e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 216 Kidnapping

Chapter 216 Kidnapping
He was imprisoned in the warehouse for a day with his teammates, his body was sloppy, and now his face was covered with tears and snot, his hair was disheveled, and he was dirtier than a beggar.

Gu Xi glanced at it with deep disgust, and said to the bodyguard who had been following behind him, "Don't kill me, I'll send it back after it's healed."

When Gu Xishen said this, he meant to let the bodyguard deal with it casually. He was almost frightened by Gu Xishen's words, and quickly said: "Don't hit me! Don't hit me! I let me and I Say something!"

Gu Xishen didn't bother to care about what he had to say, so he left him to the bodyguards to teach him how to deal with the aftermath, and went straight out the door.

This person understood that as long as Gu Xishen left, they would have to lose their skin if they didn't die here, so he hurriedly said: "This is not what I thought! And MN's coach! He wants to be a star the most. Poisoning inside! The idea is from him! I just followed suit!"

Gu Xishen paused, then turned around, "What else does he want to do?"

This person also tried to negotiate conditions with Gu Xishen, "You send me away first! Let me go!"

Gu Xishen narrowed his eyes and motioned for the bodyguard to come forward.

The bodyguard understood, walked over with his fists clenched, and punched him in the stomach without saying a word.

The stomach is not protected by bones, and the internal organs are all contained in it. It is basically an internal injury when it is punched out, and nothing can be seen except a little bruise.

He screamed, "Don't!...don't hit!...I said, I said..."

Gu Xishen: "Stop." He stepped forward, looked at his bruised and swollen face, and said coldly, "Say."

This person was trembling, in the face of absolute strength and violence, he didn't dare to hide anything anymore, "He, he said that he would kill Star and the other person, he couldn't live anymore... and he didn't want them to live... "

Gu Xishen suddenly thought of something, "Shut up the people, keep a few and watch them, don't run away, and the rest follow me."

Gu Xishen knew that it was Qi Ya and Yu Xingshen who were behind the scenes to help Xianchen.

In the end, coach MN was allowed to bear all the public opinion alone, not to mention being dismissed. Because of the public opinion, no club is willing to cooperate with such a person.

Coach MN was drunk at home all day, doing nothing all day long. On the computer screen was a message about the rise of the Qi Group's stock market, and the news that Star was poisoned and hospitalized and survived.

He hugged the computer screen, and the light reflected a face with a scruffy beard and crazy eyes.

"You won't make it easy for me...I won't make it easy for you either..."


When Gu Xishen immediately realized that Yu Xingchen was in danger, Mu Yanyan was knocked unconscious in the ward, and Qi Ya and Yu Xingchen had already been kidnapped and taken away by the MN coach.

Coach MN drove a van, and the back seats were all removed. Qi Ya and Yu Xingchen were bound hands and feet and thrown behind the car, and scotch tape was pasted on their mouths to prevent them from making a sound.

Simply, the two of them were conscious and knew that they did not do anything to anger him after they were kidnapped.

Coach MN's knife was still in his hand even while he was driving.

This man is completely insane.

Brandishing a knife, he rushed into the ward, knocked Mu Yanyan unconscious with a desk lamp, threatened the medical staff and bodyguards not to approach, and directly hijacked the two of them into the car.

Yu Xingchen's eyes were also blindfolded, so he didn't know the current situation at all, he could only know that he was in a van before he was blindfolded.

She was a little bolder, and sat in a different position, and found that no one around her scolded her.

Yu Xingshen felt relieved, moved cautiously, leaned against the car wall, found a raised spot on the car window, and slightly wiped off the cloth strips from her eyes, so that she could see the surrounding environment clearly.

The back windows of the van were all pasted with black anti-peeping film, and even they couldn't see the outside from the inside.

A large black curtain was pulled behind the cab, which also blocked the front view.

Heibu prevented them from knowing where he was going to drive the car, and was afraid that the surveillance cameras along the road would capture two tied women behind him.

But this also completely cut off Coach MN's line of sight, so that he could not see the movements of the two of them.

Yu Xingchen moved her position a little, and stuck to the rear window, and found that there was a raised place in the film, allowing her to see out of the glass through such a small gap.

Before the car left the city, Yu Xingshen could see a black car following closely behind, with the bodyguard left by Gu Xishen in the driver's seat.

