him again after a while: Come back later, don't let them bump into you, my sisters don't seem to like you very much, qwq I really did my best.

Gu Xishen: ...

Yu Xingchen: Woohoo, I will definitely clear your name!Let my sister accept you openly!
Gu Xishen: ...Just do your best, but I don't really care.

Yu Xingchen:? ? ?

Gu Xishen immediately changed his words: After a long time, your friends will naturally know whether you are doing well by my side.

Yu Xingchen: That won't work, Yaya and Yanyan are the main force of my bridesmaid team!If they still have prejudices when I get married, then my women's army will fly away!
Gu Xishen: ...I will try my best, your Detachment of Women can't fly.

Gu Xishen knew that Yu Xingchen grew up with Mu Yanyan and Qi Ya, and they probably still have ugly photos of each other wearing crotch pants.

Yu Xingchen broke up with him before, and after the two of them found out that he had cuckolded Yu Xingchen, the fighting power of the two girls was so strong that even he was afraid, and they bombarded him with phone calls for a whole month, calling him a scumbag with no conscience...

From then on, he knew how strong the relationship between the three was.

Gu Xishen even suspected that if he and his best friend fell into the water, who would be the first to save? The self-knowledge of the two being rescued".

Ten minutes later, the car drove to a suburb, where a forest isolated the high-rise buildings in the city.

After the car passed through the woods, it stopped in front of a disused warehouse. The bodyguard who had been waiting here came to help Gu Xishen open the door, "Young Master Gu, everyone has already gone to the warehouse behind."

The expression on Gu Xishen's face was condensed, not at all like when he was with Yu Xingshen.

It's like a different person, even Yu Xing fell asleep and slapped him, and the man who was unwilling to wake her up lost all his thoughtfulness and tenderness, revealing his hard claws, ruthless and indifferent It looks like a reef exposed after the sea tide ebbs.

Even the cold aura on his body makes people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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