They didn't dare to intercept rashly, they must be afraid that the safety of the two of them would be threatened.

Yu Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief, since the bodyguards had caught up, Gu Xishen must also know about this, and must be trying to save them.

She must try her best to ensure that she has sufficient physical strength and her own safety, and cooperate with Gu Xishen's rescue when the time comes.

In the next second, she could feel Qi Ya suddenly sticking to her back, and she groped over with both hands.

Qi Ya is older than Yu Xingshen, has experienced more ups and downs than her, and will definitely be calmer and more stable than her.

Yu Xingchen knew what Qi Ya was going to do, so he turned sideways to cooperate with her, and the two of them first untied the rope on their hands.

The car is still in the urban area, the MN coach will definitely not stop rashly, they are safe so far behind.

Qi Ya slightly tore off the tape on her mouth, and said to her in a very low voice: "Don't be afraid, the Qi family will definitely receive the news if he makes such a big commotion."

Yu Xing nodded deeply, and said to Qi Ya, "Gu Xishen's bodyguards are following behind."

Qi Ya didn't have time to ask why Gu Xishen would send his bodyguards to follow Yu Xingchen at this moment, but he paid attention to the noises in the front seat vigilantly, making sure that Coach MN was driving seriously, and then came over to give Yu Xingchen a Hug, "Don't be afraid, sweetheart, nothing will happen to us."

This hug was very short, Qi Ya's precious perfume filled the tip of her nose, and the soft and fragrant nephrite walked away from her in just a moment.

Afraid of being discovered, Qi Ya quickly helped Yu Xingchen and herself stick the tape on the mouth, arranged the cloth on the eyes, held the end of the rope in the palm of his hand, and rewound the rope around his wrist.

Yu Xingchen didn't cry when he was held by the neck by the knife and carried into the car, and he was able to maintain his calm appearance even under extreme panic.

But it was because of Qi Ya's "Good boy" and "Nothing will happen to us", that directly made her eyes blush.

Qi Ya is used to taking care of her and Mu Yanyan, no matter how badly she usually hurts them, she still favors them in many things.

Even when the two of them were in the same dangerous situation, Qi Ya first thought of comforting her.

It was like when Yu Xingchen was bullied by other children and cried loudly when she was a child, her parents just comforted her not to care about others.

Only Qi Ya and Mu Yanyan, two little radishheads around ten years old at the time, took the thickest fairy sticks to beat up the child who bullied Yu Xingchen.

They are usually the ones who fight her for snacks the most viciously. When encountering this kind of thing, they still come to her house with a big bag of snacks, comforting her with a childish voice, "Xingshen baby, don't cry... I Beat the person who bullied you to tears..."

Many times Qi Ya has forgotten that Yu Xingshen is 20 years old, and he is no longer the child who rolled on the ground and cried after being robbed of his toys.

At this time, it is the rush hour for getting off work, and the long traffic flow is like a solitaire.

Coach MN also noticed the vehicles behind him. At this time, the intersection ahead just happened to flash from green to red.

There was no car in front of Coach MN, so he went straight through the red light, crossed the intersection, and drove away.

There were still a few overtaking vehicles in front of the bodyguards, but at this moment they obeyed the traffic rules and stopped behind the zebra crossing one by one, waiting for the green light to arrive.

In this way, his car was directly blocked, and he could only watch MN coach drive away.

The bodyguard hammered the steering wheel angrily, and called Gu Xishen, "Young Master Gu, at the intersection of Chunshen Road, I lost my follower."

Gu Xishen didn't know what he said on the phone, the bodyguard looked ashamed, "I'm sorry, it was my fault, I'll go and get the punishment."

Coach MN knew that sooner or later the car would be tracked and unsafe and had another car ready somewhere else.

He drove the van to an abandoned industrial park, where a pickup truck he had hidden was parked.

He stuffed the two of them into the container of the car, this time removing the tape from their mouths and the cloth from their eyes.

Coach MN was slovenly, not human-like, and looked at Yu Xingchen closely with a pair of cloudy eyes, "Yu Shen, how are you? We meet again."

Yu Xingshen said calmly: "I won't run away, just let us go, you can have as much money as you want, I can afford it."

Coach MN spat, "Do you think I dare to kidnap people in public, have you thought about sending them back?"

He suddenly raised Yu Xing's heavy jaw with his hand, and put his face ten centimeters away from her, "Anyway, my life is ruined, so don't think about it!"

Yu Xingshen turned his head to avoid Coach MN's hand, and lowered his eyes to prevent him from seeing the disgust in his eyes, "Aren't you afraid that the police will catch up?"

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. When they come after you, you two will probably be in the underworld."

Knowing that he had dumped the bodyguard, Yu Xingchen tried to stall for time and vacillated with Coach MN, "If you really touch us, your life will really be ruined."

Coach MN's eyes were a little crazy, and his expression was full of ruthlessness, "I've already been ruined! Just when you are meddling in your own business! The club threw the blame on me and watched me get banned by the industry!"

Yu Xingchen: "If you hadn't swallowed Xianchen's bonus and signing fee with a big mouth, you wouldn't have fallen to this end. You posted the Weibo that framed Xianchen in the end, right?"

Coach MN: "So what if I posted it? When the contract was signed, the club was acquiescing. No one objected to this matter. But something happened, and they won the prize."

He suddenly took a few steps back, pointed at Yu Xingchen and Qi Ya, and said harshly, "It's all you! Everything can be treated as if nothing happened!"

Even Qi Ya didn't hold back and said: "Then you never thought that if Xianchen doesn't terminate the contract, then his whole career will be ruined by MN! He just got back what belongs to him!"

He giggled, "Whatever you say, you are in my hands anyway, don't you like meddling? I'm going to show you what the end of meddling is! "

He slammed the door shut, got in the car and continued driving away.

At this time, they were in a place where even the two natives, Yu Xingchen and Qi Ya, didn't know where they were.

The car drove through a dense forest, and gradually the sound of crashing waves could be heard.

Coach MN completely disregarded his own life and death, and insisted on going his own way, as if he only wanted revenge on them.

Qi Ya cursed in a low voice: "A soft-legged shrimp who is bullying and afraid of being tough, if you have the ability to find trouble with MN..."

At this time, Qi Ya still has the heart to say this.

Yu Xing sat in the back row, twisting his body to poke Qi Ya's elbow, "What do you think if the two of us get cold here?"

Qi Ya: "Fortunately, our three sisters still have Yanyan left. When Chanel has a new bag, remember to ask Yanyan to buy two and burn our graves."

"..." Yu Xingchen said with a wry smile, "You are more optimistic than me."

Qi Ya thought to herself, that's not nonsense, what if she was crying and Yu Xingchen was left alone.

Yu Xingchen also chose a comfortable position and sat down, "Okay, I also want Yanyan to cook me some snacks. We can't be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, and it's not bad to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day."

Qi Ya heard the increasingly strong sound of the waves outside, and had a very bad feeling, "Did you die in the sea?"

Yu Xingchen leaned against the wagon of the container and listened to the sound, "It seems to be really..."

As soon as she moved, she suddenly bumped into something similar to a railing.

Although the eyes of the two of them are not restricted, the container is a completely sealed space, and no light can penetrate.

Yu Xingchen touched the outline of this thing, and after touching it for a few seconds, he probably had a general idea.

She swallowed, "It's like an iron cage..."

Qi Ya: "What the hell does this bastard want to do?!"

Yu Xingchen trembled: "I have a bold idea..."

Qi Ya didn't make a sound, it seemed that the two of them thought of going somewhere.

After all, they were just two ordinary girls who had never been exposed to such things, so it was good that they didn't panic and cry.

Qi Ya gritted her teeth: "Damn those useless things from the Qi family! I haven't rescued my mother for so long, and they will all be fired later!"

She loosened the rope on her wrist, "Xing Shen, we can only save ourselves, go and pull the door of the container, can you see where we are?"

Yu Xingchen: "Okay."

Yu Xingchen walked cautiously to the door, touched the iron sheet with both hands, and pulled it out of the crack of the door. With a slight push, he put his head over and looked outside. It seemed to be a very empty road with a beach on one side and a beach on the other. is the coast.

After arriving at the beach, the whole sky was already dark, as if it was going to rain, Yu Xingchen racked his brains but couldn't figure out what the place was.

She turned her head and said to Qi Ya: "The seaside is a coastal road."

(End of this chapter)

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